MRI complications lead to serious skin problems for some

Austin Kirk

By Austin Kirk
Posted July 27, 2007


Since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was first introduced in the 1980s, it has become a widely used diagnostic tool.  In many cases a contrast agent is administered before the test to allow the physicians to differentiate blood vessels from nearby tissue.  However, for those with kidney problems, contrast enhanced MRI complications could result in a serious problem, known as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF).

>>INFORMATION: MRI Complications

The MRI contrast agents contain gadolinium, a paramagnetic metal.  The metal is attracted to the magnetic field of the MRI, making the blood vessels stand out.  This assists doctors in diagnosing problems while interpreting the MRI scans.

In June 2007, the FDA placed a “black box” warning on the contrast agents containing gadolinium, after they were linked to the development of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) in those with kidney failure, kidney disease or other kidney problems.  Now that the association between NSF and MRIs is known, recommendations have been issued to help minimize the risk of problems.

>PRIOR POST (7/9/07): MRI Safety Guidelines

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) was first recognized in 1997 and first reported in medical literature in 2001, when it was known as Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD).  It is a progressive disorder which often starts with a stiffening or hardening of the skin which can severely limit mobility of the joints.  The painful and disabling disease does not have a cure or any known consistently successful treatment.


The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are currently representing individuals who are pursuing an MRI lawsuit to obtain compensation for problems caused by the contrast agent.  The manufacturers of the gadolinium contrasts failed to properly study the impact of their product on those with impaired kidney function, and they placed profits before the safety of the consumer.

If you, a friend or family member experienced MRI complications resulting in skin problems, stiff joints or other symptoms of Nephrogrenic Systemic Fibrosis, request a free consultation to determine if you may have a claim.


1 Comment • Add Your Comments

  • Elena Mezinces says:

    I had two MRIs in the last 3 month: I was diagnozed with a kidney tumor.
    After the second MRI procedure I developed a very bad rush, which lasted for more then a week, and some nagging pain in my low back. My doctor says he has no idea.
    Can you help me?.

    Posted on August 16, 2007 at 4:33 am

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