Premises Liability Lawsuits Reviewed Nationwide
Premises liability lawsuits involve an injury which is sustained on another person’s property as a result of a dangerous or defective condition which is allowed to exist. Other names for premises liability claims include slip and fall, trip and fall, slip on ice cases and personal injury lawsuits.
Contact Our Lawyers to Review a SLIP & FALL INJURY CASE
To review a potential injury claim for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation.
Property owners, including home owners, businesses and landlords, have a duty to people who come onto their property to protect them from dangerous conditions or defects which may cause a slip and fall injury. They owe a duty to use reasonable care to see that those portions of the property which the visitor is likely to use are safe.
Examples of some defects which may exist and result in a personal injury claims for premises liability include:
- Snow or ice which is not properly removed or treated
- Liquid from a leak or spill
- A rug, cord or other object which creates a hazard in a walkway or path
- Water from cleaning the floors for which there are inadequate warnings
- Defective pavement or steps which cause a fall
While there is no duty to warn of open and obvious defects which exist, if the visitor’s conduct was not unreasonable under the circumstances, the property owner may be liable for a defect on the property which causes an injury.
An experienced and qualified Baltimore personal injury lawyer can investigate the circumstances surrounding your fall and determine if you may be entitled to compensation.
If you, a friend or family member have suffered a serious injury as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall on another person’s property you may have a claim. When you fall on another person’s property it is not automatic that they will be responsible for your injuries. You must establish that the property owner is negligent and therefore liable for the damages you suffered as a result of your fall down injury.
In Maryland, Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania or Virginia, the Maryland accident lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. can review the circumstances surrounding your injury and determine if you may be entitled to compensation.
Request a free consultation and claim evaluation to determine if you may have a claim. There are no fees or expenses until we win your case. Every case has a time limit, so it is important that you make sure your legal rights are protected.