JUUL Lawsuits
In recent years, JUUL vape pens and other e-cigarette devices have become increasingly popular, especially among teens and young adults without a prior history of smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, these products contain high levels of nicotine and other harmful chemicals.
- Nicotine Addiction
- Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction
- Stroke
- Seizure
- Advanced Asthma
- Pneuomonia
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Wrongful Death
The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential e-cigarette lawsuits over problems associated with JUUL vaping pods and other similar e-cigarettes, particularly involving claims on behalf of teens who may have become addicted and vapers who did not have a prior history of smoking.
Financial compensation and settlements may be available through a JUUL lawsuit due to the manufacturer’s reckless marketing of these vaping devices and failure to warn about known dangers associated with the use of e-cigarettes.
Potential litigation is being reviewed for individuals and families nationwide as a result of the decision to place profits before the safety of teens and other consumers.
JUUL Addiction Lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. Can Help!
JUUL is the most popular form of vape pen among teens and young adults, and the design poses a particular increase in the risk that prior non-smokers will develop a nicotine addiction from JUULing.

Vape pens like JUULs have been marketed towards children, featuring candy-like flavors and designs that are intended to hide vaping from parents, teachers and other adults. As a result, JUULing has become the most common form of nicotine delivery among teens and young adults throughout the United States.
Due to false and misleading information, most students and teens believe JUULing is not addictive or a health risk. However, health experts agree that is not the case, and Juul vaping addictions may be reaching epidemic levels in recent years.
In a study published in The BMJ in September 2018, researchers warned that JUUL pods expose adolescents to high levels of nicotine. This increases the risk of JUUL addiction and dependency, as well as long-term health problems.
Most electronic cigarettes convert liquid nicotine into an aerosol for inhalation. While many people assume that is how JUUL pods work, it is not. JUUL pods are filled with liquids that contain high concentrations of a modified salt form of nicotine. This is more readily absorbed during inhalation, and urine analysis suggests that the nicotine concentrations are much higher than those found from using traditional vaping devices.
In addition, children who vape with JUUL pods were also found to have higher concentrations of a chemical called cotinine, which helps the body absorb nicotine more efficiently.
Teens Addicted to JUUL is a National Health Problem
In December 2018, the non-profit Truth Initiative published a report (PDF) highlighting the widespread use of JUUL among teens and young adults.
Among findings of the report:
- 56% of teens and young adults who ever used JUUL or an e-cigarette were under 18 years old when they first tried vaping
- 16x greater odds that a teen between 15 and 17 years old uses JUUL than 25 to 34 year olds
- 400% increase between July 2017 and October 2018 in the number of young adults between 18 and 21 years old who have used JUUL
- 25% of young JUUL users surveyed believe it is less harmful
- 63% of 15 to 24 year olds surveyed were unaware JUUL always contains nicotine
JUUL Side Effects on Lungs
Although manufacturers have promoted vaping as a safer alternative to smoking, they withheld important warnings about the dangers of JUUL. A growing body of research now highlights the risk vaping may have on the lungs and respiratory system.
Pneumonia is a serious infection that often results in the need for hospitalization, and may be life-threatening. Research has found that vaping may increase the risk of pneumoccal bacteria sticking to the cells that line the nasal passage and airways, increasing the risk of pneumonia after vaping or Juuling.
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis may occur when someone has a reaction to inhaled organic dusts, such as those that could be inhaled in JUUL vapors. Also known as bagpipe lung, this Juuling health risk can occur at levels defined as acute, subacute and chronic. Symptoms often include a flu-like illness, chills, muscle and joint pain, coughing, headaches, weight loss, fatigue, lung fibrosis and club fingers and toes. The condition is diagnosed through blood tests, chest x-rays and lung function tests. Permanent damage may occur with chronic exposure to the allergen.
Eosinophilic Pneumonia is a serious lung problem that usually results in the need for hospitalization in an ICU (intensive care unit), commonly requiring respiratory support with intubation or mechanical ventilation. The potential Juul disorder occurs when white blood cells build up in the lungs, disrupting their normal operation. It known to be a risk associated with certain drug reactions, infections, environmental triggers and cancer. It can also occur when the immune system attacks the lungs. Symptoms typically include coughing, respiratory problems, fevers, and night sweats. Diagnosis is achieved through blood count, chest x-rays and CT scans as well as a biopsy.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an obstructive lung disease that causes respiratory problems. It is a progressive disease that worsens over time. Smoking is the most common cause of COPD, but Juuling and e-cigarette use are increasingly believed to be a new risk factor. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, coughing, and worsening difficulty breathing through everyday activities. In some cases, sufferers experience chest tightness, wheezing, leg swelling and bulging neck veins.
Spirometry is often used to diagnose COPD, as well as chest x-rays and complete blood count. There is no cure, but symptoms are treatable and progression can be delayed or stopped through smoking prevention, exercise, and the use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids.
Other Health Risk of JUULing or Vaping
In addition to respiratory injuries from JUUL, vaping has been linked to reports of other injuries that may have been avoided if the device were never used.
Seizures have been reported among users of JUUL and other e-cigarette products. In August 2019, the FDA issues a safety statement about the potential link between vaping and seizures, indicating that the agency identified at least 127 reports of seizures over the last decade. As a result, the agency is investigating the potential side effect of vaping to determine what regulatory action may be required.
Heart attacks have been reported among otherwise health teens and young adults following use of Juul vaping pods and other e-cigarette devices. Side effects of vaping may severely impair an individual’s heart function and accelerate the aging of arteries and the aorta. According to findings of research published in August 2018, daily e-cigarette use was associated with double the risk of heart attack when compared to individuals who never vaped.
Allegations Raised in JUUL Lawsuits
Manufacturers of JUUL and other e-cigarette products placed their desire for profits before the safety and health of an entire generation, following the same “playbook” used by the tobacco industry to create life-long users of their harmful products. The JUUL injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing claims for individuals throughout the United States, pursuing claims for:
- Failure to adequately disclose the level of nicotine and addiction risk;
- Failure to research the health risks of vaping and warn about side effects;
- Intentionally marketing e-cigarettes to teens, young adults and prior non-smokers;
- Misrepresenting the safety of JUUL and vaping pens;
- Negligently disregarding the health and safety of minors;
JUUL Settlements and Class Action Claims
Free consultations and claim evaluations are provided for individuals and families throughout the United States, to determine whether financial compensation and damages may be available through a vaping personal injury or JUUL class action lawsuit.
All cases are handled evaluated under a contingency fee agreement, which means there are no out-of-pocket costs to hire an attorney, and our law firm only receives a fee or reimbursed expenses if a Juul injury settlement or other recovery is obtained in your case.
CONTACT OUR JUUL CLASS ACTION LAWYERS No Fees or Expenses Unless a Recovery is Obtained.
Timeline of Teen Vaping Epidemic
First E-cigarette introduced in China and invented by Hon Lik, a pharmacist whose father died of lung cancer.
Electronic cigarettes come to U.S. market under brand names like Blu, Mark Ten, Vuse, Ruyan and E-Swisher brand names.
September 2008
World Health organization (WHO) indicates that e-cigarettes are not considered a legitimate smoking cessation aid.
July 2009
FDA issues a warning about e-cigarette health risks, highlighting concerns that the devices are often be marketed to teens.
June 2010
American Medical Association calls on FDA to regulate electronic cigarettes as drug delivery devices.
August 2013
E-cigarette sales in the U.S. hit $1.7 billion.
March 2014
Study in JAMA Pediatrics warns that vaping is linked to a higher risk of teens later smoking tobacco cigarettes.
November 2014
CDC issues report warning that increased use of e-cigarettes among teens is a cause for concern.
December 2014
Japanese researchers warn that e-cigs can release as much as 10 times the amount of some cancer-causing agents found in traditional cigarettes.
June 2015
First JUUL product introduced by PAX Labs, featuring candy-like flavors and a design intended to appeal to teens.
July 2015
Study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology warns that vaping may be just as addictive as smoking traditional cigarettes.
April 2016
After report begin to mount about the risk of e-cigarette devices exploding, causing severe injuries and property damage, the website Ecigone.com publishes a report citing evidence of nearly 160 e-cigarette explosions since 2014. Most occurred during charging. Problem appears linked to lithium ion batteries.
September 2016
The BMJ publishes an editorial proclaiming the e-cigarette injuries are an emerging medical concern.
November 2016
Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine announce that teens who vape have twice the risk of respiratory problems than their peers.
February 2017
Study in JAMA Cardiology finds e-cigarette use linked to an increased risk of heart problems.
May 2017
The American Urological Association warns that vaping is linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer.
December 2017
JUUL Laboratories breaks off from PAX Labs. By then, JUUL devices account for an estimated 33% of the e-cigarette market.
January 2018
National Academies of Sciences reports that vaping poses a larger threat to teens than it does to adults.
April 2018
U.K. researchers publish study warning that e-cigarette vapors may increase the risk of pneumonia.
September 2018
JAMA study finds that JUUL accounts for 29% of e-cigarette sales, reaching 16.2 million units in 2017, up 641% from 2016. That same month, the FDA warns that e-cigarette use among minors has reached “epidemic” levels and launches a nationwide awareness campaign.
April 2019
FDA launches an investigation into vaping seizure problems involving teens and young adults. In a follow up statement, the agency indicates reported that at least 127 reports of seizure or other neurological symptoms occurred between 2010 and 2019.
August 2019
Following more than 200 reports of severe lung damage from JUULing and other e-cigarette products in multiple different states, the FDA and CDC launch an investigation in the pulmonary disease risk.