Chantix suicide side effects

Harvey Kirk

By Harvey Kirk
Posted December 29, 2007


Reports of suicide and erratic behavior have been associated with the use of Chantix, a medication which is designed to help people stop smoking. Last month the FDA issued a statement that they are reviewing the possible Chantix suicide side effects and that there have been over 100 reports received of suicidal thoughts and severe behavior changes within a few weeks of taking the drug. The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are evaluating the potential for Chantix lawsuits on behalf of individuals who have committed suicide or suffered severe physical injury as a result of the medication’s behavioral side effects.

>>INFORMATION: Chantix Suicide Side Effects

Chantix (varenicline tartrate) was approved by the FDA in May 2006 as part of a priority review which drastically shortened the time required for the drug maker to begin selling the medication. Chantix helps people quit smoking by easing the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and by blocking some of the effects of nicotine from cigarettes, which helps promote long term smoking cessation.

In November 2007, the FDA issued an early communication about reports of Chantix suicide thoughts and erratic behavior side effects. They requested data from the drug’s maker, Phizer, Inc., about reported problems involving suicide, aggressive or erratic behavior which could be associated with the medication. Their Chantix investigation is ongoing.

Following the FDA’s inquiry, Pfizer updated the drug’s label on November 20 to indicate that Chantix side effects include “reports of depressed mood, agitation, changes in behavior, suicidal ideation (thoughts) and suicide in patients attempting to quit smoking while taking Chantix.” However, the warnings remain vague, and many believe that Pfizer is still not doing enough to warn users about the potentially life-threatening behavior and mood changes which could be caused by the drug.

In addition to concerns about Chantix suicide side effects, the FDA has also indicated that they are reviewing reports that the medication could cause problems while driving a car or operating heavy machinery. While there were only a small number of reported Chantix driving problems, the FDA pointed out that they all describe a very similar situations with symptoms of drowsiness leading to difficulty while operating a car.


The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential claims for suicide or severe physical harm which may have been caused by Chantix side effects. If you, a friend or family member have suffered a severe physical injury or death which could be related to changes in behavior after taking Chantix, request a free consultation.

133 Comments • Add Your Comments

  • kristine calliham says:

    I was taking chantex,while on a antideppresent and had suicidle thoughts and thought i was going crazy.I told the docter i was on a antidepresent before i started taking chantex.He said it wouldn’t cause any problems.It almost caused me to loose my family,before i realized what was causing me to act the way i was.Please contact me if there is anythin i can do in this lawsuite.tnank you kcalliham

    Posted on January 10, 2008 at 12:35 pm

  • Jamie says:

    I just took myself off chantix this weekend after having suicidal thoughts along with anxiety and depression.
    My friend called me today and told me of these reports. I would suggest that anyone thinking off taking chantix to think twice.

    Posted on January 13, 2008 at 6:03 pm

  • Cheri says:

    My Husband had quadruple by-pass open heart surgery last September. His Dr. put him on Chantix while knowing he was on anti-depressants.

    About a week later he started having psychotic episodes and we were afraid he would hurt himself or someone else. He tried to chase imaginary people out of an implement shed and he fell down hard behind old machinery and now has a rupture on his chest incision that will probably need surgical repair.

    I called the Pfizer 800 number on the Chantix box and explained that my husband had become very psychotic within a week of starting the Chantix. They assured me that it could not be from the Chamtix.

    He was also having trouble sleeping and had passed out and had fallen several times This was do to his blood pressure being too low and his heart rate dropping too slow. His Doctor prescribed a sleeping medication which helped his sleeping but the psychotic episodes got much worse. It was during this time that he had the muscles behind his incision herniate.

    We finally had him stop taking the Chantix even though Pfizer assured us that it was not the problem.

    Within a week of stopping the Chantix, he stopped seeing people and things that were not there and stopped hearing voices. He also stopped falling down and his blood pressure went up. But, it went to very high levels. It is still higher than it has ever been in his life and it is still not under control.

    Posted on January 15, 2008 at 1:55 pm

  • Susan says:

    I took Chantix for 8 months, the only side effect I had was an upset stomach for about 30 minutes after taking the daily dose. I wonder how many people that have had problems suicide etc..were drinking alcohol while taking Chantix ? I also wonder if the tobacco companies are telling these stories..because I know about 20 people that have stopped smoking without a problem.It seems to be the only thing that really helps you stop smoking.

    Posted on January 15, 2008 at 5:08 pm

  • Dawn says:

    After only being on Chantix for a three weeks I became very depressed and suicidal. I believe that is what led me to drinking because I was not a big drinker before that. Maybe once a month or every three months not like when on Chantix and drinking every day every weekend. I tried to committ suicide December 8, 2007. Yes I was on Paxil for panic attacks but I had quit taking it a month before starting the Chantix because the panic attacks had stopped and I don’t like being dependant on any pills. I started the Paxil and Chantix at the same time because my heart felt like it was not beating right and I was afraid I was haviing a heart attack. Not for depression just panic attacks. So please tell my why I almost succeded in killing myself and putting my husband of six years who does not smoke and three children through the worst three days of their lives.

    Posted on January 16, 2008 at 3:36 pm

  • DBrad says:

    I have been taking Chantix for a month now and have had great results. I quit smoking January 1st and have not had any side effects from the medication. Maybe these side effects are caused by mixing Chantix with depression medications. I would still recommend Chantix as a good way to quit smoking, just stop taking them if you start to feel strange.

    Posted on January 18, 2008 at 11:49 pm

  • Sharon says:

    I have been taking Chantix for 4 or 5 days now.
    on the 5th day I felt very depressed and like crying, and a feeling of getting very angry. I do not take depression meds. Im hopeing since im aware of these problems that I can continue the medication.

    Posted on January 20, 2008 at 4:15 pm

  • Charleen says:

    I only took Chantix for about 2 weeks. Within the first couple of days I started thinking about killing myself. I DO NOT take any other medications and have no history of depression. I began acting over emotional, and hyper sensitive to everything around me. I figured I could let the feelings pass, but they only seemed to get worse everyday. It was almost like being possessed and although I knew my behaviors were not MY normal behaviors, I could not control them. I stopped because I knew if I had continued I probably would have killed myself.

    Posted on January 21, 2008 at 1:14 am

  • Larry says:

    I have been on Chantix for 4 weeks. The only problem I have had is the vivid dreams.

    I am not smoking..feeling fantastic..and happy.

    I was more depressed before taking Chantix as I was addicted to nicotine.

    Posted on January 21, 2008 at 11:19 am

  • Ralph Moore says:

    In September 2007, after being on Chantix for two weeks I felt very strange. I thought I had to move out of my house or I was going to really lose it. I rented a duplex on the beach because I felt I must be near the ocean. I have been married 24 years and have three children. The move did not help the feeling inside. I stopped taking the Chantix and felt like I had been in a dream and waking up. But now, I had to deal with the actions I had taken. I told my doctor about it. He suggested marriage counseling. We are still seeing a marriage counselor and it is almost Feburary, 2008. The drug was expensive enough. Add the rent and counseling sessions and I still smoke. This was a strange event and we will carry the emotional scares much longer than the financial bind I created while on Chantix.

    Posted on January 22, 2008 at 9:35 pm

  • Leslie says:

    I took Chantix for 4 weeks but could afford to stay on it. I think the tobacco companies should pay for the drug. Fat Chance. I have had problems with depression since I was very young and have been on medication for that for 20 years. I have always had suicidal thoughts as well. They come and go and I have never acted on them, but come close. I would go back on Chantix and will when I have the money. Like Larry, it made me feel good and happy. I didn’t feel so compulsive. I also know a classic fear of quitting smoking is gaining weight. I actually lost weight on Chantix.

    Posted on January 22, 2008 at 10:19 pm

  • Anne E Snider says:

    It is amazing to me that this drug, and it is a DRUG, a mind drug, is on the market and approved by the FDA.

    I started on Chantix during the early months of the summer of 2007. I have no history of mental illness and was on no medications, other than aspirin. During my 3rd refill of Chantix I fainted outside my home, with no forewarning. No dizziness beforehand, I just passed out and fell flat on my face. When I awakened, I was quite shaken, and knew, KNEW from deep within me to stop taking Chantix. I never took another Chantix. I recall how I felt prior to passing out, how the pills were making me feel, unable to cope with life, despondent , and like being possessed, in another world. This is not my normal behavior. It will take years to get to the bottom of this (I’m sure I won’t be around), but this drug is dangerous and should not be on the market.

    Posted on January 23, 2008 at 10:39 am

  • Jay says:

    I am currently on Chantix. Been taking this medication for the past 2 weeks. I quit smoking 4 days ago and I just feel amazing! The only side effect was the nausea. Especially after the morning pill. Nothing in the evening though. I had few vivid dreams but nothing out of the ordinary. In all honesty, I see life from a different perspective now. I will continue the medication as prescribed. I love the feeling that I am getting there and that I will kick the habit soon. Wish all of you luck.

    Posted on January 23, 2008 at 12:08 pm

  • tk johnson says:

    i have not felt the same since taking chantix. i don’t like how it has changed me emotionally, mentally, and physically. i am very angry that a doctor would give me something that could do so much damage. if i had a choice to live my life the way it is now or continue smoking, i would continue to smoke. i feel that i should have been completely educated on the side effects and then let me make the decision. i was greatly misled. i believe doctors get a kickback on some medications.

    Posted on January 23, 2008 at 9:39 pm

  • R Lubow says:

    I took Chantix for three months in the summer of 2007. The drug did help me to quit smoking however, I almost left my husband of 15 years and I quit a high paying job that I had held for 5 years.

    During the three months on the drug I didn’t recognize that I was behaving irrationally. When I stopped the medication, feeling confident that I would continue to be smoke free, I almost immediately began to experience suicidal ideation.

    I had not been treated for (or experienced) depression in over 23 years (other than mild post partum issues). I had been known by many as “the happiest person” they’d ever met.

    My primary care physician put me back on the Chantix and added Wellbutrin for the suicidal thoughts. I immediately became irritable with dramatic outbursts of anger. These feelings made me feel even more suicidal.

    My doctor then switched the depression medication to another and things got worse. By mid-October I was completely out of control on the third anti-depressant and my doctor actually said to me, on the telephone, “I can’t help you, you need to find a new doctor.” Shortly thereafter I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital where the medications were completely revised several times.

    I was released after 2 weeks with the understanding that I would be readmitted against my will if I did not continue outpatient therapy and psychiatric medication supervision.

    Recently my new primary care physician ordered some blood tests and discovered that my thyroid has completely shut down and added synthetic hormones to the myriad of medications that rattle in my belly every day…

    I continue to struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts daily though my therapist has finally cleared me to return to work (part-time only).

    Imagine how this experience has affected my husband and children. Imagine the expenses without health insurance, our life savings are almost completely gone. My life has been turned upside down and my future is frighteningly uncertain.

    Sadly, after living smoke free for 4 months of this disaster, I gave in and started smoking again when I was released from the hospital. I can’t shake the feeling that all of this was “for nothing”. I’d rather die from lung cancer in my 50’s than live the way I have been for the last 8 months…

    Posted on January 24, 2008 at 2:25 am

  • Theresa says:

    I took Chantix for two weeks. I did not have any ill effects mentally, but couldn’t keep my mind from racing at night and was getting very little sleep. The worst side effect was the nausea and vomiting. I got to the point I was vomiting into my trash can at work. I also gained three pounds in two weeks, most of which was fluid. I was already taking Lasix and Toprol when I started on Chantix. The Lasix could not stay ahead of the fluid buildup, and I was unwilling to up the Lasix dose. (It’s bad enough the way I run to the bathroom on the current dose!)

    I do not take any other medications, and do not drink alcohol.

    If I could get around those two issues I might try it again. It upsets me that I spent a lot of money (insurance wouldn’t cover it) and now it’s just sitting in my cabinet. Hopefully if there is a recall I can get reimbursed (like I did for Vioxx).

    Good Luck to us all!

    Posted on January 25, 2008 at 6:12 pm

  • kim says:

    I’ve been taking chantix for 4 months. I did have nasusea and was vomiting in the beinging. I too have wild dreams and also lose weight, but on New Years Eve I was at a party drinking and went crazy to the point I didn’t even remember everthing that happen and I DO NOT drink very offen. Chantix should put on on side effects what can happen if drinking or taking antideppresents with it. Yes,I DO FEEL IT IS CHANTIX RESPONABITLY!! GOOD LUCK

    Posted on January 26, 2008 at 12:16 pm

  • Jenyfer says:

    I took Chantix from Aug 07 until Jan 08 and quit smoking in that time (won’t say I NEVER had a single cigg in that time but I don’t smoke anymore). I was on 2 antidepressants, Librium & Cymbalta for Panic and Anxiety Disorders but the Chantix made my bad sleep patterns worse (3-5 hour sleep a night), very vivid nightmareish dreams that woke me up, depression got much worse, suicidal thoughts, and none of this got better now that I’ve stopped taking the Chantix. Yeah, I’m not smoking but at what cost?

    Posted on January 27, 2008 at 5:29 pm

  • Mark says:

    I realized early that you need to take this medication WITH food otherwise it will upset your stomach.

    I have been only taking half of the required 2 pills/day and not only have quit smoking after 36 years, but quit drinking alcohol after daily use of 3 to 5 beers per night for 25 years. I do have vivid dreams every night but dreams only, not nightmares.

    I think I am getting depressed and have had thoughts of suicide, but I know that it must be the pills. A lot of drama is also going on in my life right now concerning my ex, which doesnt help. I have an urge once or twice a day but they only last for about 3 seconds. My body hasnt been purer since I was 7 years old. I am 43 now.

    If you want to take chantix, just be careful and retain what you are reading in these blogs. Depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, sleepless nights, and dreams are some of the most important things you need to take heed to in considering the use of this medication. Does it work? Yes. Just be so very careful.

    Posted on January 29, 2008 at 4:07 am

  • Michelle says:

    I’ve been on Chantix for over 6 weeks and think it is a miracle drug. I have attempted to quit in the past by stepping down and cold turkey and NRT and was not successful with any of them. I occasionally get nausea and have vivid dreams but it is so much better than smoking. I have recommended it to many people. Maybe there is an issue with certain people and their family history or their body chemistry. That would be hard to distinguish what is the cause for some people. All I know, is that it has given me the help I needed to quit and for that I’m grateful.

    Posted on January 29, 2008 at 3:34 pm

  • Jessica says:

    I’m on Chantix. Am having the vivid dreams, difficulty concentrating, drowsy behind the wheel once, a little nausea, a lot of depression and some suicidal thoughts. Hard to motivate myself to work. Successfully quit now for 23 days and a total number of days on Chantix now is 30. No history of mental illness but I have been depressed before. I attribute some of the depression now, on the Chantix to life issues but am not sure.

    Posted on January 31, 2008 at 1:03 am

  • Kelly says:

    I took Chantix for 3 weeks. It made me an angry, mean, depressed person. I found myself very upset with everyone close to me, and I lashed out irrationally many times. Especially after drinking – I went psycho. I had no idea drinking on the drug was taboo. I even read warning label, and nothing. I began to seriously think I was going crazy. I had no idea of the adverse side effects of the drug. I have never had any history of mental problems, and never had depression or suicidal thoughts prior to this. I NEVER slept on Chantix (mind raced scarily at night), yet I was never tired. I started basically hallucinating, and scared myself while driving. I experienced the “shakes” and rapid heart rate. I have been off the drug for over 3 weeks and still have enormous trouble sleeping (never before), and I still feel very different. I highly advise that you do not take this drug.

    Posted on January 31, 2008 at 10:49 pm

  • Soren Sorensen says:

    I have been a smoker for over 30 years and have never been able to quit untill i used Chantix. No side affects except increased gas and vivid dreams. I also take Vytorin and Wellbutrin. Been on Chantix for over 4 months. I am a non drinker as well.

    Posted on February 1, 2008 at 7:19 pm

  • Wendy says:

    I quit smoking in September using Chantix. I followed the protocol described by my doctor and smoked for the first week of taking the medication and then quit completely. After 20+ years of smoking, I was grateful to have an aid to help me stop. I did get a few minor side effects while taking the medication (the dreams and an occasional stomach ache), but nothing significant. After 7 weeks on the medication, I really felt that I didn’t need it anymore and halved my dosage for a week and then stopped with my doctors permissions. That is when my bad experience began. I am a fairly even level person (emotionally speaking) and I began feeling frequent feelings of anger and anxiety. I began waking at 4:00 Am in the morning and feeling anxious over nothing that I could identify. I felt exhausted all the time (mostly due to not sleeping more that 4 hours a night). I also began experiencing increased gas. I blamed it on the nicotine withdrawal at first, but the these feelings/side effects continued. I finally went to my doctor after the third week and was given a anxiety medication that I could use when needed (I only took them occasionally at 4:00 in the morning so I could get some sleep). Three months later…most of these symptoms are slowly decreasing. I sleep through the night about 4 to 5 out of 7 nights and my emotions have levels out slowly. The gas has continued and even appears to have intensified. I will likely have to go to the doctor soon to see if there’s anything I need to do for that. Bottom line: I am VERY happy to be a nonsmoker, but I really believe that we have the right as the consumer to be fully informed of the possible effects of the drugs we take and have our doctors help us to make informed decisions.

    Posted on February 2, 2008 at 1:37 pm

  • Marty says:

    I took Chantix in December. I do not drink and I do not have a history of depression. I experienced severe anxiety, suicidal thoughts, visual impairments, moodiness, and euphoria. I didnt really know the medication was causing the problems. The warnings on the chantix flier do not make the psychiatric side effects clear. After I stopped the medication, I slowly returned to normal. Very dangerous. Strongly advise against taking the medication. Please contact me for any assistance I can provide.

    Posted on February 3, 2008 at 9:10 am

  • Amanda says:

    I took Chantix for about 6 weeks (Started Aug 2007), and while it worked fantastic for helping me quit a 15 yr smoking habit I will say that towards the end of me taking it (and I never had any emotional problems before hand) that I started feeling off physically and emotionally.

    I didn’t have any suicidal feelings, I just didn’t feel like myself and up until 3 months after I stopped taking the drug I did not feel normal, some said it was because I stopped poisoning my body with the nicotine, which is possible, but I do think it had something to do with the chantix.

    Do I regret taking it, no, would I take it again if needed or recommend it to a friend, no.

    Also, at that time I was on no other medications, the only thing right after the fact was a cortisone injection.

    Posted on February 4, 2008 at 2:36 am

  • Kelly says:

    I have been on Chantix for just over 3 months and I have not had thoughts of suicide. However, I have had some other side effects such as: lack of appetite (ok that can’t be so bad), severe headaches, tired spells (at the wrong times), lack of sleep, nightmares (when I do fall asleep), vomiting, and the most bothersome is constant sinus problems.
    My 1st side effect was the sinus problems. I went to the doctor and she told me I had a sinus infection and an ear infection (caused by sinus)prescribed antibiotics. 3 weeks later, same simptoms and sleeping issues…went back to the doctor and she told me that it is all sinus…gave me pinicillin. Just last week, same symptoms…she gave decided that I have allergies (Never had allergies) Now, she has me taking Chantix, Allegra-D, and 300mg of antibiotics…Needless to say, the vomiting has worsened. I have quit smoking though.
    I agree that some people have had good luck with it and others bad. So, I can’t say whether it is a good fit for you but I can say that I will be ending Chantix soon and all of the other pills that help mask the side effects. I don’t think I will go back to smoking. I can thank Chantix for that.

    Posted on February 4, 2008 at 12:33 pm

  • Toby says:

    I have been taking Chantix for 3 months now to quit dipping copenhagen. I do not drink alcohol. Right at first dose i was sick at my stomach. I have lost 20 lbs due to being so sick i cut down on my eating. Now my doctor has taken me off of it due to severe sleepiness. I am exhausted & somewhat sad. Even my coworkers ask me whats wrong. I do take lexapro a depression medicine for anxiety. So maybe this is the link to the problems. It is sad that my insurance would not pay for this medicine. It is very expensive.

    Posted on February 4, 2008 at 1:47 pm

  • Dave says:

    I started taking Chantix 2 mo.’s prior to quitting which was 9/28/07. I took the drug for a total of 6 mo.’s. On Jan.5, 2008 I woke up feeling terrible, stomach ache, constipation, gas, tired the usual side effects just more severe. I decided that was the last of the pill. I haven’t taken it since and haven’t smoked since 9/28/07. Lately my moods have changed, and thoughts of suicide have crossed my mind…stress relief. I don’t drink and have never taken anti depressants. I am happy to have quit smoking but damn…

    Posted on February 5, 2008 at 10:23 am

  • SarahJane says:

    I cant even think of how to start writing this… I’m a recoverying addict and i’ve been in treatment for a consistant 10 1/2 months. I have been sober since Nov. 14, 06 So you can imagine the shock when i attempted suicide about 5 months ago. I am a single mom and my beautiful son is 2 years old. I lost full custody of him 2 months ago… because of emotional instability, and spending 5 days in the hospital after this attempt. I was on anidepressants, so now it makes sence, i was taking Chantix… please help me get my son back…

    Posted on February 5, 2008 at 5:10 pm

  • Dan says:

    I took Chantix back in late June 07. After being on it for 10 days I finally quit smoking. The only side affects I had was nausea, which only lasted for about 1/2 hour. I haven’t smoked since July 07 and I feel great. I never once have had any feelings of suicide or depression or anything like that. What I don’t understand is why so many people seem to think they can drink while on any medication. You would think that common sense should dictate that you DON’T DRINK while on medication, of any kind!!!! What are you people thinking??? Can anyone answer that?? I think if people starting using better common sense we wouldn’t have so many problems. THINK BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING!!!!!

    Posted on February 6, 2008 at 2:09 pm

  • Colleen says:

    I have been taking Chantix for the past 8 weeks or so, with a 3 week break in the middle. I became so depressed in the past 3 weeks, I really thought I was having a nervous breakdown. A friend of mine told me about the latest reports about the possible correlation and immediately stopped taking the drug. I would urge anyone who is taking this and experiencing any feelings of hopelessness, anxiety or otherwise that are not the norm, to contact their doctor.

    Posted on February 7, 2008 at 11:20 am

  • Kristin K says:

    I took the starter pack of Chantix in November. It worked like a charm and I was very excited about the prospect of quiting after 10yrs. Towards the end of the starter pack (1st month) I noticed that I was very mean. No suicidal thoughts but just nasty. I didn’t like the way they made me feel so I decided not to fill my maintenance pack and see what I could do on my own. I still occasionally smoke, usually when I drink, but it has dropped 90%. I am happy with that, I now know I have the control. Not the other way around. I have not and am not currently taking any drugs for depression.

    Posted on February 7, 2008 at 1:16 pm

  • Clif K. says:

    I think alot of you have never quit b4. I have used gum and inhalers and patches. Patches didn’t work because of the glue and gave me rashes on skin. Gum was horrible because of the gas in stomach and upset stomach all the time. I quit for 1 year using the gum. The inhalers work well but i assure you the following will happen with everything you use. You will experiance the side effexts even going cold turkey. Your body is going to jones! Period! You will feel weak, you will have the shakes, you will have anxiety, insomnia, vivid dreams, emotonal instablity, moodyness,and more. You will have to quit drinking and cut down on coffee or tea, and the withdrawls will last for nothing less than 6 months in which time everything gets better. I have been on chantix for three weeks now, all the symptoms are caused by withdrawls. Good thing is i am not craving and eating everything in site, my moods aren’t as bad as if i were doing without any medication or with it. I actually know that this time around i will be smoke free for the rest of my life. Oh yes I’d like to add i have been smoking 45 years. Hang in there you will make it…

    Posted on February 7, 2008 at 9:54 pm

  • Laura Wooten says:

    I have been on Chantix for 2 weeks now. I have taken it as prescibed by my doctor. I haven’t smoked in 4 days and am really pleased with that. I have smoked for 30 years. The only side effect that I have had is the vivid dreams (not nightmares) and a little light headed sometimes.I do fell anxious in the morning before I have taken it. I haven’t drank any alchohol since on this medication and I am not on any aniti-depressants.I do take it with food so I have not been nauseous.I do beleive that more information should have been given about the side affects. I have only been taken it for a short time and do hope that I get through it fine.

    Posted on February 8, 2008 at 12:41 pm

  • D Hanson says:

    I found this site after being arrested while driving on Chantix. I had been taking Chantix for two weeks and not smoking for over a week. I had terrible headaches, it felt like my head was going to explode. I am bipolar and take a antidepressant and lithium. I am also on a heart medication and zocor for high cholesteral. My head did not stop. I had mind racing all day and all night, even on a sleet aid (Ambien CR). I felt like my mind was wired but I didn’t expect to lose control and have my life messed up as it is. I quit taking Chantix and it took 3 days for the headaches to subside. The question I have is, can Chantix side effects mimic signs of drinking?

    Posted on February 11, 2008 at 1:28 am

  • Dennis says:

    I took chantix and had the common effects from the withdrawal of nicotine but had the uncommon effects listed:Depressed,aggressiveness,anxiety & felt like I had an compulsive thoughts of death(not suicidal).I have never before felt this way and I take no other drugs.

    Posted on February 11, 2008 at 10:18 am

  • Kathrin Nepon says:

    My Dr knew I was on Lexapro when he presribed the Chantix. He said that the Lexapro would offset any feelings of depression that Chantix may cause. This was NOT the case. I only took the Chantix for 3 weeks but in those 3 weeks, I still smoked, didn’t sleep more than 3-4 hours a night, was quite manic in my mood swings, lethargic at work for which I was reprimanded and lost interest in my friends and family. I am a single parent of a toddler and this was a serious issue for me.
    I went back to my Dr and told him of all my problems. He then prescribed Zyban to help me quit smoking. I am happy to say that I have been smoke free for 2 weeks (I don’t even think about smoking even when those around me are) and am back to my happy and productive self!!!
    I would reccomend Zyban, which comes in a generic so it is MUCH cheaper, over Chantix any day!

    Posted on February 13, 2008 at 11:45 am

  • Pat says:

    I took chantix for about four days, never had any suicidal thoughts, violence or depression but did get really sick for about three days. I was vomiting every two hours for about a day. The second and third day I didn’t vomit but had a fever and very nausious. I do not recommend anyone takes this medicine for it has too many severe side effects.

    Posted on February 13, 2008 at 10:16 pm

  • Eric says:

    I started to take chantex. after the 1st week i started feeling side effects by the means of being tired and having strange dreams. the 2nd week I started feeling myself changing, i became very depressed, irrational and have severe mood swings. my friends were very concerned, i would be at work and just break down crying for no reason at all. the 3rd week the bottom dropped, i was in severe irrational depression, i became fixated on killing myself. I had no interest in life, my family or my friends. The thing which was the worst was I had no idea why I was feeling this way. On a wednesay evening in June i picked up a knife and began cutting my wrist open. luckily a friend called me and I told her what had happened. She took me to the hospital where I was pink slipped, meaning I no longer had a choice, and was admitted into a hospital mental ward. I am sure if my friend had not called, i would have killed myself. I am also on and have been on Zoloft for a few years. Never have I had a break down of this type. The other scary thing was when I was in the hospital, NO doctor had heard of Chantex. After a few days of being off chantex, my depression ended and for the most part I was back to normal. All I can say is that if you take this, BE CAREFUL. Was my experience caused from this drug or a rare coincidence?

    Posted on February 14, 2008 at 8:19 pm

  • Janelle says:

    I have previously taken zyban to stop smoking and did quit for a period of time but started up again. My doctor prescribed me chantix and I have been taking it now for about 2 weeks. I do not drink and have never had any problems with depression. Since I started taking chantix I feel like I am going crazy. I am tired all the time even though i am sleeping normally. I am having servious problems with anxiety and depression. Like I said before I have quit before and never ever have I have these side effects from stopping smoking! This appears to be a way more common thing than what the makers of chantix want people to believe and consumers should be warned! Also it is extreamly dangerous for people that are the sole caretakers of minor children. I am a single mother of a five year old and the reason I am quiting taking chantix is because I am worried about her safety if I continue taking the medication. This is not a safe drug and should not be avalible or at the very least you should have to be under close supervision!

    Posted on February 15, 2008 at 1:30 pm

  • Valerie B says:

    I was in my third week of taking Chantix when I became withdrawn and seriously depressed. My husband and children were struck by my behavior change from a bubbly, outgoing woman to an uncommunicative one who preferred to be alone, preferably in bed. I became uncommunicative and gave only cryptic reply to my family’s inquiries as to how I felt. I began to believe that no one loved me, that my life as not worthwhile and began entertaining thoughts of ending it all.

    On Thursday the 14th of February, a friend who stopped by the house was amazed at my state and mentioned the recent news of the adverse effects of Chantix on some persons. Neither I or my family had at this point connected the dots. On Friday the 15th of February, my older daughter related that her girlfriend’s parents had a friend who committed suicide while on Chantix. He was wealthy and had no apparent serious problems or issues in his life.

    At this juncture, after conferring with my daughter, my husband decided to take me off Chantix. I had already taken one Chantrix on that Friday morning but once the drug was removed I began to be my old self by evening.

    I am writing this note on February 16, 2008 and am happy to relate that I am my old self again.


    Posted on February 16, 2008 at 2:26 pm

  • matt says:

    i’m a 25 mentally and physically healthy person who wanted to quit dipping (smokeless tobacco), so my dad told me about chantix. during the first three weeks or so i was fine and had stopped dipping. the only real side effect i had was the vivid dreaming, which was actually kinda cool as long as the dreams were wierd or humurous. in the fourth week however i started to notice my change in moods. i’ve always been able to handle stress very well, but now i was feeling hopeless, angry, then sad and i was also not hardly sleeping at all. my dreams were no longer cool, now i was waking up scared, and thinking what the hell was that! i was not using tobacco however, yeeeah. in about the fifth week the dreams got worse to where i was hurting my friends and i would wake up really paranoid and delusional. i got more depressed and angry and began to think my friends hated me. i was even convinced that one of my friends wives was cheating on him because i thought i saw someone leaving out his backdoor at 5:00 in the morning. but i still wasn’t using tobacco, yeeeah! my body started feeling really anxious like i was tingling inside. i would do pushups or run but still felt anxious. the only thing i could think was it had to be the chantix because i take no other medications. i did start to drink late on in the program but i was so depressed it was the only thing that took the edge off. i stopped taking chantix three days ago and still don’t feel normal. i quit hanging out with my friends and my grandmother keeps asking me whats wrong, i just tell her i’m not getting any sleep (true) or something like, i’m just sad i don’t have a girl to spend valentines day with. i wish i had just kept dipping or tried cold turkey to quit instead of feeling like i’m literally going freakin crazy. when will i start to feel better?

    Posted on February 18, 2008 at 4:57 pm

  • terrif says:

    I’ve come across these very helpful postings only by searching for answers explain the last 3 weeks of my life. I’m a non-drinker- very successful career woman with a wonderful husband of 14 years, an amazing 4 year old son– whom I began lashing out at constantly shortly after starting Chantix. I thought I was having some psychotic form of PMS or something, as it was about 10 days before my period.
    I felt strongly that I needed to leave my family- whom I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with at this point. Last Sunday (17th) my desire to leave my family for their own good was solidified after I attacked my own child because he didn’t move out of my way fast enough- I spanked him so hard and so many times I left welts on his behind- and I COULD NOT STOP MYSELF. My husband lashed out at me verbally- and a switch fipped inside my head. I started to carefully plan my “accidental” death- at this point, I knew it wasn’t PMS anymore- since my period was now over- therefor, I believed I was going crazy- and my family would be better off without me. I had to wait a couple days to do it- to wrap up the lose ends, clean the house for one last time, donate all my clothes and shoes, give away all the food items my family wouldn’t bother to use when I was gone, give away my pets (husband didn’t care for them anyhow) and since it was a sunday when I made this plan, I had to wait a couple days to take my two older dogs (on medications) to the vet to be put down. I planned to put my husband on his flight Tuesday, and made arrangements to drop my son off with my parents for “a few days, so I could have a break”. Luckily, Tuesday morning I was horrible to my child again (emotionally) and after sending him to daycare in tears- I broke down- and called my doctor to please help me, something was really really wrong.
    They had received the bulletin from the FDA the day before, and knew immediately what was the problem. I was taken off Chantix immediately, and am on day 3 without it. My son is still gone with my parents- as a precaution- and although I am getting much better, I’m not sure I’ll ever overcome the guilt I feel for what I did. He walks on egg shells around me, and if I move suddenly he flinches. I also hope that I can recover my closest friends- who I said horrible nasty things to in order to get them to leave me alone while I was trying to finish my preparation for my death- the “accident” I was going to have while yammering away on my cell phone and crossing in front of a logging truck around the curve… just another distracted driver.

    I don’t take other medications, except ibuprophen for a headache here or there. I’ve never had any issues with depression or crazy behavior. No family history of psychiatric problems.
    Chantix works well- although I continued to smoke the whole time I took it- even though I didn’t really feel like I needed one.

    If you do decide to take Chantix- be careful, and plan for some additional expenses besides just the prescription costs. I had to replace all of the food in the house today, and will need to get some more clothes and shoes eventually… until I feel well enough to go shopping, I’ll just keep washing the clothes off my back every night- since that’s all I’ve got left. 🙂

    Posted on February 22, 2008 at 3:50 am

  • Mia says:

    I started Chantex 7 days ago, I have experienced vivid dreams, and noticed about 4 days ago that I am very angry. I have no tolerance for life’s little inconviniences. I have a permanent scowel on my face, co workers have noticed, friends have noted that I do not look like my same happy self.
    I need to quit smoking, so… I will try to finish the starter pack, but will remain alert to any worsening of these side effects. I have read all of the preceeding comments on this medication. This is a perfect example of an informed decesion. Pfizor take note. I should have had this information prior to begining my “trip”.

    Posted on February 24, 2008 at 1:02 pm

  • Kelly says:

    Today is my 10th day on Chantix. After taking it for 6 days I was down to 2 cigs a day. I have been smoke free for 3 days now. At first it made me feel a little lightheaded then went away after a couple days. Then when I started taking the higher dose of 1mg twice a day I had the same sleepy feelings. Chantix has given me insomnia real bad since my increased dose which i will start taking a sleeping pill tonight for that. Aside from this I think this is a miracle drug! I have been a smoker for 20 years and have NEVER been able to quit until now. I don’t even have the urge really to smoke. I think people should read the horror stories and learn from them. The only bad stories I have even heard about were on the internet. I know 10 people who have quit on Chantix with none of these side affects. This may or may not be a way for some sue happy people to make a penny. I can’t be the judge of that but can say THANK YOU CHANTIX!!!

    Posted on February 28, 2008 at 12:06 pm

  • Michelle says:

    I started taking Chantix at the beginning of January,2008 because I was smoking about 2 packs a day. About 2 weeks into it I started to experience increased depression and suicidal thoughts and yes I am also taking Paxil but I have been on that 2 years without a problem. I am also having increased gas and my concentration has been off since I took Chantix. I am currently taking 18 credit hours in college and was an A and B student until I started taking Chantix and now I am an F student because no matter how much I study it doesn’t stick anymore. I am very upset because it has possibly taken everything I have worked for.

    Posted on March 2, 2008 at 10:28 pm

  • Terry says:

    I was very concerned about starting Chantix because of stories I’ve heard over the internet, but I have heard very good things from people I know, some people experience fitfull dreams.
    I have been taking Chantix for 2 weeks and am amazed at how little I actually think about cigarettes. I have been smoking from the age of 12 and am now 46, 34 years. I could never ever be without a cigarette, not for a second, I would stop at a store if I had one second of a problem finding my cigs in my purse, just because 2 packs are better than one. I would never leave the house without double & triple checking that my smokes were with me. I kept an emergency cig in the bottom of my console, no matter how old or dried out it would get. I had cigs in the freezer and tabacco to roll my own in an emergency.
    I have been thru things that would make most people cringe, all of my life. My mother was an alcholic and married 12 times = 12 drunk, mean, nasty stepdads, yep not a good thing, I ran away at age 14, I had my first baby by the time I was 15 and in & out of abusive relationships, thrown out of cars, almost drown, lived thru 6 roll over accidents, my ?dad? was a motorcycle gang member, I’ve seen it all. I deserved to smoke, do drugs, drink. I’ve been clean/sober for 17 years but I never figured I could quit smoking, never. But I always wanted to, I hated the addiction, the smell of my house, my car, my childrens health was at stake, stinking ash trays, and my lungs hurt, cant walk up stairs or walk long distance without huffing & puffing, I also had a blip/spot on my mamogram/left breast 8 months ago and I still could not stop even when I was horribly afraid I might have cancer, it made my smoking worse. (its hard to put this all in a nutshell). I’d smell other people & say “do I smell like that?”, gross.
    Anyway I am very positive and upbeat that I can quit now that I am taking this pill. I tried to quit before, always cheated and gained between 20 & 40 lbs. I had cut down to a halve cig. daily the first week and now have been smoke free for 4 days and have great hopes that I can do this. I know I can with the Chantix, this is the first time that I can say I am a non-smoker, I don’t want to stop taking the medicine, I don’t want to smoke again but I am concerned, what if withdrawals are these horrible symptoms, what if I start smoking again and I desperatly don’t want to, I want to see my youngest son graduate.
    I don’t think pharmacitucal drugs are good choices unless under absolutly life threatening situations, I practice homeopathic cures, herbs, vitamins, raw foods, colonix, cleanses, etc.
    It’s very early in the game for me to make serious comments about the outcome of this program but so far I am thrilled to be a non-smoker. I wish you all the best, we don’t deserve to die not being able to breath, and cancer is a horrible illness for the person and the family, not a pretty thing to see or have your family responsible for the bills. I look forward to more information on this product. Blessings for each and every one of you in your recovery.

    Posted on March 4, 2008 at 5:56 pm

  • Jessica says:

    My Fiance was on Chantix for about a month. The medication made him really crazy. He started talking about gingerbread men and it was really odd. That was also when he posted messages on his myspace about suicide and where he was in his life and how it wasnt worth it. He is 29 years old. This isnt how he acts. Since quiting he has 24 CONSTANT sickness, doesnt feel well, and seriously confused about life and everything. he has NOT gotten better. It is weird. He took it just before they came out and said it was bad. He has not taken it for a couple months and it hasnt gotten better.

    WHAT can be done about this??

    Im affraid to leave him alone when I go to work. They cant get away with this, This medication was to better his life, but it has done nothing but ruin it.

    Posted on March 4, 2008 at 6:09 pm

  • Scott says:

    I started taking chantix (a quit smoking drug) about a month ago, at first it looked like this was the ticket, I went from a pack a day to nothing in 1 week, cool huh? Then it hit me.
    It started with a low level irritated feeling then went to extreme agitation to border line homicidal thoughts, ended up at suicidal.
    I have never had anything that has screwed up my thought process like this in my entire life.
    I stopped taking it about a week ago but still my brain hasn’t recovered, today I contemplated checking myself into a psyche ward as 1 minute I’m fine the next I have overwhelming thoughts of the most severe agitation you could ever imagine.
    This drug is in my estimation very dangerous, you want to feel HELL take it.
    Nothing on this earth is worth what chantix has made me feel, I hate the fact that a substance has made me feel this way, for what it’s worth don’t take this drug, this is by far the worse ride I have ever been on and I can’t wait till it’s out of my system, I pray that it doesn’t have permanent effects.
    Buyer BEWARE.

    Posted on March 12, 2008 at 12:14 am

  • paula says:

    I started taking it and tried to stop smoking after the first week ooh my god i got to feeling like i could eat a cigerette i craved it so bad then came the feeling of being angery all the time i felt like i could kill some one i was yelling at everybody i didnt like what i had become so i like all but 3 days of the first month left to take but i stop taking it thats when my aunt told me about people having problems with it not to mention the crazy dreams i was having while taking it im just thankfull i stoped when i did….

    Posted on March 19, 2008 at 3:02 am

  • Nora says:

    My sister committed suicide in October 2007 while taking Chantix. I also started Chantix last year, however I discontinued the drug due to the nausea and dizziness. I am 5’7″ and struggle to maintain a 3 digit weight, I couldn’t afford the nauseu and dizziness. My sister stayed on Chantix. She killed herself 10 days after I had stayed with her for a week and I saw no indication of her being suicidal. I do not trust drug companies or drugs not on the market for a minimum of 5 years.

    Posted on March 20, 2008 at 9:40 am

  • Thayis says:

    I took Chantix for 4 months, and I did quit smoking. , but the side effects are horrible. I have sleepness, severe anxiety, and crying spells.I am going to the doctor today and hope he can help me. I actually thought I was losing my mind. Anyone reading this thinking about taking Chantix, DON”T, try something else. This pill messes too much with your mind.

    Posted on March 24, 2008 at 11:23 am

  • Josh says:

    So far ive been on chantix for a little over 2 weeks. Only side effects I have had was the upset stomach ( which stopped after a couple days and i started eating before I took it) and crampy stomach, and LOTS of gas lol. Other then that I was a smoker that smoked a little over 2 packs a day and now i smoke none. This is a great pill. And like any other pill out there, there will be side effects.. There isnt a pill out there that doesnt.. And whats right for one person isnt right for everyone.. I would reccommend this pill to anyone who asks. Its helped me..

    Posted on March 26, 2008 at 10:27 pm

  • John says:

    I have been on the drug now for 70 days and have been smoke free. I have had vivid dreams but not nightmares. I have not had any thoughts of suicide or trying to hurt myself. I have been smoke free for 70 and love it. The money alone that I spent, now thats crazy. GOOD LUCK

    Posted on March 27, 2008 at 4:22 pm

  • Tanya B says:

    I was so ready to go to my doctor this morning and ask for Chantix. I’m a little scared now! The thought of having suicidal behaviors, and crazy dreams freaks me out. I think i am already mean enough and dont need any help there. I had no idea that so many people believe that Chantix is responsible for this. My sister in law asked her doctor for Chantix and she refused to give it to her because of reports of depression and suicide. I really thought some of the things she was telling me she heard about was a little much, but after reading these blogs I see they are not. I am very confused, but at the same time I need to quit smoking! If you would like to communicate with me personally and really get into the dreams and the feeling please email me so i can make a decision on what I should do. My email address is Thanks!!

    Posted on April 2, 2008 at 10:13 am

  • Gayle says:

    I am a 46 year old female, smoked since age 15 or 16, a pack a day, I finally decided to quit, I started reading a book called The Easy Way by Allen Carr. I figured I would also take Chantix. Two weapons against this war is better than one…I thought…. I didnt get sick from the Chantix, by day seven, (you are supposed to quit on the 8th day) I didnt feel ready to quit, I still wanted a cigarette. I decided to finish my book, I had saved the last 2 chapters knowing you are supposed to quit at the end of the book. I have to say, the book is what helped me quit!!! I felt ready, it has been 23 days today, BEWARE OF THE CHANTIX, I had to stop taking Chantix 2 days ago. Like a lot of other people, I was crying all the time, my husband of 24 years actually was thinking of leaving, all i do is cry and complain to him, this is not my normal personality!!!!!! My thought process isnt right. I cant function at work, not good!!! I would not reccomend Chantix. I would reccomend reading “The Easy Way” If that could help me quit it can help anyone!!!!

    Posted on April 23, 2008 at 12:23 pm

  • M. Johnigan says:

    My husband was prescribed Chantix in February. 1 to 2 weeks into taking these pills he would wake-up, talking about his dreams and how weird they were. He also had lost about 20lbs. He had no appetite. While into 3 to 4 weeks of taking these pills my husband and I were discussing how angry, and mean he had been became. He began yelling and as if he was in a trance began hitting me violently so much so that I had cuts inside my mouth from my teeth. I started yelling for him to stop, and only then did he stop and like a robot walked away…
    I knew this was not the man that I had just married in December…..

    Anyone that knows him knows him to be a very fun-loving, kind-hearted person….This was not in his character.

    Upon returning back to the home I kept asking him why, what happened and he could’nt remember
    needless to say I thought this was some crap and this was unacceptable… And while sitting at my dining room table I started reading the fact sheet on Chantix that we got from the pharmacist and there is was, some of his symptoms, vivid dreams, aggressiveness, I thought may-be it’s something to this.

    We went to the doctor the next-day he read all the latest information on this mind-altering drug and immediately apologized to me and my husband…. and told us that his behavior was linked to Chantix and to stop taking immediately. Phizer COULD NOT have done extensive research for this drug on humans. Some things should not be left up to the lab mice….
    This is peoples lives everything doesn’t have a price tag to it..

    Posted on April 24, 2008 at 12:43 am

  • Peyton Davis says:

    I took Chantix to quit smoking. I had no severe side effects as described above. I became a little depressed but took in to consideration that I was losing my “best friend” so to speak.
    I must say that some of the stories I’ve heard sound much like alcohol induced psychosis/blackouts. Alcohol is also a depressant so it probably isn’t smart to take the two in combination. I don’t drink so I wouldn’t know what kind of effects that would have. I must say that to some degree Chantix saved my life. I was a slave to cigarettes for nearly half of my life. I also have quite a few friends who have been successful with Chantix. I am confident that I would recommend it to my friends (who don’t drink).

    Posted on April 28, 2008 at 11:05 am

  • Ken says:

    I have been a recovering alcoholic for well over a year. I thought that if I could give up drinking that I could quit smoking also. I had my doctor perscribe chantix for me. In my second week of taking this I didn’t realize that I was becoming severly depressed. I did not want to go to work,be around people, ect. Guess what? Yes I went straight for the bottle. Now I am back in trouble with the court system again. After doing much thinking about what suddenly had came over me to start drinking again, I realized that it was the chantex making me depressed. I immediatly quit taking this medicine and now I feel like I am back to my old sober selfe again. I urge anyone with alcohol problems to think very long and hard about taking chantex.

    Posted on May 2, 2008 at 5:16 pm

  • Jim says:

    My wife and I took Chantix for 3 months and just recently finished the prescription. We both have smoke for 30 years and have been smokefree for 3 months now. Instead of buying the cigarettes, we have been putting our money in a clear jar and leave it on our kitchen counter to see everyday. Today, we have over $800.00 in that jar and plan to take a really nice vacation in February and pay cash for the trip instead of charging it. Thank you Chantix!!!!

    Posted on May 30, 2008 at 5:03 pm

  • toby says:

    I was a smoker for 50 years, I had tried everything from hypnosis, patches, gum, laser, you name it I tried it, but the pain of withdrawal was so bad that I just continued to smoke. I knew about the side effects but I really wanted to quit and was willing to face the side effects head on. Well, I had no side effects whatsoever, my sister did as did her son, but not me. I feel that the support system that they provide either by phone or the internet is one of the main reasons I was able to really quit. I swear by Chantix, I have been a non smoker for over a year and that pack of smokes now buys a gallon of gas.

    Posted on June 4, 2008 at 7:31 pm

  • lisa says:

    I took chantix when it first came out…. i have smoked since i was 12… so thats 45 years.. nothng ever worked.. this was a miracle drug… didnt know about any side effects then. I know when i started on the two pills a day… i never thought of having a cigarette… then one day after taking chantix for a month and a half!!! i woke up totally covered in hives… my neighbor rushed me to the hospital.. i was all swollen and covered from head to toes…. Unfortunatly i was allergic to the chantix and had to stop taking it… and im back to smoking….

    Posted on June 5, 2008 at 2:59 pm

  • George says:

    I have been taking Chnatix for almost a month and have had the “normal” side effects such as dreams and nausea right after taking it. I also find it a bid harder to get a good nights sleep. HOWEVER, these are all listed on the label as possible side effects, and I have not had a single smoke since my quit date. This is a miracle drug to me and I would recommend it to anyone and just let them know to be aware of the possible depression. All drugs have possible side effects! That is why they are drugs. This has been a miracle pill for me.

    Posted on June 13, 2008 at 1:25 pm

  • KeriLynn says:

    I was taking Chantix for 2 1/2 weeks. The first week I was great on top of the world. I felt like I struck gold. Then BAM, out of nowhere, here comes Psycho. I was on a rollercoaster. My Fiancé thought I was PMSing the worst he has ever, ever seen. NASTY, accusing him of not loving me, not doing anything for me, Feeling like I was a slave to everyone. Nasty and paranoid to my Stepson, who is 8 years old. I felt as if I was in a trance or a fog. I had NO idea what the side effects were. When the mood swings got so bad and the pill was wearing off, I could feel my brain coming out of the clouds, I told my Fiancé that I think it is the Chantix. I told him, I noticed I was in a great mood the day before. I didn’t take it during the day until about 2:00pm at work. Within 15 Minutes of taking the pill, I became the Devil. Satan was coming out of my body. The next day, I waited a little while before taking the pill and I was fine, in a great mood. 15 mins after I took the pill. I got this horrible pain in my stomach, cramping and here comes the anti-Christ. My Fiancé told me he was very worried about me. He asked me if I lost my mind. He wanted to take me to see someone. That was the last day I took the pill. I have not smoked in 3 weeks and I am doing fine without the PILL. Today I decided to see what the side effects were. I am shocked to see all of these people feeling the same way. I am just glad I stopped before it did any serious damage. Believe me, I was on the way to self destruction. I was telling a friend, it felt as if something took over my mind. I probably could have killed someone and NEVER would have phased me. This is dangerous Stuff!! My Fiancé got to the point were he Said, He would rather me smoke and risk dealing with me dying of Lung cancer, then to deal with that person again. If it comes down too Smoking or taking this crap….. KEEP SMOKING!!!!!
    If you are going to take this pill, PLEASE have your family and friends read this information. You may not know that you are acting out. Believe them when they tell you, you are different.

    Posted on June 19, 2008 at 9:44 am

  • Briana says:

    I took Chantix for about 3 weeks until I realized I was getting angry over nothing. My husband would sneeze and I would yell at him. I was much happier smoking than I am now. I stopped taking the Chantix not long after and am still having side effects from it. I wish I would have researched the drug more before getting gung-ho to stop smoking. I had good intentions, but it wasn’t worth it

    Posted on June 24, 2008 at 12:24 am

  • Mike says:

    I started taking Chantix in Sept 2007 My Doctor started me on 1 pill a day, and I was miserable for 2 1/2 weeks, I had every conceivable (bad) side effect. When I told him I wanted to try the recommended dose (2per day) he agreed. That night 2 hours after taking my pill. My cigarette cravings stopped immediately, along with depression, and anxiety. I stayed on Chantix through the Holidays. I would have stayed on it for a mood stabilizer. I have never felt more “even minded” in my life. My dreams were vivid and wonderful. You have to take the pill with food or it feels like you’ve been kicked in the gut. Oh, and I haven’t had even a puff of a cigarette in 8months. I love Chantix. When they let insurance use it for a mood stabilizer sign me up!! Oh, I also drank with Chantix with no side effects.

    Posted on June 24, 2008 at 3:02 pm

  • Toni says:

    I take 60mg of Cymbalta a day for anxiety and my doctor assured me Chantix would not interact with it and that all the hooplah about the irrational behavior associated with the drug was because of ONE incident with a man in California who commited suicide while taking it. HA! Yesterday was the first AND LAST day of my fourth week. I am TOTALLY losing my mind! I’m not happy with any aspect of my life and am so angry I could shoot daggers from my eyes. One minute I am laughing hysterically, the next I am crying, the next I am cussing out my husband just for breathing. Suicide has not really crossed my mind, yet, but I could so totally see myself taking someone else out without a second thought, and I am a Christian woman that LOVES people. I would much rather smoke and take years off the END of my life, than to take this CRAP and rob my family of another day in the present. After all, we’re not promised tomorrow anyway and life is too short to be angry and hateful because of a little blue pill. PULL IT OFF THE MARKET.

    Posted on August 4, 2008 at 1:12 am

  • billy says:

    i stopped smoking from chantix….but…started again…..tryed chantix again….then….all the side effects happened to me…stoped useing and they went away….finally….quit smoking on my own…cold turkey….and worked…..its all in your head…..just grow some balls and quit smoking…dont need chantix or gum or excusses…all it takes is will power….if that dont work then your not ready to quit smoking….

    Posted on August 9, 2008 at 2:23 am

  • Shelli says:

    My husband is on the chantix and has decided he no longer loves me…..things were fine up until two months into the chantix and BOOM out of no where he said he isn’t happy and he left me. I am so sick about this and worried. I have read on other sites that people have done this. Our doctor said to quit reading the internet bullsh*t and that it isn’t the medicine. My husband is now saying that he hasn’t loved me even before the pills, but people, I’m telling you, we have had a great marriage. We will have been married 20 years in September and hardly ever fought..we squabbled once in a while, but every time we got into the car we held hands, out of the blue he would tell me he loved me….I have to believe it’s the medicine. Has anyone else gone through this?

    Posted on August 12, 2008 at 8:27 pm

  • Ginger says:

    Posted on August 22, 2008 at 10:32 am

  • Larry says:

    I’ve been taking CHantix for two montrhs. WHile it knocked ot my smoking habit quite well, it has impaired my judgement and made me somewhat of a loose cannon. I’ve get mad and yell at my friends and actually smacked on upside the head. So unlike me. He accepted my apologies and understands the changes I’ve been through. I weening myself off of it and hopefully can not return to smoking the way was prior.

    Posted on September 5, 2008 at 6:44 pm

  • Beverly says:

    I have been using Chantix for one week, do not drink AND DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE taken Antianxiety or depression meds. Now I feel aggitated alot of the time. Mostly when I have any contact with Chantix reps. Let’s see, I reported that the box is like something you need a unibomber to get it open and it keeps snapping the pill card back inside. Solution: demolish box, get pills: only to learn they are covered in such thick plastic scizzors can’t penetrate it. Try the back of pack
    and the cardboard is so thick a steak knife has great difficulty getting thru it but go through that twice daily to take this junk. Someone said support? I called and registered for it–3 times before they finally called me but by then I was at the doctor and missed the call so I called them and could not get through with the user id and secret password so we had to set it all up again! Then they asked to transfer me and I got asked all of the same questions all over again! When I told the support rep that and all of the above, she wanted to transfer me to the line you report that at. I explained I did those two calls the first day and when I did I was told pfiser will send me a new box of pills and they want me to send them mine, now I would Just like the quitting support. She was screaming at me, I kept asking her not to scream and to discuss support but she would ask to transfer me to the box complaint line. She did that about 4x before she got on track. Then she wanted ME to tell her what would help me to quit…I could go on and on but I feel no lessing of smoking enjoyment and I do not want to smoke or work for the tobacco co. I also don’t like the armored packaging I have to fight with twice daily or how aggitated I sometimes feel when I think about it or have to deal with pfiser reps. I further don’t appreciate it that my user id and password aren’t good enough to get me in to a cessation counselor on landline. Instead I have to go through a battery of questions again and again. I don’t see anything positive in this med only the negative that I have gone through and if this is how Pfiser handles their coaching, calls, and boxing, not to mention their meds, then I don’t have anymore faith in the company, not only the med.

    Posted on September 11, 2008 at 12:27 am

  • Martin says:

    Since my Dad has been taking Chantix he has flown into uncontrolled rages and the smallest thing gets him mad and violent. Stay away from this stuff you may kill somebody, you’re better off smoking or just quit cold on your own.

    Posted on September 14, 2008 at 12:34 am

  • dave says:

    It worked for me, I took it last oct and haven’t smoked since. I did have to get off it after about 6-8 weeks because it was freaking me out.

    I did have the bad dreams, upset stomach as well

    I had serious depression/anxiety that I had to be treated for after going off chantix. I’m 40 and never had a mental illness before.

    Posted on October 3, 2008 at 6:54 pm

  • Brandi says:

    After taking Chantix for only 3 weeks I had tons of issues pile up. It felt like everything all at once with no “building up to it”. I could not sleep at night and finally understood what RLS must feel like. I felt like I needed to go out in the middle of the night and run several miles to get my legs to settle down so that I could get comfortable and fall asleep. I started feeling extreme sadness and lost control over my emotins. I have three children between the ages of 6 and 11 and woulr run to the bathroom and lock the door to cry for anywhere from 30 min to two hours at a time while hugging my knees to me and rocking either on the floor or in the empty bathtub. While laying in the bath I would wonder where a razor blade was and didn’t really want to kill myself but wondered what the smooth shiney blade would feel like. I live in New Mexico and had thought of just wandering into the open desert where no one would find me and fading off into nothing. Even as I was driving to the emergency room to get help I wondered if I just ran through a red light if it would kill me. the only thing that stopped me was my husband and children along with not wanting to hurt anyone else. I had such high anxiety that my legs would shake too bad to drive and had to have the car on cruise control as I couldn’t control the speed without fluctuatin about 20 MPH. I had panic attacks due to paranoia, crying fits, emense sadness, feelings of worthless ness (I didn’t drink at all because I couldn’t allow myself even the possibilty of any form of happiness). I also experianced dizziness and felt like it was attacking my nervous system (a problem I still deal with 3 months after being off chantix) as if I turn my head too fast or stand up too fast I have a wierd tingling sensation in my head, eyes, nose, tounge feels fat, leags arms fingers and toes. All of this is documented as symptoms caused by chantix as I went to the emergency room 2 nights in a row and finally wound up in a psychiatric hospital for two nights to alow for the saftey of myself and others while getting the drug out of my system. I don’t remember a lot of that time period as I would sit for hours hugging my knees to my chest staring at a blank wall while tears steramed down my face. I am a very happy well rounded person and never before believed I was capable of anything that I went through while on the drug. I do not recomend it. I was actually told by 2 doctors and a psychyatrist to “just keep smoking”. 🙁

    Posted on October 8, 2008 at 11:21 am

  • Amber says:

    I feel compelled to write post a comment as my husband has been on Chantix for about 3 months and like many of you I feel that it is a miracle drug in the essesence that he has quit smoking, BUT he also had some serious. side affects. I contributed the the side affects to quitting smoking, but after reading many testimonials it has opened my eyes to the adverse side affects of the drug. He is a stable guy that does not drink alcohol, but shortly after starting Chantix began to have feelings of depression and anxiety. The anxiety has worsened over the past several weeks. He does not want to leave the house and when he does he has severe panic attacks. We could not put our hand on what the problem was, but now it all seems clear it is most likely the Chantix. Our fear is now trying to ween him off the Chantix.

    I am also writing this note as a spouse who has lived through a “living Hell” over the past three months that I now believe is directly related to Chantix. I am glad to know that it was the “drug” and not him acting so irrationally. I also want to thank everyone who has posted a comment, beause it has helped me realize we are not alone.

    Posted on October 9, 2008 at 1:36 pm

  • Dave says:

    I started taking Chantix about 2 weeks ago and quit smoking on day 8 after 30 years. however, yesterday, I started being very irritable with people around me. I felt very nervous, quite and not my self. My girlfriend, who means the world to me, and I had a small disagreement and I absolutley lost it. I pulled over to the side of the road in my car, jumped out and just started running away! I am a very peaceful person and his is not my usual personality! I was screaming at the top of my lungs to my girl as she tried to calm me down befor I got hit by another car, or arrested! I woke up this morning and called Chantix and my Docto and both told me to stop taking it ASAP. Good news is I stopped smoking (for now).. Also good news is that my girlfriend is not leaving me after my crazy rant and rage yesterday because she knows that was not the real me.. Bottom line.. be careful with this stuff!

    Posted on October 13, 2008 at 3:36 pm

  • Beth says:

    My son was on Chantix he had problems with depression most of his life Was severely depressed for near 4 years but never took his life until he was on the Chantix along with three other medications . He called his drs and said he was seeing things hearing things and had suicidal thoughts they prescribed another medication on top of that. On November 4th 2007 my son who has always been terrified of heights jumped off falls of 214 feet . My son has now quit smoking so I guess the chantix accomplished that . I can not even pen the hurt and devestation that Chantix has caused my family . I had to Identify my son in the Morgue. In my opinion this was so preventable by both the drug company as well as a Dr who prescribed the multiple drugs . Lithium , adderall , Chantix and one other that slips my mind at the time. So many deaths for no reason other than these people want to be normal but at what cost .

    Posted on October 14, 2008 at 9:44 am

  • Laurie says:

    My daughter and her husband had just had a new baby, moved into a new home and appeared to have a wonderful life in front of them. A few months prior to the new babies birth my son in law took Chantix to stop smoking. He is a very loving and caring man. My daughter is nervous and high strung and he was so gentle with her it balanced them out. He stopped taking Chantix after about 5 weeks. He was having dreams that he had killed his chilldren and wife. He had been warned of the side effects and knew to stop if he experienced them. He did and things appeared to be fine. Shortly after the baby was born he was no longer working, they fought alot and he told her he was considering suicide, he told us the exact plan. His exact words to me were “I have everything to live for but I want to die”. He was admitted outpatient to a psych hosptial. Left my daughter and the kids and moved to his fathers. For months now he has continued to act strangely. They are working on their marriage and talking. However, he is still not the person he was before. He has major anxiety attacks. Their infant daughter has had undergone some major medical tests for a possible illness that is life threatening. He could barely sit through the appointments with the specialists. He has periods of being closer to normal and then in a flash he doesn’t contact her for weeks. He has not been around the entire family for many months and went into a complete panic attacked right before my grandson’s birhday party and left without even see my grandson. The man my daughter married would never be so emotionally cruel to his child. I stumbled on to the Chantix issues and could not believe what I was reading. I can’t help but wonder if this is what brought all this on and can anything be done to get my precious, loving son in law back.

    Posted on October 20, 2008 at 11:57 pm

  • Kyle says:

    I quit smoking while yaking chantex and the only side effects i had was maybe a weird dream here or there. I have never been on any anti depressents or of medication of any kind. I quit taking it though because i heard it was causing diabetes!!! Since it runs in my family i decided to quit taking chantex after 4 weeks. I am now smoking again. I plan on getting back on it now since I have not read anything about it causing diabetes.

    Posted on October 22, 2008 at 5:15 am

  • christi says:

    i quit taking chantex and then about a week later i tried to kill myself.Thankfully i didnt succed. but since then i have been very depreesed and suffer severa anxiety.The anxiety is so bad that i have problems leaving the house and suffer panic attacks.i am on xanax for this. i think someone should look into these things to .i have never had emotional problems befor the chantex

    Posted on October 22, 2008 at 9:34 am

  • Kathy says:

    My husband took Chantix and he expierenced the nausea, dreams and headaches, But he also became very angry and moody. He is normally real easy going and mild mannered. But he became so unreasonable and short temepered even about the smallest things, sometimes about nothing. He seemed to always be on the edge. I did ask him one day if he was going to commit suicide, which only made him mad. But I had no amswer for the sudden and unexplained turn in my husbands personality, I was scared and grasping at straws. He was someone else totally. I couldn’t figure out what happened, what changed. I tried mentally going through everything from when his anger started and finally one morning the Chantix hit me. I started looking things up about it. After reading up on it, I ask him to quit taking it. He didn’t get the connection. He didn’t even really realize how bad his behavior was. Now that he has been off the Chantix for awhile he see’s that he was different, he say’s he even feels different. He is back to his sweet loving self. Thankfully we figured out things with him before it went onto something really tragic.

    Posted on October 23, 2008 at 3:08 pm

  • Randa says:

    My sister is fighting for her life right now because of chantix. She is in a local hospital in a critical care unit. She parked her car on a train track and looked as the train impacted the car with her in it. My hope is this lawsuit is successful. I cannot participate however, we don’t know how she got the chantix. I wish all of you the best of luck.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 1:02 pm

  • Larry says:

    I actually was able to quit smoking with Chantix. Not right away, I had to gradually reduce smoking and allow the Chantix to replace the nicotine. Then I stayed solely on Chantix and reduced the dosage. I must say that I dont crave a cigarette after 35 years and 100 failed attempts to quit.

    HOWEVER, its been over three months and I feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I cant make sense of things at work, I have a hard time formulating sentences, I sometimes completely forget some words, I get panic attacks, I get agitated ,frustrated and then momentarily aggresive. It comes and goes in waves. I feel like I have alzheimers, or what I imagine it might be like. I also get hot flashes, I cant concentrate, Im very anxious and feel despair and hopelessness, and Im exhausted and lethargic. Are these enough side effects?
    I just want to know when it will stop, its been OVER THREE MONTHS and It wont stop. To top it off my doctor says I just need to cut back my coffee or soda, they go to years of “MED” school and thats all they can come up with?!

    Posted on November 12, 2008 at 12:31 am

  • Tina says:

    I smoked for 20+ years. Was diagnosed with COPD about 4 years ago. Started taking Chantix in Jan. 2007 and have been completely quit since Feb. 2007. Chantix is a god send for me.

    Every medicine, even an asprin has some sort of effect on your body. If you listen to TV commercials for some of these medications you will find some wild side effects. For example, there is a drug out there that might cause you to have an erection for longer than 4 hours but, you can bet your bottom dollar if a man is experiencing erectile dysfunction he is willing to take this medicine to see if it will help.

    Sure I had some vivid dreams and dry mouth but that was the extent of my side effects.

    People are to eager to sue over the littlest thing.

    Posted on November 15, 2008 at 3:27 am

  • kelly says:

    My son is going to be 20 years old next week, and his life is ruined all because of Chantex. He just started College 6 weeks ago, He has a wonderful girlfriend he has been dating for almost a year who has asthma and all he wanted to do is to stop smoking for her because he could see how it was affecting her breathing every time he would light up. 3 weeks into the the chantex he became very moody, pushing everyone who loved him away. He began drinking heavily to “make the pain go away” because he was so sad and didn’t understand why. Then he started having dreams that he killed himself and wake up in a cold sweat. Then he started thinking about killing himself while he was awake, he thought the dreams were trying to “tell him something”. If that wasn’t bad enough, on one of his drinking binges he broke into and robbed a coffee shop and was caught. Now he is facing 2 felony charges. None of this is any of his normal behavior. His life is ruined all because he loved his girlfriend and wanted to quit smoking because it was killing her……Now the treatment has destroyed him. Think twice about using Chantex. It’s not worth it.

    Hope this helps at least one person say NO.

    Posted on November 15, 2008 at 5:31 pm

  • liz says:

    Im 25 and I started takeing chantix in August of 07. Maybe a week after starting chantix I was told I have diabetes. After about a month of takeing chantix I became deeply depressed. I didn’t want to work,I was moody and just wanted to sit in my room by myself. Im still depressed even though I quit takeing the antidepressant because of other side effects that caused me. I feel as if ever since i took chantix my life has changed. Im sad,Im always tired,Im always crying.Im mood and Im not the funny happy girl I use to be b4 this drug came into my life. I no longer smoke but I feel like I was better off a smoker than I am right now.

    Posted on November 19, 2008 at 6:50 pm

  • Lisa says:

    I have been smoking for 25 years and could not give them up. I have been on Chantex for 6 weeks now. I did not quit smoking on the 8th day but did about 2 weeks into it. I just slowly lost the desire to smoke. I don’t drink and I don’t have depression and I have had no problems. I think many of these stories are normal withdrawl symptoms from your addictions.

    Almost every story the people had problems within the first few weeks and blamed it on Chantex or their depression got worse or they drank more. I had some moodiness but it was the withdrawl and not the chantex. I feel like this medicine is a God sent. I am very pleased.
    If you suffer from depression or drink then don’t take this medicine.

    Posted on November 27, 2008 at 2:36 pm

  • Alicia says:

    I was taking Chantix for two months. I was getting severely depressed. I called my doctor but he said I should be alright. I attempted suicide in October. I am now suffering side effects from this and was in the intensive care fighting for my life. And no I wasn’t drinking. I haven’t drank in almost two years. 🙁 Please don’t take this medication.

    Posted on December 23, 2008 at 12:49 pm

  • Barbara says:

    I took Chantix for about 6 months. I also take Zoloft for depression. I did not have any negative side effects while taking chantix. I did start dreaming alot but not nightmares. It also made me much calmer. I have not smoked for almost 3 months and I smoked 2 packs a day for over 25 years . I stopped taking the medication about two weeks ago and have been a little short tempered but nothing major. Definately less short tempered than if I had quit smoking without the Chantix. I have never felt so free in my life. It was definately worth it. Cigarettes are extremely controlling, I am so happy I do not smoke anymore.

    Posted on January 26, 2009 at 12:15 pm

  • Carolmarie says:

    My husband took Chantis for approx 12 weeks. Yes he quit smoking. However, he DID NOT have any suicidal effects from the drug. He DID have some of the rare side effects noted on the package insert but his Dr stated that this could not be true. My husband began having muscular and skeletol pain.

    To this day 1 year later, these pains have become so severe that it is interfering with his work and home life. Has anyone else experienced this side effect?

    Posted on January 27, 2009 at 8:17 pm

  • Kimberly says:

    I am 44 years old. I started smoking when i was 20 years old. I have tried many times to quit and failed. Failure is a depression in itself. II wanted to quit so badly. My only son, Chad and my husband, Russ suffered as much as myself in smoking. I really had despairing thoughts and seemed convinced it was impossible for me to quit smoking. Until, one day I learned about Chantix. I discussed taking Chantix with my doctor and like many of the testimonies I have read, I experienced most of the listed side-effects. I had vivid dreams. gas, nausea, even menstrual complications.. Though i had many of the side-effects, i NEVER once had thoughts of suicide. The only medications iI had ever taken is my fluid pill for hypertension and a potassium pill. After the first week of taking Chantix, the side-effects diminished and I started to reduce my smoking. By the 2nd and 3rd week iI was down to only taking 1 pill a day for I began to notice less nicotine craving. I had set a date on March 23, 2007 and vowed it would be my last cigarette. This day was the birthday of a very beloved, and inspirational person in my life, Pam. On May 18, 2007, she passed away at a young age in her fifties from cancer. I am blessed to have not smoked one cigarette now going on 2 years on March 23, 2009. Normally, I am not one for taking drugs, but this one time I did, certainly got me off from one of the most addicted drugs there is….CIGARETTES. I not only feel good from quitting, but I feel GREAT for not having failed this time. Failure is not a bad thing, you just can’t give up. Try, and try again, eventually you will pass the test. Most of all, I thank GOD for being there right by my side all the way. I stood on the promise god gives us….”I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, WHO STRENGTHENS ME…..PHILIIPPPIANS 4:13. He truly is our greatest Counselor and Physician. Love and prayers, Kimberly (West Virginia)

    Posted on February 11, 2009 at 6:14 pm

  • Julie says:

    The first two weeks I took Chantex I thought it was a miracle. I stoped Smoking after a week and I was so proud of myself !!!
    It made me bloated and gain 6 pounds in one week…but I thought that was nothing compared to the fact that I quit smoking.

    Starting the 3rd week I started to be stressed and moody. I argued with everyone, anxitey and pantics would occur for no reason, and I was so sad even if I was doing something that usually made me happy. At first I thought it was just the effects of not smoking anymore. But After the 5th week I statred to think something was wrong. I was flipping out on EVERYONE and almost getting into fights everywhere I went.
    I tried to think what was wrong becuase my behovior and stress levels do not feel normal. Thats when I thought it had to be Chantex because that was the only thing I was putting into my body different than usual. I had never even heard of these side effects of Chantex untill just now when I stared to look on the internert and this site…so I know its just not in my head.

    Yes I have quit smoking but I have almost cried myself to sleep everynight. Im not sure which one is worse. Smoking or heavy deppression…….I think I would just rather feel normal again!!

    I think my doctor should of warned me of this before his “its a miracle” reccomendation. He said he didint know one thing bad about it…..I guess he got paid to say that 🙁

    Posted on March 27, 2009 at 3:07 am

  • Bob says:

    On April 27, 2009 my brother called 911, told them he was going to commit suicide and hung up. Seconds later he crawled into his bathtub and shot himself in the chest. He was 34 with a 10 year old son that is now alone.

    After days of searching for answers, we found a package of Chantix in his bathroom. He had been on the drug for just over 3 weeks. He was a manic depressive, and had it well contolled for over 20 years withou a single episode of suicidal thoughts or tendencies. He was a recreational drinker, and had a glass of wine or beer with dinner almost every night. He left an audio CD for us when he died, with instructions on how he wanted to be buried, and details about how tragic his life had become. The CD made no sense, ramblings about broken romances from high school, and what a train wreck his life had become. It was if someone had taken over his body, the voice was his, but the man behind it was someone we didn’t know.

    I learned a long time ago that the quickest way to fight an enemy was to take the fight to thier door and make it so horrific that they had no choice except to run or die. I thought about joining these lawsuits, but I don’t want thier money. I want them to feel what I felt when I cleaned the blood out of his bathtub. I want them to know what it feels like to have the blood of thier loved ones on thier hands, to know that no matter how many times you wash your hands you still see thier blood. I want them to look into the faces of thier friends and family and wonder what they could have done to stop this. I want what the bible says I should have, an eye for an eye.

    I’m done with doing things the way they should be done. I’m tired of doctors dancing around the responsibilities, and corporate lawyers and thier “facts”. This time, I fight for the ones that can no longer defend themselves, the ones who trusted and were decieved, and the ones who have lost and have no recourse.

    Posted on May 5, 2009 at 3:25 pm

  • Michael says:

    I have not felt the same since taking chantix. I didn’t realise that Chantix was to blame for how I am feeling, I never even made the connection between how I was feeling and the drug to be honest! I had seen many of the commercials on TV about the lawsuits but still it didn’t seem to be me I thought, My problem is differnet that the others in that I now think about death (Mine) all the time, Its freaks me out constantly and I have never felt like this ever before and I have been through allot in my life. I went through a horrible accident in which I was crushed almost to death and it put me in a wheelchair, but I am now almost able to walk but with all these thoughts of dying all the time its hard to concentrate on even walking which is super important to me. I have not told my doctor about these problems because I dont want them to think I’m nuts and try to put me in some mental hospital either.
    I took Chantix off and on while trying to quit smoking, It made me feel sick every time I tried to use it, Stomach felt sick, heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, and just a feeling of oddness!
    I don’t like how it has changed me emotionally, mentally, and physically and most likely theres nothing that can be done to reverse it either but on the rare chance there is please let me know as I’d really like the old me back~
    I still smoke too, I have cut way down thanks to taking the patch and allot of will power which I now wish I had more of in the first place so I wouldnt have ever used this wierd drug Chantix, To those of you that did quit and have no bad side effects, consider yourselves lucky and dont ever start smoking again or your a fool~

    Posted on May 26, 2009 at 1:18 pm

  • Kevin says:

    I’ve smoked for 25 years, and i only quit once with the patch atleast 10 years ago, but stupidilly starting smoking again after stopping for over a year for no good reason.
    i starting taking Chantix 13 days ago, and it has been great, i was smoking over a pack a day religiously for years, and by day7 i was down to one or two, and even with one or two, i felt like a non-smoker, they did not taste right anymore and i didnt smoke the whole thing.
    This is my 6th smoke free day, i’ve had zero side effects, i’m a 41 year old male, married with 3 young boys.
    To be honest i’ve felt happier since starting Chantix, i was shocked my insurance did cover any of the costs, i think they should have, it ran me $136, but like my wife said, how much are cigarettes costing me.
    I’ve heard people have been on Chantix for 6-8 months, i don’t understand that, if you can go 3 months smoke free, then nicotine is out of your system, thats my plan, do the 12 week chantix plan and then i’m free from cigarettes!
    I rarely ever drink so i’ve havent drank while taking Chantix, if it’s a probelm then i will simply not drink while taking, whats more important, quitting smoking or drinking?
    I hope others have as good an experience as i have had so far, good luck everybody….


    Posted on July 19, 2009 at 12:03 pm

  • Lisa says:

    I am a RN, first of all and had researched this medication before I even spoke to my Dr. about it. I started taking Chantix and after about 2 weeks NOTICED the changes that were happening with myself. I was depressed, irritable, nasty and aggressive. I would take the pill and about 15 minutes later have horrible stomach pain — not ache — pain. My poor 2 year old was screamed at fiercely more than once. Thank God I started realizing the changes and put 2 and 2 together. I quit the medicine, point blank. I told my husband that I thought it was “making me mean”. I am sure that if I had continued the medicine I would have had situations occur that I would have regretted. This is in a nut shell my experience….not a good one.

    Posted on August 5, 2009 at 12:55 am

  • Terri says:

    I will tell you my story and hope you all listen..Chantix is a very dangerous drug period…Started taking Chantix June of 2007, Wow I told myself this is a miracle drug, I had smoked 45yrs, and now I am smoke free..Took as directed for 3 mo. and no side effects. Stopped taking Chantix after 3 mo of it and all hell broke loose. First side effect was electrical shocks in my brain every time I tried to sleep the first night. Scared me have to death, I thought I was having a stroke. I was on vacation in LA and did not want to go to the ER..I made it home and then the panic attacks started, Then everybone in my body ached..The Doctor could never find anything wrong with me…This went on for 2 years and I am still having trouble all because of the miracle drug Chantix, and I went back to smoking….all that pain and suffering for what? and guess what, I went back to the Doc. and got a prescription for CHANTIX, started taking it July 25 2009…when I upped the dose to 1mg morning oh here come the side effects, within 2hrs of taking Chantix I had severe stabbing chest pains off and on for the whole day…The next morning no pains…took my morning dose with food and had the worse stomach ache I have ever had in my life! OH that is it No more Chantix I refuse to take it at all ….I have been smoke free with Chantix for 9 days, I will continue on cold turkey from here, but let me tell you that the pains are all still there and no telling when they will be gone….I never experienced any depression or suicide, but for the people who think this is a mircle drug beware you will end up with something permenent from taking this drug….I now have tremors, which are permenant and never will go away….Oh the first time I took Chantix and met up with family for vaccation, they told me I had no Idea where I was even at…..Please do not take this drug

    Posted on August 9, 2009 at 9:56 pm

  • PAULINA says:



    Posted on September 1, 2009 at 2:58 pm

  • Nicole says:

    I started taking Chantix Sept 13th, 2009 and by the 6th day , I was suicidal. I am one of the lucky ones, to have a husband who noticed the change in me and took me to the hospital. Be warned: Do your homework, you will see how many people have taken there lives using Chantix.

    Posted on September 21, 2009 at 3:26 pm

  • corky says:

    my brother was driving truck and smoking more then 2 packs of cigarettes a day.he went to the doctor and they put him on chantix.he took the drug for a month or so and had quit smoking.he started having weird thoughts of hurting himself and instread of going to his doctor he went to the ER and they admitted him to the physc ward.He stayed there for 7 days and went off the chantix.he of course started smoking again.He changed jobs moved out of state and was doing had been over a year since he went off the chantix.He was out drinking on night and got caught,lost his job,everything he had worked so hard for in the past year.He called us ,told us what happened and had no place else to go so he moved in with us.about that time i had gone to the doctor and got a prescription for when he moved in we talked and decided to quit together with the help of chantix,and any weird feelings we would let the other know.3 weeks later he came up to me and layed the rest of his prescription down in front of me and siad i cant do this any more.he had got to the point where he wouldnt get out of bed wouldnt shower and felt completely useless.i myself was not sleeping anymore and was flying off the handle for any and all reasons.i didnt like my husband my kids or my brother 2 weeks after him i quit taking chantix.2 weeks later june 8,2009 at 1;30 in the morning my phone rang,,,another brother calling to tell me that our brother had put a bullet in his head and was in the ER.15 hours later he was dead.i honestly belive that the drug was the main factor in this,he had always been a fun loving kinda guy with 2 boys that he loved very much.chantix is like a monster that just took over his whole being and destroyed sucked him down in to a monster hole and would not let him not take this drug.i will take my chances of dying from lung cancer then taking my own life while being smoke free

    Posted on October 15, 2009 at 5:36 pm

  • Nadeen says:

    I had began to take Chantrix Jan 2009, I notices a really dry mouth right away. I had asked some friends to monitor my behaviors just to make sure I was ok. Within weeks I had experienced foggy head and forgetfulness. I was not becoming myself. I would have strange thoughts and almost felt that part of my brain was not working (like a constant fog). My moods got worse and worse where I was depressed and aggressive on different occasions. I stopped taking Chantrix after going out with some friends and having one glass of wine ( at this point I was on it for 6 weeks) and I freaked out with thoughts of paranoia, and overtly aggressive behavior. I had screamed at my friends for no real reason! I stopped the next day. It took me about 2 months to feel normal again and the brain fogginess took about three weeks. I would never recommend this product and hope they get sued for every penny they have collected!

    Posted on October 17, 2009 at 9:43 pm

  • Forrest says:

    My wife and I have been on Chantix for almost two weeks now, and the only thing wrong is that my wife gets an upset stomach after taking it. These symptoms do go away however after about 30 minutes. In my opinion, most of the side effects that are reported, are ones that I felt before when trying to quit cold turkey, without meds. I was very irritable, depressed, because I really did like to smoke, but could’nt anymore, and lowered blood pressure, as nicotine is a stimulant. I’m sure there may be issues for some people, but with Chantix, I seem to sleep better at night, and wake more refreshed. For my wife and I, this stuff is working! so-far!….

    Posted on October 28, 2009 at 6:49 pm

  • terri says:

    ‘m 55 yr. old wife (36 yrs.); mother, na na of 6!! Awesome job, (22 yrs.), VERY happy and content w/my life. Was smoking 4 to 6 cigarettes per day. Decided to put that chapter to rest.

    Almost put myself to rest instead. Two scripts filled and completed between 10/06 and 10/07. Two hospital stays in ’08. Have been on Zoloft for 10 years.

    Jan. ’08 – – taken by ambulance in middle of nite with heart attack symptoms, horrific headache, severe stomach cramping and fever of 104. Put on oxygen, morphine and antibiotic IV’s for a week. Numerous tests were run w/no conclusion. Written off as possible virus of some sort.

    May ’08 – – took drive to rural area, purchased 3 bottles of sleeping pills and little, diabetic type razors (why?? ‘ve NO IDEA!! Never even knew those existed till that nite….) Was not sad, mad, glad….nothing…just figured my time was up and my job done!! Time to go!!!

    Woke up six days later in ICU surrounded by family and clergy. Spent time in psyche unit, ostracized by all who THOUGHT they knew and loved me….babysitting privileges with my beautiful grandchildren were stripped away…just NOW (18 months later), are being returned. They missed me, I spent nites crying and questioning myself…HOW could I have DONE such a thing??

    Chantix – – a lobotomy by mouth.

    Posted on November 13, 2009 at 3:38 pm

  • KD says:

    I was on Chantix for a period of two months. Depression was experienced to the point of false fear of virtually everything. Up to and including my wife. The anxiety became bad enough that I could no longer take the medication. The lasting effect is that some of the depression / fear related dilusions resulting as after taking Chantix still exist. Unfortunately, my marriage no longer does. While on Chantix my responses were aggressive, short, almost to the point of anger at normal things in life. I am in hope that some may use this product with no side effects and stop smoking. As for me, it was an expensive voyage into depression and anxiety that I believe no person should go through. Dreams, nightmares, and muscle cramps were among some of the wonderful results of this “wonder drug”. Left my home, wife, and almost my job. Now living in a small one bedroom apartment alone and now prefer it that way. Do not want to ever say anything again as cruel as I said while taking this product. Thanks for nothing but destroying my life Pfizer.

    Posted on January 21, 2010 at 1:14 pm

  • emree says:

    Well I am on my first pill of my second week and came to this site to see what others have experienced while taking chantix. Such confusion! I have waited a long time to even try Chantix due to the mixed results I have heard from the public. finally I decided to give it a try because i am tired of being a smoker (17rs old to 33yrs.) Two of my closest freinds have successfully quit smoking with Chantix. One just had the vivd dreams, but the other experiencd some nausea and cramps.
    Not sure if its the drug or not but I am feeling a some depression and also experience vivid dreams, but they are not disturbing. But I am going through some life changes already. I have been through several life changing events in the past 5 yrs(took care of mother while she died of cancer, rebuilt my house after Huricane Katrina, got married, opened a business, and got a divorce, then just spent 9 months in basic seclusion in Yosemite) and have struggled off an on with depression and alcohol and cigs had become my best freinds. I have never taken any anti depressants before or any other meds. I do feel a little lost and confused about my life and path I will follow but I cant say for sure that it is the drug or my own mind mulling through what was already present.
    The thing about quitting for me right now just having started my second week is the triggers like, coffee, alcohol, and sometimes driving. Wish me luck. And I thank everyone for sharing their stories because if my depression symptoms start to increase I will definitely pay close attention and try to be aware of behavioral changes and also inform those close to me to pay attention as well.
    I do wonder if some of these side effects can be contributed to nicotine withdraw?

    Posted on June 11, 2010 at 10:18 pm

  • ShellyTina says:

    a family member has been smoke free for 11 weeks while taking chantix~ ha has smoked 20 some years. His life has fell apart. He told his wife of 12 years he is not happy< said he has never been happy and said alot of other things very hurtful to her. The next day cried so hard told her he did not no why he said any of it. weird things began to happen. Then one morning he got up left his home naked got in his truck drove around very erratichit a tree head on<got out of his truck like nothing happened and started walking, he was VERY aggressive with the cop and volenter fire dept<(keep in mind he knew and was friends with these people)The day before this he went to several of other family members telling them he wants to make sure there is peace in his life before he goes home~he said god was calling him home. He is now setting in jail and it seems there is no hope. He has never been like this.

    Posted on July 28, 2010 at 7:25 am

  • Nicole says:

    I took Chantix for the full 6 months, I also have been on and am still on an anti-depressant for MS. The only side affect I had from Chantix were very vivid dreams but, I was warned about the potential for behaviour problems and suicidle thoughts/actions and I made the choice to try it anyway! So, given that everyone made the choice to take this medication, many after the warnings were very public they should not be able to have grounds for a lawsuit!

    Posted on September 12, 2010 at 12:45 pm

  • kathy says:

    i took chantix 8 months ago and guit smoking it got rid of the crave for nicotine,but not the habit i got an electric cigerett,non nicotine filters,8 months later smoke free and am so happy about it ,since taking chantix I have a hard time staying focused on one thing my mind goes like a pinball machine all the time dont concentrate whiledriving some times does any one eles have this problem?

    Posted on January 8, 2011 at 6:05 pm

  • shea says:

    I took chantix for about 8 weeks and had horrible experience with it. I went from a very happy go lucky girl to someone who felt very unsure of herself and her life. Out of nowhere I called off my wedding to my finance when I had never had any doubts about our relationship before the chantix. I told him I was leaving and going away for a while. I didnt know exactly what I was going to do but I had so many crazy thoughts racing through my head that I couldnt figure out what the heck to do with mysellf. Thankfully, my fiance was very patient with me and I ended up sticking around as long as the wedding was off. After that, I began having suicidal thoughts, began cutting myself and becoming very aggressive and violent. I would even think that killing myself was no big deal and that it was kind of funny to me. One night, after going on a “date night” with my fiance I completely lost control. I dont remember much but he certainly does. We were singing in the car together on the way home, having a wonderful time and being goofy. After we arrived home, I apparently walked through the front door, fell to the floor and started screaming and crying like I never had before. When my fiance tried to help me, I hit him, ran from him and locked myself in the bathroom where I proceeded to break the mirror and start slicing away at my legs from top to bottom. My fiance was so frightened that I was going to kill myself that he busted down the door. When he did, I struggled passed him, grabbed a large mirrored picture off the wall, hit him with it and broke it over his head. My boyfriend finally got a hold of me and struggled to hold me down (Im 105lbs, hes 260lbs) I start screaming, I bit him, i kicked at him with my legs, screamed wildly and spit in his face well over 20 times. When he finally let me go, I ran out of the house and down the street with blood all over myself and went to our near-by walgreens and called the police and tried to have my fiance arrested! When I came to and finally calmed down, I was in the back of an ambulance, receiving an IV and oxygen for hyperventillation. Since my injuries to myself were non-life threatening and I was back to being alert i was released and a police officer drove me home and asked my fiance to stay somewhere else for the night because they were sending a crisis counselor over to stay with me. After that I IMMEDIATELY stopped taking the chantix and thankfully my finace forgave me and understood that it was not my fault or my intention to ever do that to him. It scares me to this day to think about this because even tho I know I dont remember much about that night, I truly know in my heart that if I had grabbed a knife that night instead of a picture off the wall, I would have killed my fiance. Since then I have been on anti-depressants and xanax for the residual side effects that havent seemed to go away (racing thoughts, anxiety., etc). I am also very happy to say that on May 16th 2011, I married that wonderful man that saved me from myself that night and put himself in harms way. He is the love of my life, I have never had a better relationship, or friend in my entire life and I am so very very grateful that he was willing to forgive me and spend the rest of his life with me. I warn everyone out there STAY AWAY FROM THIS MEDICATION. Beyond my own story, I have also pretty much lost my dad since he took chantix, even tho he is off it now and has been for over a year, he struggles with severe bi-polar disorder, anxiety, paranoia and countless other things. QUIT WITHOUT THIS SHIT! YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN

    Posted on July 29, 2011 at 11:26 pm

  • TERRI says:

    …the only safe way to take Chantix is to…NOT SWALLOW!!

    Posted on September 21, 2011 at 2:59 pm

  • Lloro says:

    well I’m in the same boat as you. I am trying to lose about 40 pudons, and I thought I would quit smoking too, you know get healthy all at once. My experience has been this, but yours might be different: When I quit smoking I started PACKING on the pudons. It’s not that I ate more, I was still trying to eat healthy, exercise, etc. but for some reason I just started gaining weight when I quit. I went back to smoking, and I found that a cigarette takes the edge off my hunger, when I’m hungry, I light up. I know it’s not good, but I guess I will try to quit again when I’m skinny. Smoking is bad for you, but so is excess weight. It all depends on what is more important to you right now, and for me, losing weight is the most important goal in my life at this moment. So I smoke. And smoking hasn’t hurt my endurance any either. (it probably doesn’t HELP, but I don’t notice that I’m out of breath a lot)

    Posted on July 3, 2012 at 5:58 am

  • Jaime says:

    i would say yes for one thing it is bad for your health as you paobrbly know, but one other thing is because smoking makes you burn out faster. If you want to lose weight you are going to need your lungs a lot, they will be working overtime, well if you think about it smoking will only slow you down because it messes with your lungs. In other words it will make you more out of breath then you would be.

    Posted on July 3, 2012 at 6:28 am

  • Doug says:

    I have a couple of thoughts after reading through majority of the comments on this thread. I myself am a Chantix user of 6 weeks.

    First of all, many of the symptoms described here can be attributed to nicotine/smoking withdrawal, not Chantix. I’m not sure if these people were misled about the product, but in no way is it the “magic pill”.

    Second, I can’t help but think some of these negative reviews are just plants by representatives of tobacco companies. After all, these are the same slimbags that lied to congress all the way until the 90s about the addictive properties of nicotine.

    I don’t think any of you have a chance at litigation. That’s the true problem with our health care system. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions. You know how much research I poured into this medication before putting it in my body? Anyone who doesn’t spend at least a hour doing so is a fool. I knew well and good what changes were going to happen to my body and mind. Yes, the drug binds to the nicotine receptors thus blocking the chemical. It releases small amounts of dopamine to counter the withdrawals. That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to have ANY withdrawals.

    Just remember folks, YOU– not the tobacco companies — started the addiction in the first place. The effects of withdrawal brought upon by stopping are YOUR responsibility, not the drug’s. For those that tried cold turkey, you should be thanking Pfizer for making the process a bit easier.

    And finally, if you’re taking other meds and can’t find any information on the effects of combining it with Chantix, DON’T TAKE IT! This is common sense people. Just because your doctor says it will be okay doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek a 2nd opinion. I think the suicides are unfortunate but those claiming they were pushed over the edge by Chantix are simply lying to themselves. It was most likely the profound lifestyle change of quitting nicotine/smoking that sends your body and mind into a shock- not this pill.

    Posted on August 10, 2012 at 11:57 am

  • Andrea says:

    I lost my onl,y daughter a year and a half ago to Chantix, THIS DRUG IS POISON.

    Posted on October 23, 2012 at 7:54 pm

  • Jacqueline says:

    Changing destructive habits after realizing you’ve been putting yourself through them for years is depressing. Learning to live a new way of life and how to cope without using a cigarette as a crutch is depressing. When you are aware that you are not giving anything up by putting the cigarette down and gaining multiple things as a result then the depression ceases. Blaming Chantix for depression is like eating mcdonalds every day and suing them for getting fat. Depression happens as adults we confuse responsibility with stress and cope using nicotine or substances as crutches enough already, if Chantix made you depressed fine but it works or you can choose to continue to smoke and stay brainwashed which in my opinion is drastically more depressing. Is your cup half full or half empty. Thank you Chantix for helping me become a happy non-smoker after 13 yrs of failed quitting attemps.

    Posted on November 15, 2012 at 9:49 am

  • Pascha says:

    I think the key is to remember that everyone is different. I have had a history of depression, paranoid episodes, PTSD, and have tried just about every antidepressant/anxiety medicine known to man. That being said, I have been on chantix for almost 4 weeks. I am 38 and have smoked more than a pack per day for over 20 years. I have no nausea or cramping, but I now make sure I eat breakfast and take pill with food. I have always had weird dreams, but they are not any different now than before. I am not having any feelings of depression or suicidal issues. The only bad thing is that now that I am not smoking, I have nothing to do with my smoking hand. Lol I carry an ink pen in my hand much of the day. I click it, flip it, tap it, spin it…. Sometimes I even put it in my mouth. Everyone is different and as with ALL medicine, experience different side effects. Happy Quitting!!!

    Posted on February 27, 2014 at 10:34 pm

  • Ericov says:

    I went through hell on this drug. I tried it twice to quit smoking. As far as helping me quit, it was excellent for that purpose. But everything else was bad.

    I think it’ been almost 2 years since I took it, and I’m still having awful moments I think my be related to it.

    Smokers, please, if you can find another way to quit, try it. I never thought the nicotine patch would work for me, but it has been just as effective as Chantix, without the hell and misery heaped on the side.

    Posted on May 23, 2014 at 2:14 am

  • Esteban says:

    Susan said:
    “I took Chantix for 8 months, the only side effect I had was an upset stomach for about 30 minutes after taking the daily dose. I wonder how many people that have had problems suicide etc..were drinking alcohol while taking Chantix ? I also wonder if the tobacco companies are telling these stories..because I know about 20 people that have stopped smoking without a problem.It seems to be the only thing that really helps you stop smoking.”

    You OBVIOUSLY gain some benefit from downplaying the results of Chantix. Which is despicable!

    Posted on March 24, 2018 at 4:15 pm

  • Esteban says:

    I was working with a guy who started taking Chantix and got really paranoid. He thought I was going to tell everyone about his extramarital affair and he even thought I was secretly taping him. He never did quit smoking.

    Posted on March 24, 2018 at 4:20 pm

  • esteban says:

    Doug said:
    “Second, I can’t help but think some of these negative reviews are just plants by representatives of tobacco companies. After all, these are the same slimbags that lied to congress all the way until the 90s about the addictive properties of nicotine.”

    Hahahaha! GIVE ME A BREAK! YOU are NO DOUBT someone who has something to lose by having Chantix being revealed as the life wrecker it can be! YOU ARE THE PLANT! I’ve quit smoking several times and never had any kind of psychotic episode like so many of these posters have! And I’ve NEVER known anyone who described their experience with quitting smoking as anything near these stories! YOU’RE A LIAR, A DANGEROUS LIAR! A liar for money. Do you not fear hell????

    Posted on March 24, 2018 at 5:46 pm

  • Jessica says:

    I took Chantix September of 2007 and quit smoking within 3 weeks. But my brain hasn’t been the same since. I’ve suffered deep depression, violent outburst, I no longer care about cleaning my house, it’s become a cluttered down mess. My home was once a nice clean place. I use to be social and I use to care about my appearance. Now I’m lucky to get dressed up 2 or 3 times a month. I consulted a lawyer back in 2009 about this but was told bc I was diagnosed with bipolar that I wasn’t qualified to sue, so I guess my life being totally messed up by Chantix is totally OK. The bipolar diagnosis was given to me by a second Dr at age 19. My original diagnosis was manic depression at age 15. Funny how I was normal, and could carry out daily activities until Chantix. After Chantix I became an empty shell that couldn’t get out of bed until I was put 90mg of Cymbalta. I’m still on Cymbalta, but it no longer helps since I was switched to generic. Gotta love medicaid… Anyway, I truly hope they stop making this drug. I miss who I use to be! I went back to smoking 2 years later anyway due to stress and other things in my life… Good luck to anyone who takes this life altering drug!

    Posted on February 15, 2019 at 4:51 pm

  • Lunda says:

    I was taking Chantix and couldn’t even manage to make myself something to eat! I was loopy!!

    Posted on April 29, 2019 at 6:15 pm

  • Kristi says:

    I took chantix from 2010 to the end of 2011. 6 months later. I was hospitalized for an almost successful suicide attempt

    Posted on November 28, 2024 at 11:04 am

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