Jalapeno Salmonella Food Poisoning Recall

Harvey Kirk

By Harvey Kirk
Posted July 22, 2008


Over the past two months, over 1,200 confirmed cases of salmonella food poisoning have been linked to a particular strain of bacteria known as Salmonella Saintpaul. While health officials initially thought certain raw tomatoes were responsible for the salmonella outbreak, it now appears that jalapeno peppers may be responsible for sickening people throughout the United States. The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk are reviewing potential jalapeno food poisoning lawsuits for individuals diagnosed with salmonella contamination after eating the peppers.

Yesterday, two different companies issued jalapeno recalls after discovering that their products may be contaminated with salmonella. However, only one of the recalls involved the strain of Salmonella Saintpaul which has been the common thread in this outbreak.

Argicola Zargoza, Inc. recalled all jalapeno peppers distributed since June 30, 2008 after they were found to be contaminated with Salmonella Saintpaul. The jalapeno peppers were sold in 50 pound bags and 35 pound plastic crates with no label or brand name. Although the company indicates that they only distributed the peppers in two states, it is possible that other distribution processes resulted in the widespread use of these peppers throughout the United States.

At this time, the FDA is continuing to investigate this contamination and it is unclear whether other sources could be responsible for the cases of food poisoning which have been reported in 43 states. It is also unclear whether the contamination occurred at the farm where the jalapeno peppers were grown, in Mexico, at the manufacturing plant in Texas or at some other point in the distribution process.

The other recall was issued by Grande Produce Ltd. Co, which is also based in Texas, after a sampling by state health officials found salmonella contamination. That salmonella recall involved jalapeno peppers, serrano peppers as well as avacado, but the strain of the bacteria was not Salmonella Saintpaul.


The food poisoning lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are investigating potential lawsuits for individuals diagnosed with salmonella who required hospitalization or severe medical treatment for their injuries. Salmonella food poisoning often results in severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhea. While most healthy adults recover within a few weeks, young children, elderly and those with a weak immune system could be susceptible to more severe food poisoning, potentially resulting in aneurysms, endocarditis or arthritis.

If you, a friend or family member have been diagnosed with food poisoning linked to the Salmonella Saintpaul strain of the bacteria, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.

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