Propecia Lawyers for Sexual Dysfunction Lawsuits

Austin Kirk

By Austin Kirk
Posted August 24, 2011


The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential Propecia lawsuits for men who have experienced permanent sexual dysfunction after using this prescription medication for treatment of hair loss. Side effects of Propecia have been linked to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction, fertility problems, impotence, loss of sexual desire and other problems, which may be irreversible and permanent in many cases.


A growing number of men throughout the United States have reported suffering serious sexual side effects after using Propecia. Compensation may be available for men who have suffered problems as a result of Merck’s failure to adequately warn about this risk and provide accurate information about the fact that men could continue to suffer sexual problems long after use of the medication is stopped.

Although warnings about the risk of Propecia sexual dysfunction have been included on the warning label, it appears that Merck knowingly provided misleading and inaccurate information about the risks associated with this prescription medication that does not treat any disease or illness.

As early as 2003, research suggested that only 50% to 59% of men who experienced sexual problems from Propecia had the dysfunction resolve after the medication was discontinued.

Although Merck has updated the Propecia warning label in several countries to indicate that sexual dysfunction from Propecia may continue even after the medication is no longer used, they continue to provide misleading and inadequate warnings in the United States.

In 2008, Merck updated the warnings in Sweden to indicate that some post-marketing reports indicated “persistent erectile dysfunction after discontinuation of treatment with Propecia.” In 2009, the Swedish Medical Products Agency concluded that side effects of Propecia could lead to permanent erectile dysfunction. Warnings in other European countries, including the United Kingdom and Italy, have also been changed to include reports of persistent erectile dysfunction after individuals stop using Propecia.

Despite these new warnings outside the United States, even today, the Patient Product Information warnings about potential Propecia side effects provided on Merck’s website indicate (emphasis added):

In clinical studies, side effects from Propecia were uncommon and did not affect most men. A small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects. These men reported one or more of the following: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and, a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men. These side effects went away in men who stopped taking Propecia. They also disappeared in most men who continued taking Propecia..


To review a potential claim for yourself, a friend or family member who have experienced persistent sexual dysfunction from Propecia, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.

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