Propecia Infertility, Impotence Long-Term Risks
Many men throughout the United States have turned to Propecia for treatment of male pattern baldness, in hopes of improving their appearance and their quality of life. However, due to inadequate and misleading warnings provided to consumers and the medical community, these users were not aware of the potential long-term Propecia risks, including infertility, impotence, erectile dysfunction and other problems.
▸ Propecia Infertility and Impotence Lawsuits
The Propecia lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential claims for men throughout the United States. Although Merck, the drug manufacturer, has been aware of the risk of Propecia problems and warned men in other countries that sexual dysfunction may be long-term or permanent, they failed to provide accurate and complete information in the U.S.
In this country, Merck only indicated that Propecia was linked to temporary impotence, infertility and other sexual side effects, suggesting that any such problems would go away once the medication was stopped. However, following a number of studies and post-marketing reports, the drug maker was forced to place additional information on the drug labels in other countries, including Sweden, the U.K. and Italy, that indicates users have experienced persistent and long-term problems with infertility and impotence from Propecia.
Research has suggested that only about half of men who experience Propecia infertility, impotence or other sexual problems have the side effects resolve after they stop taking the medication. Other studies have shown that the mean duration of infertility, impotence and other sexual dysfunction was 40 months, with 20% of subjects reporting durations over 6 years.
Male pattern baldness is not a disease or illness, and it appears likely that Merck has resisted placing information on the drug label about the Propecia infertility and impotence long-term risks due to concerns about how it will impact sales. If men had been provided more adequate information about the Propecia risks, many may have chosen not to take the prescription medication to reverse the healthy and normal occurrence of male pattern hair loss.
Compensation may be available through a Propecia lawsuit for men who have experienced long-term inmpotence, infertility, erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems after taking the medication. To review a potential claim for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
3 Comments • Add Your Comments
Richard says:
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, I participated in a 6 year long Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. At the trial’s conclusion, I was informed that I had indeed been taking Propecia. In the early 1990s, I began to notice erectile disfunction problems. I became more and more difficult for me to achieve an erection and to feel sufficient sensitivity ro reach an orgasm. Today, 40 mg Levitra is barely enough to get me erect for a short time, and there is an almost complete absence of sensitivity. I have not been able to reach an orgasm even when alone for close to a year. Vaginal sex results in no feeling whatsoever.
Posted on February 2, 2012 at 3:49 pm
frank says:
I am a healthy guy, now 40. I have been on propecia for over 10 years. At age 36 when having trouble conceiving I went to a urologist to find my sperm count was almost nonexistant.
Posted on April 17, 2012 at 11:06 am
Paul says:
Took Propecia from Sept ’05 to July ’08.
Fertility check Dec ’06 revealed high sperm count, motility, morphology – perfectly healthy sperm.
Re-check July ’08 revealed huge drop in all, Grade A “Fast Swimmers” motility reduced from 50% to 4%. Likely IVF only territory. Discontinued use.
Re-check March ’13 after nearly 5 years ‘clean’. All results much better than ’08 but significantly down from ’06. “Normal” sperm.
Posted on April 17, 2013 at 5:29 pm