Hysterectomy Morcellation Lawsuits Reviewed For Women Diagnosed with Cancer
The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential lawsuits for women throughout the United States who have been diagnosed with the spread of aggressive cancer following a laparoscopic hysterectomy or uterine fibroid removal surgery where a device known as a power morcellator was used.
Morcellation involves the cutting of tissue into small pieces that allow the doctors to remove the uterus or uterine fibroids through a small incision.

Lawyers are Reviewing Cases for Morcellators Used in Laparoscopic Uterine Fibroid Surgery
Many women receive this minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, since it carries a shorter recovery time and reduced risk of infection or other complications. However, it has recently been discovered that the devices may cause the spread of cancerous tissue and lead to serious and life-threatening cancers.
Power morcellators have been used in an estimated 50,000 laparoscopic hysterectomies and myomectomies each year, which may have caused women to be diagnosed with cancer in the uterus, pelvis and abdomen, including aggressive forms of uterine sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma (LMS).
Through a hysterectomy morcellation lawsuit, women may be entitled to financial compensation as a result of the failure of the manufacturers of these devices to warn about the health risks linked to the procedures.
Power Morcellator Cancer Risk
As concerns have mounted over the past year about the spread of cancer following morcellation hysterecomy procedures, the FDA launched an investigation in December 2013. This week, the agency issued a safety communication urging doctors not to use laparoscopic power morcellation during hysterectomies and myomectomies for uterine fibroid removal.
The FDA estimates that about one out of every 352 women who undergo a hysterectomy or uterine fibroid surgery involving power morcellation have unsuspected uterine sarcoma, and about one out of every 498 women have leiomyoscarcoma (LMS). Since there is no effective way to detect the cancerous tissue before the procedure, this may cause many women to have cancer cells spread during the surgery.
According to the FDA statement issued on April 17:
If laparoscopic power morcellation is performed in women with unsuspected uterine sarcoma, there is a risk that the procedure will spread the cancerous tissue within the abdomen and pelvis, significantly worsening the patient’s likelihood of long-term survival. For this reason, and because there is no reliable method for predicting whether a woman with fibroids may have a uterine sarcoma, the FDA discourages the use of laparoscopic power morcellation during hysterectomy or myomectomy for uterine fibroids.
Before the FDA’s warning, numerous critics complained that the medical community and women were not being informed about the cancer risks of power morcellators. They also warned that doctors were not being advised to use a surgical bag available to contain tissue from power morcellation that could potentially help prevent the spread of cancerous cells, and doctors who did attempt to use the bags said working with them was difficult, resulting in many doctors who did not know the risks and need for the bags not using them.
Power morcellators have been in use since the first one was introduced in 1993. Manufacturers have had more than 20 years to adequately research the risks to women that can be caused by these medical devices, not including research that should have been done before the first one was ever placed on the market.
As the FDA pointed out in their statement this week, there are a number of treatment alternatives available for symptomatic uterine fibroids, including:
- Traditional surgical hysterectomy performed vaginally or abdominally
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy or myomectomy that does not involve use of morcellation
- Catheter-based blocking of the uterine artery
- High-intensity focused ultrasound
- Drug therapy
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Cancer Lawyers
The NIH estimates that uterine fibroid removal is a $2.1 billion a year industry and that most women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with uterine fibroids at some point in their lives.
By promoting the use of power morcellation without adequately researching the potential risks or providing warnings for consumers and the medical community, it appears that manufacturers placed their desire for profits before women’s health and safety.
The hysterectomy morcellation lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential lawsuits for women throughout the United States who have been diagnosed with aggressive uterine cancer that may have been caused by the use of this device during their procedure. All cases are handled by our law firm under a contingency fee agreement, which means that there are no out-of-pocket expenses to hire our law firm and we receive no attorney fees unless a recovery is obtained through the lawsuit or case.
If you, a friend or family member experienced cancer or death that may have been caused by a power morcellator during a hysterectomy or uterine fibroid removal surgery, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
9 Comments • Add Your Comments
Mary says:
I had a hystorectomy in April 4,2008!!! It was due to fibroid and I developed many complications after that!! I had meat while in the hospital and had to have several tissues burned in my vagina after that!! Than I ended up having to have surgery because I started vaginal bleeding a month or so after the initial hystorectomy was performed!!! Than on January 11,2011 I had too have my right ovary removed because of stomach pains and the surgeon who performed that surgery said there was alot of clumped tissues piled up and he had too pull the clumps off before he removed the ovary!!
Posted on April 30, 2014 at 7:27 am
Eva says:
Had the surgery April 29,2012.Since this surgery I have been having severe lower adominal pain. After the surgery I did complained about these pains, as well it took along time for me to heal. Have complain about the pain to my doctors. They can not tell me why I am having so much pain in my uterus, and adominal . Still have some scar tissues.
Posted on July 24, 2014 at 3:29 am
Susan says:
At 33yrs old was admitted to San Francisco hospital by an Oncologist after many dismalls from doctors whom i sought knowing something was terribly wrong.It took close to a year before i knew fibrids were the cause of this pain and blood.Likely she saved my life for all the doctors surgeons and ER’s she was first to ask me how much i was bleeding-and turned to me asking if id be willing to go to San Francisco and from there surgeon informedme he was 99% sure I had cancer.He said I didn’t have cancer after all.The operation made a permanent scar belly button to pubic bone and was terribly painful with a long recovery.My ovaries were spared.In 2000 till today started getting cramping in the pelvic area. 4-5 yrs ago a cancerous cyst(stage 2) was discovered to be the cause.Being in area of bladder/ureter.Doctor neglect on Thanksgiving 2012 meant a 6wk catheter,a stint and unmanageable pain.I ‘ve had a sense of uterine fibriods with what proved to be cancer.Sorry this is so long. My girlfriend is incontinent from thsat vaginal mesh amongst other stuff.I hope to be back for good to the bay area by 2/15.O.K Aloha, Smazzella
Posted on October 31, 2014 at 6:12 pm
Pamela says:
I had a partial hysterectomy. which turned in to
pre cancer. then the doctor did a full hysterectomy.
Posted on November 15, 2014 at 1:12 am
Aranda says:
I pray, that one day, women can beat all the females cancers. And to think that Dr negligence could be to blame on some of it, is sickening
Posted on January 7, 2015 at 12:09 pm
Pamela says:
Had a hysterectomy 1994 then in 2008 came down with cancer.
Posted on January 27, 2015 at 12:34 pm
Linda T says:
I had a partial hysterectomy after crying for months, after being hospitalized 2x’s, put on drugs & had 3 blood transfusions. My doc did not believe my pain. After the 2nd surgery, my doc keep apologizing for underestimating my pain & the severity. Now I have been experiencing massive nerve pain. I’m missing time from work n no help! Pls advise
Posted on February 26, 2015 at 6:14 pm
Antionette says:
I’m 35 years old, and had a full hysterectomy done in 21012, due to cervical cancer, some of the cancer spread to the lining of my lower abdomin and I still had to do chemo and radiation therapy. I beat the cancer and still do follow up appointments.
Posted on April 24, 2015 at 2:09 am
Pamela says:
Had cyst on both overies size of grapefruits.also indometreoises.had total hysterectomy in 2010.experiencing pain in vagina and lower abdominal region….I can not even have sex it is to painful!!!!!
Posted on November 30, 2015 at 1:28 pm