Omniscan MRI Contrast Agent Lawyers Are No Longer Reviewing New Cases
Individuals diagnosed with Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis after an MRI or MRA previously pursued Omniscan settlement benefits.
Gadodiamide, marketed as Omniscan by GE Healthcare , is an injection given to provide contrast during MRI and MRA tests. The gadolinium injection has been associated with the development of a painful and debilitating condition for those with kidney disease or impaired renal function.
The rare disorder, Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy, also known as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NFD/NFS), leads to widespread areas of tight, rigid skin which severely restricts movement of the joints. It can also involve scarring to internal organs and could ultimately lead to death.
Omniscan lawsuits were previously investigated for those with known kidney problems who received the gadodiamide injection and suffer from this disabling disease as a side effect of the contrast dye. New cases are no longer being pursued by our law firm.
GE settlement benefits were pursued as a result of their failure to warn about the risk of developing this devastating condition.
Omniscan is one of five gadolinium-based injections which have been approved by the FDA for use during MRI with contrast. It is also known to be used during MRA with contrast, even though it has not been approved for this purpose.
The Omniscan injection was introduced in 1988 by GE Healthcare, a subsidiary of General Electric. The manufacturer gave no indications that the injection was not safe for those with impaired kidney function, and the vast majority of cases of NFD/NSF have been directly linked to the use of the Omniscan gadodiamide injection.
The first reported cases of Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (later renamed Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) were identified in 1997. In 2006 researchers confirmed that contrast injections containing gadolinium, such as Omniscan, are associated with the development of the disorder for those with impaired renal function. GE Healthcare has acknowledged that new case reports indicate a strong connection between their Omniscan injection and the development of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)/Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD).
There are no known consistently successful Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis treatment options currently available. In many cases individuals become dependent on a wheelchair within weeks of the disease onset, as tightening and contracture of skin over the joints leads to limited mobility. The disorder has also been associated with fibrosis (or scarring) developing in the diaphragm, thigh muscles, lower abdomen and lung vessels. The rare progressive disease can also lead to death in severe cases.
Signs of gadodiamide side effects after an MRI or MRA contrast dye could include:
- Thick skin, often described as “woody” and “shiny”
- Tight skin which contracts around joints, impairing movements
- Swelling, redness and burning sensations
- Deep pain in the hip or ribs
- General muscle weakness
>>INFORMATION: Omniscan contrast problems
The gadolinium lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are no longer reviewing potential Omniscan settlement claims for those with kidney problems who developed symptoms of NSF to determine if compensation may be available. Although the FDA indicates that the risk of NFD/NSF could occur with use of any gadolinium contrast injection, the vast majority of those diagnosed with the condition received the Omniscan gadodiamide contrast agent.
Experts have recommended that those with acute kidney injury, renal disease or other kidney problems avoid an MRI or MRA with contrast using a gadodiamide Omniscan injection, or any other gadolinium contrast agent. Gadodiamide is one of five FDA approved gadolinium injections which could cause NFD/NSF. The others include:
- Magnevist (gadopentetate dimeglumine)
- MultiHance (gadobenate dimeglumine)
- ProHance (gadoteridol)
- OptiMARK (gadoversetamide).