Magnevist MRI Contrast Lawyers No Longer Reviewing Cases
Magnevist (gadopentetate dimeglumine) is a contrast agent used in MRI and MRA tests, which is manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals.
It is one of five gadolinium based contrast injections which have been associated with the development of a painful and debilitating condition known as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, or Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NSF/NFD).
The rare disorder could occur in those with kidney disease after receiving the Magnevist MRA or MRI with contrast, leading to tightening of the skin, fibrosis (or scarring) of internal organs, and possibly death.
Magnevist lawsuits were reviewed nationwide to pursue Bayer settlement benefits for those with kidney problems who suffer from this disabling disease after receiving the gadolinium contrast dye.
Magnevist is manufacturered by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals. It was approved in 1988 by the FDA for use during MRI with contrast to allow the physician to distinguish blood vessels from nearby tissue. In 2006, warnings were issued by the FDA after a strong association between gadolinium contrast injections and NSF/NFD were idenified.
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, formerly referred to as Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy, could develop within weeks or months after receiving the Magnevist contrast injection. The disorder is associated with formation of scar tissue, known as fibrosis, on the skin and other internal organs. It often leads to severe restrictions on movement and could be fatal. There is no effective treatment known for the rare progressive disease.
Although the majority of cases of NSF/NFD developing after patients received a gadolinium injection are associated with the gadodiamide injection (Omniscan), there have been reported cases involving the use of Magnevist. As of June 2006, over 70 million Magnevist injections had been administered before an MRI or MRA, and at least 50 reported cases of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis have been identified in in association with the contrast dye.
In March 2009, a number of lawsuits filed against Bayer were settled for individuals who received the Magnevist gadolinium contrast agent.
Signs of Magnevist side effects after an MRI or MRA with contrast could include:
- Thick skin, often described as “woody” and “shiny”
- Tight skin which contracts around joints, impairing movements
- Swelling, redness and burning sensations
- Deep pain in the hip or ribs
- General muscle weakness
>>INFORMATION: Gadolinium side effects
Experts have recommended that those with acute kidney injury, renal disease or other kidney problems avoid an MRI or MRA with contrast using a Magnevist injection, or any other gadolinium contrast agent. Magnevist is one of five FDA approved gadolinium injections which could cause NFD/NSF. The others include:
- Omniscan (gadodiamide)
- MultiHance (gadobenate dimeglumine)
- ProHance (gadoteridol)
- OptiMARK (gadoversetamide)
The Magnevist settlement attorneys at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are no longer reviewing potential NSF lawsuits for those with kidney problems who suffer from the disease. This page is provided for informational purposes about prior claims investigated by our law firm.