Letter from St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland About Cardiac Catheterization Procedure with Stent Placement
The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are investigating potential legal claims on behalf of individuals who received a recent letter from St. Joseph Medical Center regarding a subsequent review of reports from their cardiac catheterization procedure with stent placement.
>>LEARN MORE: Problems with Stent Placement Procedures at St. Joseph Medical Center
While many former patients are under the impression that they are the only one to receive such a letter, hundreds of former patients of St. Joseph’s Medical Center, and specifically Dr. Mark Midei, have been notified about differences noted during this subsequent review. It appears that many stent procedures performed may have been unnecessary, exposing former St. Joseph hospital stent patients to substantial health risks and other damages.
The letters from St. Joseph Medical Center typically arrive via Federal Express Overnight Mail, and may include language such as:
Dear (Former Patient):On (Date of Procedure), you had a cardiac catheterization procedure with stent placement performed at St. Joseph Medical Center.
I am writing to let you know that a subsequent clinical review of your cardiac catheterization report was different than the original report and may be relevant to your ongoing care and treatment. This information has been sent to (your doctor), the cardiologist identified in your medical record at the time of the procedure. If you have changed doctors, please call (representative) in the Compliance Department at (phone number) and he/she will forward the information to your current treating doctor.
I encourage you to contact (your doctor) to schedule an appointment to discuss the information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (phone number).
Richard Boehler, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Individuals who received this letter or other similar correspondence from St. Joseph Medical Center have important legal rights. If you, a friend or family member were notified of these potential problems with a stent placement at St. Joseph Hospital, protect yourself and your family by requesting a free consultation and claim evaluation.
1 Comment • Add Your Comments
Vickie says:
I am concerned with my father in law, he had a quad druple bypass surgery done back in february of 2010 and he has not been feeling well lately, I am wondering what I need to do to see if this is the reason why he is not feeling well? I will talk with him and his wife later on today and I appreciate any information you can send to me so we can fill out paper work, thanks again!
Posted on October 10, 2010 at 8:13 am