IVC Filter Problems, Failures, Fractures and Complications
Over the past two years, the IVC filter lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. have been pursuing potential cases for individuals nationwide who have experienced problems with a removable inferior vena cava (IVC) filter, where the devices may have fractured or broken, causing serious and potentially life-threatening injuries.
Financial compensation may be available through a Bard Recovery Filter lawsuit or Bard G2 Filter lawsuit if problems were caused by one of these two devices.
UPDATE: Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. is also reviewing potential Cook IVC filter lawsuits, for individuals who received the Cook Celect or Gunther Tulip systems.
IVC filters are small spider-like devices that are implanted into the inferior vena cava to “catch” blood clots that may otherwise travel to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. They resemble an upside down umbrella, with a number of struts or legs that extend out.
The Bard Recovery IVC Filter was introduced in 2003. Although statements made by executives of the manufacturer suggested that the device was part of their “long-term success” strategy, the Bard Recovery Filter was removed from the market in 2005 amid reports that suggested the IVC filter was prone to fail, with the struts fracturing, perforating the vena cava or migrating to other parts of the body.
In 2005, the manufacturer introduced a new “Second Generation” model, marketed as the Bard G2 IVC Filter. This device has been prone to similar problems where the struts may become embeded or fracture.
When an IVC filter failure occurs, it may be the result of a fracture, perforation or migration of the struts to other areas of the body, such as the heart or lungs. This can cause serious health problems and complications from the IVC filter, including:
- Death
- Hemorrhage
- Cardiac/Pericardial Tamponade (Pressure caused by a collection of blood in the area around the heart)
- Perforation of Tissue, Vessles and Organs
- Severe and Persistent Pain
- Shortness of Breath and Chest Discomfort
- Symptoms Similar to a Heart Attack
An estimated 35,000 people had a Bard Recovery Filter implanted into their inferior vena cava before it was removed from the market, and at least 65,000 people have received a Bard G2 Filter, which is prone to experience the same or similar problems.
As a result of the manufacturer’s failure to adequately research the device or provide information to consumers and the medical community about the risk of struts fracturing or breaking if the IVC filter is not removed after the risk of a pulmonary embolism or DVT passes, financial compensation may be available through a product liability lawsuit.
To review a potential claim on behalf of yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
4 Comments • Add Your Comments
Patricia says:
Hi my name is Patricia, on November 24 ,2014 had a total hysterectomy three days after surgery end up with a cardiac pulmonary embolism in the right lungs and a dvt in the rite leg nine days after and IVC filter was place there where no sensation in my leg for two days when sensation came back on the third day ,it came back with a stabbing pain in the left groin area into the hip coming up to the center of my back where lungs is located . On December 12th 2014 I left the hospital to come home I was never given a follow up appointment to check the filter after there where no sensation in the leg for two days still I was in excruciating pain from the filter inserted .thinking that the pain would have been gone away by now it’s been seven months now and still going to the emergency room because of constant pain in the groin into my hip area it’s been a constant stabbing pain that never went away up in the middle of my back where my right lungs located ,where IVC filter is placed . Now it’s even worse as days go by constant chest pain constant heavy pain that causes me problems that I can’t walk sit on a toilet bend or leaning side ways no nothing reported pain to the dr which I have to locate the dr through the administrative of the hospital to find him to speak to him after two months concerning the filter . He send me to see a neurologist cause he thinks it’s a nerve problem neurologist request I get a EMG and PVR and a blood pressure cuff was taken they couldn’t find anything he said but yet am still going through the excruciating pain daily but I can’t believe I have to live like this through pain no matter what medication I take the excruciating pain is still there is like am suffering. Oxicaten,traymadol, Percocet was given for medication and pain is still there and I don’t think enuff is done why am I going through pain on a daily base please help me just recently I went on a vacation couldn’t enjoy any part of my vacation due to pain end up at the emergency room which I was given a 1000 milligrams of morphine and traymadol and yet when medications worn off the pain is still there am so exhausted I have no understanding what’s happening.
Posted on August 19, 2015 at 11:07 am
Maggie says:
I can’t believe how your being treated, what is wrong with these doctors, there is no care any more, if i were you I would seek legal advice,
Posted on December 31, 2015 at 1:26 am
Loretta says:
I threw my 1st PE at 18 for a total of 6 (I’m now 64). In ’08 when I heard about the Gunther Tulip IVC filter I asked my PCP about it & he was thrilled I ‘finally’ was interested. It was implanted 1 1/2 week later. For several weeks afterward I had severe pain and several ER visits. Since on several x-ray reports on other areas it mentions it is in place. Last week was when I saw the Gunther Tulip IVC was made by “Cook” and part of a class action suit….now I’m alarmed. Now I have to wonder if any of the strange symptoms/medical issues I have been experiencing could be related. Woke up in Dec. & couldn’t walk, each step brought unreal pain & tears…I spent 5 days in the hospital & just had a injection between the R. hip bones. Have to wonder if the occasional chest pain, sometimes severe is related instead of doc’s saying it is just my PPAD. I won’t even go into the severe spine issues I have had for 4 yrs. All of there issues are ‘not’ part of my family history. I will have a serious talk with my PCP when I see him early next month cause this is scary.
Posted on February 1, 2016 at 5:12 pm
Albert says:
My wife 2 be is going through a lawsuit but they just told her they are only taking This is b.s and i am worried about this IVC filter.my love could be in danger still , she has the filter in side of her? Can anyone give me any advice.she needs a lawyer again because after two years her law firm tells her she has the
wrong filter they are filing against.
Posted on January 20, 2018 at 3:10 am