Hotel Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawsuit
The carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. investigate potential claims for individuals throughout the United States who have been diagnosed with an injury that may have been caused by the negligence of another person or corporation. A recent report in USA Today highlights the risk of carbon monoxide exposure individuals may face while staying at hotels and motels.
Carbon monoxide is a significantly toxic gas that is colorless, odorless, tasteless and lacks any sort of irritating factor that could allow someone to detect its presence.
Leaks of carbon monoxide are a leading cause of fatal poisonings in the United States. Because the first symptoms of co poisoning may include headaches, nausea, light headedness and other flu-like symptoms, individuals often do not recognized that they are being exposed to a carbon monoxide gas leak, which can result in prolonged exposure.
Have You or a Loved One Been Diagnosed With Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?
According to an investigative report by USA TODAY published last week, it is rare for hotels to have carbon monoxide alarms to alert guests and staff when there is a problem, although many people have taken the measure of placing the alarms in their homes and many rental properties are required to have such alarms.
After analyzing news reports and interviewing public safety officials, USA Today identified at least 170 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning injuries at hotels over the past three years, including at least 8 deaths.
Earlier this month, more than 400 people were evacuated from an Embassy Suites hotel in Burlingame, California after a carbon monoxide leak caused by a boiler malfunction.
Although it is widely recognized that carbon monoxide alarms in places where people live and sleep are critical for saving lives and reducing the risk of severe injury, the USA Today report highlights how hotels are placing customers at risk to save money, placing their desire for profits before safety of guests.
Officials with the American Hotel & Lodging Association, a lobbying group for the hotel industry, has suggested that placing a $100 CO alarm in each guest room would be cost prohibitive and compared the risk of hotel carbon monoxide poisoning with the risk of getting hit by a meteor; a comparison health experts dispute.
A recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that carbon monoxide kills about 500 people annually in the United States, with most exposures occurring in homes. Women and children have been found to be the most likely victims of CO exposure.
We have previously written on this blog about steps that can be taken in the home to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, which starts with ensuring that CO detectors are installed and functioning.
If you, a friend or loved one suffered carbon monoxide poisoning at a hotel, motel or other public location, financial compensation may be available if proper steps were taken to protect guests and visitors. Our lawyers investigate potential claims nationwide, so request a free consultation and claim evaluation to learn what rights may be available.
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Gloria says:
I am a resident of an apartment that i have lived in for about ten months with my teenage son. When i got my gas services connected by ga natural gas they would not light the polot light. They told me that maintenance had to make repairs to the hot water heater to bring it up to state code then they would have to light the pilot light. I just found out when i called ga natural gas to ask why my bill was so expensive that i has a gas leak and i have had it since i have been in the apartment. It turns out that maintenance never made the necessary repairs to the hot water heater they just lit the pilot light and left. Ga natural gas instructed me to get out of the unit immediately and they came and changed the cut off vavle. I knew that my son and i were exposed to some harmful toxins because i was so nauseas at times and i was having chest pains and mild headaches. My son was also having these headaches daily. Once i did an internet search of my symptoms it suggested that i had carbon monoxide poisoning. I assumed that the exposure was coming from my job becasues I work at church’s fried chicken. After calling the gas company, the fire department, and the health department about the possible gas exposure at my job, none of them found any potential danger there. So I just thought that since I am pregnant maybe that is the reason why I am so sick. I never thought that the gas leak was in my own home. I had it for months as I stated earlier but since there is no carbon monoxide detector in my unit I could not have known. My son and i suffered for months because of maintenance lack of repairs to the hot water heater and the lanlord doesn’t have a carbon monoxide detector in the unit and he is supposed to have on according to a us law passed in 2009.
Posted on October 29, 2013 at 11:59 am