Androgel Risks Highlighted by Local News
As concerns about the risk of heart attacks from Androgel and other low testosterone drugs continue to mount, increasing media attention is finally beginning to raise awareness about the potential side effects men may face.
Last week, a local media report by CBS Channel 4 News in Miami was the latest to highlight the potential Androgel risks that come with efforts to fight the effects of aging associated with “low T”.
The Androgel lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. represent a number of men who have experienced similar problems and are now pursuing a product liability lawsuit against AbbVie and other drug makers for failing to warn about the risk of heart attack, strokes and other injuries allegedly caused by side effects of low testosterone drugs.
Recent studies have suggested that heavily marketed low T treatments like Androgel, Axiron, Testim and others carry a much greater risk than has been disclosed by the drug makers. If accurate and complete information had been provided, many former users now indicate that they never would have agreed to take the prescriptions drugs to try to boost their testosterone levels.
As the CBS news report notes, doctors must act with care when prescribing testosterone products. There are a number of risk factors which can increase the risk of testoterone heart attacks or testosterone strokes even higher, such as:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Existing Heart Conditions
- Smoking
As a result of the drug makers’ decision to place their desire for profits before the safety of consumers, financial compensation may be available through an Androgel lawsuit for men who have suffered a:
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Wrongful Death
To review a potential claim for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
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