Testosterone Injury Lawyers Reviewing Lawsuits for Heart Attacks, Strokes, Wrongful Death
The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential testosterone injury lawsuits on behalf of men throughout the United States who have suffered a heart attack, stroke or wrongful death following use of a prescription testosterone gel, cream, injection, pill or implant.
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While testosterone therapy was once a limited industry, typically prescribed only to men with clinically diagnosed hormonal deficiencies, there has been a substantial spike in the use of testosterone drugs over the past decade.
The products are now aggressively marketed as “lifestyle” products, but the manufacturers failed to adequately warn about the risk of serious and potentially life-threatening heart problems that may come with use of the prescription medications to treat “Low T”.
Testosterone Drug Risks Outweigh Benefits for Most Men

Testosterone Drug Injury Lawsuits
The drug injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk are investigating potential testosterone heart attack, stroke and wrongful death lawsuits for men nationwide.
Use of testosterone drugs has increased five fold from 2000 to 2011, with 5.3 million prescriptions filled in 2011 and sales expected to hit $5 billion by 2017. However, research has suggested that most of these prescriptions are not medically needed.
The substantial growth in use can be directly traced to the marketing of AndroGel, and the manufacturer’s development of the advertising campaign featuring the term “Low T”.
Direct-to-consumer testosterone advertisements encourage men to take a “Low T Quiz”, which describes general symptoms of testosterone deficiency that can be experienced by all men at one time or another, such as decreased energy, lack of sex drive, depression and weight gain.
AndroGel advertisements and other testosterone drug marketing campaigns encourage men to seek testosterone testing, capitalizing on the desire of men to seek products to increase their quality of life. However, the Endocrine Society has recommended against screening the general population, since testosterone levels can fluctate widely.
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Testoterone Heart Attacks, Strokes and Deaths
Amid concerns about the reckless marketing of testosterone treatments that resulted in prescriptions to men without any real need, new research suggests that certain men may face an increase risk of serious and potentially life-threatening injury from testosterone drug side effects.
According to a November 2013 study published in JAMA, researchers found that veterans with low testosterone levels who underwent a coronary angiography suffered a 29% higher rate of heart attack, stroke and death if they are prescribed testosterone therapy.
An accompanying editorial published in the same issue of the medical journal, by an endocrinologist with Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, highlights how the mounting evidence of cardiovascular risks with testosterone therapy warrants caution in prescribing the drugs.
A study released this month in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism raises further concerns, suggesting that many men prescribed testosterone therapy have normal testosterone levels and do not meet treatment guidelines, especially in the United States. Although guidelines recommend that men only be prescribed testosterone therapy if they have a history of symptoms and a doctor has no doubt about low testosterone levels, many men in the U.S. start treatments after a single test or when levels are considered normal.
The lack of testosterone therapy research conducted by the drug-makers is appalling. Despite pushing the wider use of the medications, the pharmaceutical companies have conducted insufficient clinical trials to ensure the drugs are safe for long-term use.
In 2009, researchers halted a study funded by the National Institutes of Health due to the potential risk of testosterone treatment heart attacks. The study involved 200 frail, older men with a high prevalence of heart disease. The study was stopped after it was noted that men receiving testosterone drugs had a spike in the rate of heart attacks.
Another on-going study conducted by the National Institutes of Health may provide further guidance on this issue. The trial involves 800 men aged 65 and older with diminished walking ability, interest in sex, energy, memory or iron levels in the blood who receive testosterone gel or placebo for a year. The study is not set to conclude until 2014 or 2015.
Low Testosterone Drug Lawsuits
As a result of the manufacturers failure to adequately research the potential side effects of testosterone therapy or provide sufficient warnings about the potential risk of heart attacks and strokes, financial compensation may be available for men and their families.
Free consultations and claim evaluations are provided by the testosterone injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. All cases are confidentially reviewed to determine whether a heart attack, stroke or wrongful death m ay have been caused by use of testosterone replacement therapy. There are never any out-of-pocket expenses to hire our law firm, and we only receive attorney fees and reimbursement for expenses if a recovery is obtained.
To review a potential case for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
1 Comment • Add Your Comments
John says:
I have been on testosterone injections for 9 years and my right leg is swollen and inflamed and red and purple and I am told my veins are the problem
Posted on December 15, 2023 at 3:17 am