It Is Important to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer, As Soon As You Can

Carl Saiontz

By Carl Saiontz
Posted September 29, 2017


Earlier this week, in a feature for “Mid-Day Maryland”, on ABC’s WMAR Channel 2 in Baltimore, I had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the importance of contacting a lawyer following a personal injury, even if you are not sure whether assistance is needed.

Every day, the personal injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. provide free consultations and advice for individuals who may not be sure they want to hire a lawyer yet, or even know whether an attorney is needed for their potential case.

Following an automobile accident, medical malpractice, nursing home injury or other injury claim, it is often difficult to focus on what legal steps may be required, as all attention is on making sure the necessary care and treatment are obtained. However, it is always better to contact a lawyer sooner, rather than too late.

Various deadlines and notice requirements start running right away. Properly handling a personal injury claim can be a complex process, which is filled with potential “landmines” that our experienced personal injury lawyers can help you and your family navigate:

  • Statute of Limitations: Every case has a statute of limitations, or deadline that requires that any claim be filed within a certain amount of time after an injury. In many situations, individuals with strong cases wait until too close to this deadline to contact an attorney. Since there many steps that need to be taken to document and support a claim before it is filed, it is often difficult to make up for lost time as the statute of limitations approaches.
  • Notice Requirements: In many circumstances, it may be necessary for notice to be provided within only a few weeks or months after an injury, particularly for cases involving federal, state or local government liability. There are also potential application deadlines, which may apply to certain first party insurance benefits that may be available.
  • Preserving Evidence and Witness Statements: Critical evidence that supports your claim may disappear or become less reliable as more time passes following an injury, including witness statements, video footage and other physical evidence that must be documented and preserved.

By contacting Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. for a free consultation, our lawyers can help you understand what legal options may be available. Even if you are not yet ready to decide whether to move forward with a claim, it is better to be too early contacting an attorney than too late.


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