Fentanyl is a powerful opiate that works by blocking the pain receptors in the brain. It is sold in several different forms for management of severe and chronic pain. However, if excessive amounts of fentanyl enter the body, there is a serious risk of overdose or death.

Fentanyl lawsuits were previously reviewed by the product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. for users of the Duragesic Fentanyl Patch, as well as generic equivalents. New cases are no longer being accepted. This page is maintained for informational purposes only.

The pain medication has been linked to cases of overdose and sudden death as a result of the manufacturers failure to provide adequate warnings and dosing instructions.


The Duragesic Fentanyl Patch delivers the medication in the form of a gel which enters the body through the skin. It is designed to slowly release the fentanyl gel through a membrane on the sticky side of the patch. Defectively designed and manufactured patches have been responsible for hundreds of deaths and unintentional overdoses after the gel leaked out onto the skin or entered the body too quickly.

The manufacturer negligently designed the patch and has failed to properly warn users about the risks associated with the product. The Duragesic Fentanyl Patch lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are no longer reviewing additional cases as a result of these problems.