Yasmin and Yaz Lawyers Reviewing Lawsuits

Austin Kirk

By Austin Kirk
Posted July 22, 2009


The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential Yaz lawsuits and Yasmin lawsuits for women who have suffered severe heart injuries, blood clots, gallbladder disease or sudden death while taking the birth control pills. To review a potential claim for injury suffered by you, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.


Yaz and Yasmin both contain a combination of the hormones ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The progestin drospirenone can increase blood potassium levels, causing a hyperkalemia, which is known to cause heart and other health problems.

Potential Yasmin and Yaz side effects may increase the risk of:

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias
  • Blood Clots
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
  • Gallbladder Disease
  • Death

A growing number of otherwise healthy young women throughout the United States have filed a Yaz lawsuit or Yasmin lawsuit against Bayer Healthcare and their predecessor, Berlex Laboratories, containing allegations that:

  • The Yasmin and Yaz warnings fail to adequately inform users and the medical community of the potential risks and dangers associated with the birth control pill.
  • The risk of potential Yasmin / Yaz problems have not been adequately researched.
  • The risk of serious side effects from Yaz and Yasmin are higher than with other contraceptives that are older and safer.
  • Individuals taking Yaz or Yasmin require more monitoring.
  • A recall of Yaz and Yasmin should have been issued after it became apparent from post-marketing reports of adverse events that they are an unreasonably dangerous drugs.
  • The drug makers encouraged misuse and overuse of Yaz and Yasmin while minimizing or failing to disclose serious side effects in an effort to maximize profits.
  • Yasmin and Yaz were designed, tested, manufactured, marketed, produced, distributed and advertised negligently and improperly

All lawsuits will be reviewed by a Yasmin / Yaz lawyer with no fees or expenses charged unless a recovery is obtained. To find out if you, a friend or family member may have a case, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.

25 Comments • Add Your Comments

  • alina says:

    I was prescribed yaz about a year ago by my dermatologist. since my skin cleared out i actually stopped taking about 2 or 3 months later but since then i ‘ve experienced heart pulpitations and sharp pains in my chest and actually been to the doc twice for it.

    Posted on July 31, 2009 at 5:57 pm

  • ashley says:

    i went to the doctor yesterday because of excessive bleeding during my pill cycle, doctors did lab work but i havent received results yet

    Posted on August 6, 2009 at 2:59 pm

  • Epiphanie says:

    Ever since i’ve been on birth control pills i’ve experience mild heart palpitations and dizzines. Could this lead to a weak heart and possibly a stroke?

    Posted on August 20, 2009 at 6:08 pm

  • Brandi says:

    I started taking yaz about 5 months ago and i get dizzy sometimes and my period is always really heavy and doesnt come until the last day of my period pill.

    Posted on August 26, 2009 at 11:07 pm

  • tina says:

    I was on Yaz and was put in the hospital back in Feb. for crazy liver functions, enlarged spleen and very tired.etc.. I had to come off my meds that week to see if I could get better. I thought I would bleed to death, I experienced very heavy bleeding and clots. Since June I went completely off of it and when I first did I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I was told that all the other had to be due to Mono when i was 17 that had been reactivated or the craziness from the liver functions could be due to a drug but would never know unless my liver functions did not get better and we would have to do a biopsy.

    Posted on August 28, 2009 at 1:37 pm

  • jessica says:

    I have taken Yaz for about two years but am not taking it for 7 months now. for the past two weeks I have had chest pains and shortness of breath. I am going thru extensive testing to find the issue with no luck yet. Could this be a side effect of the medication?

    Posted on September 2, 2009 at 9:45 pm

  • Rebekah says:

    I was on yaz and have since gone off it because it has caused incredibly heavy bleeding and passing dollar bill size blood clots…its the worst pill ever!

    Posted on September 2, 2009 at 10:11 pm

  • Courtney says:

    a few months ago i had a 9 week period after getting off of yaz randomly, and i began taking it again and ever since then i have not had a period that hasnt been exessive or lasted for like 4 weeks and i have lately been having (for the past 3 weeks) a black period, that happened after my normal one ( which isnt ever normal anyways) ended. is this a side effect of yaz?

    Posted on September 14, 2009 at 1:12 am

  • Jessica says:

    I had taken yasmin for 2 years and got off of it because I was always so tired. Two weeks after getting off the medication I woke up in the middle of the night with HORRIBLE chest pain. Two hours later the pain was getting worse and my husband took me to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital it was all a blur… I was told that my admitting BP was 60/30 (which is near dead), my pulse was 45 (again, near dead), and I was “crashing”. My husband said my eyes were rolling back in my head and all he could see was the white of my eyes. You should now that I am in good shape and take EXCELLENT care of myself, the only time (before this) that I have ever been hospitalized was to have my tonsils removed and to have my daughter. I have NEVER had any sort of medical issue, EVER! So this was a shock for me! After being monitored over night I was released and haven’t had problems since. I REALLY believe it was from the birth control!

    Posted on September 16, 2009 at 10:42 am

  • Olivia says:

    I started taking yaz either when I was 16 years old for my extremely painful and lengthy periods. It helped with those symptoms but I noticed that I got dizzy and felt lightheaded a lot. I was going to give blood at a drive at my school but when they took my pulse it was 115 and it had to be in a 90-100 range at max. So about 4 months ago I went to the doctor and they found I had an abnormally fast heart beat at rest for a teenager. My pulse was 80-90 beats at rest (I wish I could post what my bloodpressure was but I can’t remember the exact numbers). I’m now on blood pressure medicine and I had no previous problems until I took yaz. I wish I hadn’t taken it. I’m now 18 years old and I’m on blood pressure medicine, isn’t that horrible? I also had hormone problems when I came off of yaz. My emotions were all over the place, I became depressed, and was briefly having thoughts of suicide. I spoke to a counselor and she helped me work out a lot of my emotions but some days I would wake up and just cry for no reason and others I was so angry. The hormones really messed with me.

    Posted on September 21, 2009 at 4:35 pm

  • Angie c says:

    I been on jaz for almost 2 years this pill was working really good for me untill a month ago I had to go to my doctor for a stomach pain. I have a kidney infection. Could this be because of jaz?

    Posted on September 23, 2009 at 11:51 pm

  • jennifer says:

    I took Yaz for about 6 months after my son was born. I have been having trouble breathing and sharp pains after eating. I am currently undergoing several tests to check my gallbladder. I have sludge in my gb and have to have a HIDA scan in the morning. May be looking at surgery to have gallbladder removed.

    Posted on September 24, 2009 at 10:15 am

  • Carrie says:

    I took Yasmin for over 5 years. I got off of it to start trying for a baby. One day after my daughter was born I started having horrible pains. I dealt with this pain for 6 weeks. Come to find out, my gallbladder was in the worst shape that the doctor had ever seen and I had tons of gall stones. It was removed and now I am on a different medication. I am pursuing a lawsuit against Beyer because I am a very active and healthy 25 year old.

    Posted on October 16, 2009 at 2:22 pm

  • Julie says:

    I took Yaz in 2008 for maybe six months; not sure exactly how long. December 2008 I ended up in the ER due to stroke symptoms. I was/am a healthy and a non-smoker.

    Posted on November 23, 2009 at 11:50 am

  • Rose says:

    I was taking Yaz in 2006 and I started having really sharp pains in my ovaries ,so I went back to my OB doctor and he had ordered an ultrasound test for my ovaries and I forgot to drink the 34oz water that your suppose to drink to help the image show up better , I only drank 2 cups of water , so when I went back to do my ultrasound I told the lady how much water I drank and she said that the test might not show anything but when I got done with the test and the results were given to the doctor he called me right away telling me that I had a cyst on my ovaries and he requested that I have surgery to remove the cyst , so that following week I went to do the surgery and when it was finished he told me the cyst was as big as a tennis ball and had a full cup of blood inside. I was in so much pain for two weeks and had to take pain medication and even after the surgery I was in pain and still was on pain medication for two weeks. I was wondering if the cyst was a result from using the birth control Yaz?

    Posted on December 16, 2009 at 2:22 am

  • Cindy says:

    I started on Yaz for acne which it cleared up but I had break through bleeding that bugged me. Lab results suggested I needed more hormones so they gave me Yasmin. I have bled heavy every day of this entire month now. Is this normal? I don’t want to get pregnant or have acne but I definitely don’t want to bleed every day of my life either. Any other suggestions for a good birth control pill?

    Posted on December 21, 2009 at 12:22 am

  • Kirsten says:

    I started taking Yazmin over 2 years ago. I started to have horrible headaches in the entire left side of my face that would put me out for days. I thought it might be sinus related so I went to the allergist and was put on allergy shots, when that didn’t work I went to get a cat scan, nothing was wrong. I went to an accupunturist, that didn’t work, went back to the doctor again and again and another cat scan,still nothing was wrong. I then started to experience vision loss in my left eye. I finally decided to stop taking Yazmin to see if all the symptoms would stop and they did. Don’t take Yazmin.

    Posted on February 10, 2010 at 3:54 am

  • Nicole says:

    I started taking yaz last february… I stopped just short of a year due to feelings of just insane paranoid thoughts. It was like for a week and a half each month there was this voice in my head saying things were going bad, i’d cry all day, feel like every action from people around me were rejection. I had bad headaches also, sharp pains in the right side of my head, from time to time a prickly feeling in my legs and arms, tired, very tired. I am 42 and nonsmokng, overweight but fairly healthy woman. I stopped taking it after talking to my boyfriend, well more like breaking down and telling him i was loosing my mind, and had been going through a personal hell each month. After stopping the feelings have gone away, I still have headaches but the feelings of doom stopped immediately. Nasty stuff.

    Posted on February 25, 2010 at 1:17 pm

  • Sam says:

    I have had three tumors removed from my liver, two the size of grapefruits, one the size of a baseball, my gall bladder was removed, went to the hosp three times in 2 months because of kidney infections, I have been diagnosed with SVT, and I have had 2 heart attacks, my resting heart rate is 101, now tell me, how could this have happened to a 20 yr old who is otherwise healthy if not taking those pills?
    I already have lawyers on it, I advise you all to do the same.
    STOP taking those pills PLEASE. I have been through so much because of those stupid tumors on my liver, and now I have a large scar to show off in my bikini. NOT fun!

    Posted on March 10, 2010 at 9:00 am

  • Holly says:

    I started Yaz in 2008. I have been experiencing increased heart palpitations and now the doctor told me I have a murmur. When I exercise I get dizzy and short of breath. I’m worried. I’ve taken myself off the Yaz.

    Posted on March 16, 2010 at 4:52 pm

  • Martha says:

    Wondering if anyone has had any issues with their eyes while taking YAZ, specifically the retinas, either tears or detached.

    Posted on April 2, 2010 at 1:09 pm

  • Shamara says:

    i just found out that i have a liver tumor and the first question that all the doctors asked first was are you on birth control. i have been on Yaz for years…Could this BC be the cause of my tumor

    Posted on October 15, 2010 at 9:14 pm

  • Savanna says:

    Approx 2 months ago I started yaz again. I stopped taking it a few weeks ago and about a week following I had a high fever for a week. I went to the doctor and they gave meds for the uti infection I had. This week I was rushed to the hospital again bc of severe abdominal pain in my left side. Doctors told me I had an enlarged spleen. How does an otherwise healthy women suddenly become ill while only taking BC ? DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL!

    Posted on October 16, 2010 at 6:46 pm

  • Adrianna says:

    I had a stroke a year and a half ago now after taking Yaz for only two months. Before the incident, I never had any serious medical issues, and played sports my whole life. I also found that I had a heart complication, which surprised Me since heart problems don’t run in my family. DON’T TAKE THIS PILL!

    Posted on April 27, 2011 at 2:30 am

  • Jessica says:

    I was taking yasmin for one and a half years, I quit taking the birth control about one month before I got pregnant with my daughter in 2009. I Immediately got back on yasmin birth control after I had my daughter. In june 2010 I stopped taking the birth control again, Me and my husband ended up getting pregnant at the end of july! When i was 4 months pregnant with our son I started getting weird symtoms. It ended up being gallstones. I suffered my whole pregnancy becasue of this! I had my son in April of 2011, after he was born I kept having symptoms so my husband decided to take me to the ER and little did we know I had a blockage in my bile duct which caused me to have pancreatitis, I was hospitalized for 7 days and had to have immediate surery.

    Posted on May 24, 2011 at 5:30 pm

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