Viagra Skin Cancer Lawyers Reviewing Lawsuits for Men With Melanoma Diagnosis
Over the past 15 years, millions of men in the United States have taken Viagra to combat erectile dysfunction, generating billions in sales for Pfizer. However, it now appears that Pfizer may have failed to warn about a serious and potentially life threatening risk that men using the drug may develop melanoma from Viagra side effects.
The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are now reviewing whether men diagnosed with melanoma throughout the United States may be entitled to financial compensation through a Viagra lawsuit. If Pfizer had provided adequate warnings about the potential melanoma risk, many men may have avoided this serious skin cancer diagnosis.
Viagra Melanoma Study
These potential cases are being evaluated following the publication of a study in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine last month, which suggested that men who took Viagra may face an 84% increased risk receiving a melanoma diagnosis.
This Viagra melanoma study was conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, examining data involving 25,848 men who participated in a 10 year prospective cohort study.
Among men who were questioned about their use of Viagra for erectile dysfunction in 2000, researchers identified men who had been diagnosed with skin cancer by 2010. Researchers found:
- 142 Cases of Melanoma
- 580 Cases of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 3,030 Cases of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Researchers indicated that Viagra was “significantly associated with altered risk of melanoma.” After excluding the underlying erectile dysfunction itself as a potential cause, researchers suggested that Viagra may impact the body’s ability to fight off skin cancer because it lowers levels of the cancer-fighting protein PDE5A. This may increase the invasiveness of melanoma cells among Viagra users.
While this study is limited, it is a clear sign of a potential risk that Pfizer likely knew about, or certainly should have known about after marketing the drug for more than 15 years.
Free Case Evaluation with Viagra Lawyers
The Viagra skin cancer lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are providing free consultations and claim evaluations for men and families throughout the United States who believe that a case of melanoma may have been caused by use of Viagra. All cases are handled by our law firm under a contingency fee agreement, which means that we only receive an attorney fee or expense reimbursement if we are successful obtaining a recovery.
Saiontz & Kirk is a nationally known personal injury law firm dedicated to the sole purpose of representing those seriously injured as a result of another person or corporation’s negligence.
Our lawyers only represent people who have been injured. We do not defend insurance companies or large corporations, and we have developed a reputation for helping our clients obtain the financial compensation they deserve.
Through the use of contingency fees, our clients have access to the experience and resources of our testosterone law firm — regardless of their individual financial resources.
If you decide to hire our lawyers to pursue your Viagra skin cancer lawsuit, your case will be pursued with the energy and devotion you deserve, and there never any out-of-pocket expenses for our clients. As additional information about the link between Viagra and melanoma is learned, it will be important for men and families to make sure their legal rights are adequately protected.
To learn more about our law firm or find out if our lawyers may be able to pursue a Viagra case for melanoma on behalf of you or a loved one, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
2 Comments • Add Your Comments
mark says:
Have taken. Many meds for problem. Virigia the most . Have had skin cancer spots removed. And have more.
Posted on June 18, 2014 at 12:41 pm
Duane says:
Used viagra off and on for 10 years. I have now had 3 skin cancers removed. Two from my nose, and on on arm. I no doubt will have more.
Posted on October 24, 2014 at 5:49 pm