How Much May Be Paid in a Viagra Settlements for Melanoma Skin Cancer?
The lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are pursuing cases for men nationwide who may be entitled to financial settlements as a result of melanoma skin cancer caused by side effects Viagra or Cialis.
Nearly 900 lawsuits have been filed throughout the federal court system as of late 2018, and a series of early trial dates may help gauge how juries are likely to respond to certain evidence and testimony that will be repeated throughout the litigation if Pfizer does not agree to settle Viagra melanoma cases.
While our lawyers feel strongly that the makers of this medication will have to pay significant compensation to men diagnosed with skin cancer following use of the medication, a substantial amount of additional information will still be uncovered before the value of the cases can be determined and it will likely take several years before the first Viagra settlements are reached.
Steps Before Settling Viagra Lawsuits
All of the complaints will involve similar allegations that Pfizer knew or should have known about the link between Viagra and melanoma cases, yet withheld information from consumers and the medical community.
If the drug maker had adequately warned about the importance of monitoring for melanoma symptoms on Viagra, many men may have avoided the development of a more advanced and life-threatening form of the skin cancer.
It appears that Pfizer placed their desire for profits before the safety of consumers, continuing to aggressively market Viagra without fully exploring evidence that suggested men may face an increased risk of melanoma. However, much discovery into what the drug maker knew and when must be done before it is likely Pfizer will consider settling Viagra cases.
In April 2016, a panel of federal judges ordered that all Viagra melanoma cases filed in U.S. District Courts nationwide will be centralized before one judge for coordinated handling, as part of an MDL, or Multi-District Litigation. The cases will be consolidated for before U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg in the Northern District of California to streamline discovery and evaluation of the cases.
As part of the coordinated proceedings in the MDL, Judge Seeborg will establish a “bellwether” process, where a small group of representative cases will be prepared for early trial dates to help the parties gauge how juries may respond to certain evidence and testimony that may be provided throughout many of the Viagra melanoma lawsuits.
While the outcomes of these early bellwether trials will not be binding on other cases, they may influence any future Viagra settlement values.
Factors in Viagra Settlement Offers
Any eventual settlement negotiations in the Viagra melanoma cases will be based on what a jury is likely to award in each individual claim, including an assessment of the relative strengths of the lawsuits.
Following the completion of pretrial proceedings, if Pfizer is unwilling to make an acceptable settlement offer in each case, juries will take into account the severity of the damage caused by Viagra and the economic impact of the injury on each individual plaintiff.
In determining the amount of any Viagra damages to award, the following are some of the common factors that a jury may consider, and which will be taken into consideration when evaluating a potential offers to settle Viagra cases:
- The extent and duration of the Viagra injury, including hospitalization or other medical care required as a result of melanoma skin cancer.
- The effect that the Viagra melanoma problems had on the overall physical and mental health or well-being of the plaintiff.
- The pain and mental anguish suffered in the past and which will likely be suffered in the future.
- Any long-term injuries that may affect the plaintiff’s future health or enjoyment of life.
- Losses related to the wrongful death of men who died of melanoma linked to Viagra use
- The amount of any past or future medical expenses caused by Viagra use.
- Any lost wages or loss of earning capacity.
Find Out If You May Qualify for a Settlement
The personal injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. provide free consultations and case evaluations to help individuals determine whether they may be entitled to pursue financial compensation as a result of a melanoma diagnosis following use of Viagra.
After calling our office at 1-800-522-0102 or requesting a free case review on-line, the facts and circumstances surrounding your potential Viagra cancer case will be reviewed and evaluated by our lawyers.
If it is determined that you or a loved one may be eligible for financial compensation, it is your decision whether to hire our law firm. All lawsuits are handled by our Viagra attorneys under a contingency fee agreement, which means that there are never any fees or expenses paid unless we are successful obtaining a settlement or other recovery in your case.
3 Comments • Add Your Comments
Brenda says:
Good Morning. My husband Bernard had been taking Viagra for years before we met and after. He had melanoma skin cancer. It can be proven with medical records. Last year June 20/2016 he had passed away with lung cancer. I miss my husband so very much.
Posted on August 2, 2017 at 12:55 pm
Nick says:
Dear Brenda,
I am sorry to hear of your loss. I too have been taking Viagra for years and it was not until after I was diagnosed with Melanoma that I even knew there was any correlation. My doctors have still not told me about that possibility. Needless to say, I am quite upset. I pray that I live long enough to sue and get my wife a reasonable award.
Posted on November 9, 2017 at 9:38 am
Charles says:
I’ve been taking viagra for about 10 years now and I’ve noticed about a year ago several spot on my legs that look like warts. Could this be from taking viagra?
Posted on May 25, 2018 at 5:22 pm