Medical Mistakes During Delivery
During childbirth, doctors and nurses must always use their full care and attention. When the proper standards of medical care are not followed, the child may suffer a brain injury resulting in cerebral palsy.
Contact Our Lawyers to Review aCEREBRAL PALSY LAWSUIT
Often the familes of children with cerebral palsy are unaware that a medical mistake at birth may be the cause of their child’s disability or that in some cases the life-long injury could have been prevented with the exercise of reasonable medical care.
The cerebral palsy attorneys at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. investigate potential lawsuits for families of children with cerebral palsy. If you suspect that an error may have been made during a child birth, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
Recognizing Signs of a Medical Mistake at Birth
Some of the following events may be an indicator or sign that a medical mistake was made or that the baby was deprived of oxygen resulting in cerebral palsy:
- an emergency cesarean (c-section) was performed after failed attempts to deliver for several hours
- foceps or vacuum extraction were used to remove the baby, or there were excessive attempts to pull the baby out of the birth canal
- the baby was blue or purple and not breathing at the time of birth (if your baby was not crying after birth, it is a clear sign that the baby was likely have trouble getting oxygen)
- baby suffered seizures or a need to beresuscitated (given CPR) after birth
- umbilical cord complications during birth, such as the cord being wrapped around the baby’s neck
- baby is kept in the hospital for longer than a normal period of time, spent time in NICU (intensive care) or required visits from a specialist at the hospital
- the manner and demeanor of the doctors, nurses and hospital staff noticably changed following the delivery
- the baby had a low apgar score after delivery
- any comments by doctors or nurses which indicate something should have been done differently
▸ EXAMPLES: CP Lawsuits Investigated
If you suspect something was done wrong and your child now has cerebral palsy, it is possible that a mistake was made. The cerebral palsy attorneys at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. can investigate the circumstances surrounding the birth and have medical records reviewed by qualified experts to determine whether the disability could have been prevented. Millions of dollars in financial settlement benefits have been recovered by children with cerebral palsy.
It is important to investigate your child’s potential CP lawsuit quickly since there are deadlines in each state which could bar the child’s right to obtain cerebral palsy settlement benefits. There are no fees or expenses unless we obtain a recovery for the child.