Antidepressant side effects increase the risk of fractures among older users

Carl Saiontz

By Carl Saiontz
Posted January 24, 2007


A recent study indicates that popular antidepressants, such as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, may carry side effects which substantially increase the risk of fractures for older people taking the medications. 

According to the study, people over 50 are twice as likely to suffer broken bones when taking antidepressants.  The class of drugs included in the study are known as SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

For older people, an increased risk of fractures can pose very serious health concerns.  Medical issues associated with aging often lead to balance problems, which means that older people are generally more likely to fall then younger people.  In addition, broken bones can be much more debilitating for those over the age of 50, leading to severe impacts on the quality of life and level of independence they are able to enjoy.

Antidepressant side effects directly impact bone cells, decreasing bone strength and increasing the likelihood of a fracture if a fall occurs.  Given the findings of this study, patients and doctors will need to weigh the danger of fractures against the benefits provided by the drugs in treating depression.  For many older individuals, the impact that a serious fracture could have on their health may be significantly worse than the benefits provided by the medication in treating their depression.  However, for some individuals with serious depression, the risk may be acceptable.  An individual decision will need to be made for each user.

The manufacturers have failed to warn of the potential danger of fractures, which has prevented antidepressant users from making informed decisions.  Experts have stressed that it is especially important for older users be aware of the potential antidepressant side effects so that actions can be taken to reduce the risk of falling.

In this recent study, the rate of fractures among individuals over the age of 50 who were taking antidressants was compared with those who were not on the medications.  Although the data shows a clear increase in the rate of fractures among those taking antidepressants, the research included only a small number of users.  Larger studies are necessary to fully evaluate the full extent of the fracture risk. 

The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk are closely monitoring this research and evaluating whether potential lawsuits should be filed for users who have suffered fractures. 

If you, a friend or family member have taken Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil or another SSRI antidepressant and suffered a serious fracture which led to permanent injuries or death, complete our free consultation request form to speak with our lawyers and have the circumstances surrounding the injury reviewed.

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