Vaginal Mesh Bladder Sling Lawyers: Problems with Mesh to Repair Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Harvey Kirk

By Harvey Kirk
Posted July 14, 2011


The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. have been investigating claims for women who experienced problems from vaginal mesh or bladder sling systems for several years. While these claims were previously limited to a few different products, we are now reviewing potential vaginal mesh lawsuits for women who have received any type of bladder sling or mesh used to treat pelvic organ prolapse.


This week, the FDA finally issued a statement warning doctors and consumers about the large number of women who have experienced serious and painful complications from the surgical mesh, indicating that other options to repair pelvic organ prolapse may expose women to less risk than transvaginal surgery.

In October 2008, our vaginal sling lawyers first began investigating cases involving problems with the Mentor ObTape mesh, which caused thousands of women to experience infection, vaginal extrusions and urinary tract erosions.

In July 2010, the scope of the litigation we were pursuing was expanded to include Bard Avaulta lawsuits, after that bladder sling product was linked to a number of problems that could result in severe and persistent pain, infection and the need for additional vaginal surgery to remove the mesh.

Potential claims are now being evaluated by our lawyers for women who have experienced problems after receiving any type of bladder sling or mesh to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Some of the pelvic support systems that doctors may have used could include:

  • Bard Avaulta
  • American Medical Systems (AMS) Elevate, Apogee, Perigee, Monarc or Sparc Sling
  • Ethicon Gynecare Gynemesh, Polene , Prolift Mesh or TVT Sling
  • Boston Scientific Pinnacle or Uphold System
  • UGYTEX Dual Knit Mesh
  • Coviden IVS Tunneler Sling

This week, the FDA released a statement indicating that surgical placement of vaginal mesh to repair pelvic organ prolapse exposes women to an unnecessary risk of complications and problems. The agency recommended that doctors consider treating pelvic organ prolapse without vaginal mesh, since it involves a permanent implant that can make any future surgical repairs more challenging and can put the patient at risk for additional complications and surgeries.


The number of reported problems with vaginal mesh used to repair pelvic organ prolapse has continued to increase in recent years. The FDA has received more than 1,500 reports of adverse events associated with pelvic organ prolapse vaginal mesh between 2008 and 2010. This likely represents only small portion of the total number of complications experienced, as it is commonly acknowledged that between 90% and 99% of all adverse events are never reported to the FDA.

Some of the more frequently reported vaginal sling complications reported include:

  • Bladder sling mesh becoming exposed or protruding out of the vagina
  • Pain, Infection and Bleeding
  • Organ perforation
  • Urinary Problems
  • Infection
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

The vaginal bladder sling lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are providing free consultations and claim evaluations for women who suspect that they may have a case. All consultations are confidential and there are no fees unless a recovery is obtained for injuries caused by the vaginal mesh.

To review a potential case for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.

70 Comments • Add Your Comments

  • Margarita says:

    Just want too know u r goin back my mom has been having trouble with her hernia. She is 82yrs. Thank You

    Posted on July 15, 2011 at 9:34 am

  • Jean says:

    Have major concerns with this product.

    Posted on July 15, 2011 at 9:53 pm

  • april says:

    I have had both mesh and bladder sling complications and scarring in my vagina due to the mesh eroding thru to my thigh. I have to have bladder (coptite) injections thru the urethra one to five years through out my life now.

    Posted on July 25, 2011 at 11:37 pm

  • patricia says:

    I had a bladder sling in 2001 now im having problems ive had most of the above bleeding with intercourse pain utis blood in urine leaking again with no sex etc

    Posted on July 25, 2011 at 11:39 pm

  • Mary says:

    I’m not sure what type of bladder sling I have , do I need to find that out before I continue ? Also my surgery was done in 2002 , so i also dont know if there is a time frame that can affect any action taken by joining a class action lawsuit

    Posted on July 31, 2011 at 8:10 pm

  • Lisa says:

    I had the mesh bladder sling put in place 4 years ago and have problems the last two years with pelvic pain, bleeding, cramping urinary problems along with being tired. Have an apointment tomorow to find out my options of having it removed.

    Posted on August 8, 2011 at 10:33 pm

  • trisha says:

    I had a sling procedure on 2/3/11 and started having urinary problems immediately, going back and forth to Dr.., with several catheters, ending up in the ER. The Dr. informed me that it was suspended too tight. Had another procedure 2/25/11 with same Dr. Slowly developed urinary problems once again, and extremely tired, having to be on 2 sets of antibiotics due to urinary track infections, and also back to ER. Decided to get another opinion with a new Urologist. He informed me that I am holding 450cc’s of urine and told me that I will need to under go a third procedure. He also referred me to another specialist which is on 8/22/11.

    Posted on August 16, 2011 at 7:57 pm

  • Julie says:

    I had a cystocele and rectocele in August 2010. I immediately started
    having infections that turned into severe kidney infections. Also having incontinence worst than before. Lots of pelvic pain, itching and
    the doctor that did the procedure has “fired” me from their practice since I owed them $107.00 dollars. How convenient they won’t see
    me again even if I pay it up front. So now I am looking for a new doctor to check me out. Ugh. . By the way I had an AMS elevate system implanted.
    Is anyone considering having this stuff removed?
    Good luck and god bless.

    Posted on August 21, 2011 at 12:26 pm

  • Barbara says:

    I have had the bladder mesh suspension and I have been leaking and using bladder pads ever since. I din’t know what type of bladder sling I have, as they don’t tell you, they just do it! The Doctoer is reputable,so it must be the device! Count me in on any suit about it, so it can be resolved !

    Posted on August 24, 2011 at 9:24 am

  • Betty says:

    I had a sling put in about 5 years ago.I also developed severe lower back pain 5 years ago ,was put on some serious pain meds. so I could continue to function. It helped the peeing in my pants except in the mornings when I stand up nothing stops the flow so I have to make sure I have something on the floor by my bed . That’s not fun.It’s not every morning but you never know when it will happen. also along with the back pain is leg pain. some days i just don’t function. This is the lady that would’t take tylenol.

    Posted on August 27, 2011 at 6:16 pm

  • Vickie says:

    I had a vaginal sling put in August of 2010. I had severe pain right after the surgery and I am not suppose to lift over 25 lbs. for the rest of my life. After 1 year, I still am barely able to lift my legs to put my under panties on. I have had several urine infections since surgery. I have been very fatigued and my abdomin protrudes and it did not before sugery. I called to see what kind of vaginal sling was put inside me, but I could not find out which one. I have a very reputable doctor. Also, I am so tired of the pain and stiffness that just does not go away. I am single and I do not have a boyfriend or husband so I do not know how sex would be at this time. I would be afraid to even if I did due to the slight pain that I wake up to every day. I did not know that there were other women out there having the same problems. Thank you for letting me share. I am so scared. I know that my Faith in God will help us all.

    Posted on September 1, 2011 at 5:40 pm

  • SHEILA says:

    I have a hole in my vaginal wall this cant be safe plus pus blood and a smell that is so bad.

    Posted on September 9, 2011 at 1:03 am

  • Miriam says:

    I have mesh for my bladder 2010 and i have been in pain, fatigued infections since… Looking for a Good doctor to cure or remove the mesh if possiable…… I want to be normal again very depressed and angry….. don’t feel like a woman anymore.

    Posted on October 6, 2011 at 7:37 am

  • Sandra says:

    I had mesh sling put in and ended up in a lot of pain. I couldn’t stand or sit for any period of time because the pain so severe. I was so uncomfortable. I had it done in October and didn’t get to see the doctor for months afterward. I could feel the mesh protruding from my vagina and it hurt when I touched it. My back hurt and my stomach swelled. I was a mess. I had it done again the following February. I still have some problems during intercourse with pain. I don’t ever want to have that surgery again, Also it takes a long time to empty my bladder and it hurts when I am full.

    Posted on October 11, 2011 at 11:29 pm

  • cheryl c says:

    had bladder surgery tack when had partial hysterectomy had second bladder surgery with rest of hysterectomy at later date bladder sling with mesh was used then i thought i had a tumor but it was bladder protruding through vagina now after this mesh surgery have had same thing except now they say its my colon protruding and need surgery again to fix this am i a canadite for this lawsuit

    Posted on October 12, 2011 at 8:27 pm

  • Kristen says:

    I had a mesh sling put in December 2011. At first all was good. I was glad to live a normal life. Suddenly I experienced horrible painful intercourse, vaginal discharge which I have never had in the past. My lower back hurts everyday and my stomach swelled. Sitting for long periods of time are very uncomfortable I feel like i am an older person than I am. It takes me at least 15 – 20 minutes to get up walk around to look like I can walk normal again. Almost like an arthritis. THe pelvic pain and groin pain is present every day some days worse than others. So I made an appointment with my GYN got tested from A-Z. Nothing. Possibly I was told I was in Peri-menopause the cramping is similar the beginning stages of labor. I cannot live like this my heart goes out to all woman experiencing this horrible side effect due to incompetent people who just want to make a buck. It is not fair. kn

    Posted on October 15, 2011 at 8:36 pm

  • Rita says:

    had a sling/cystocele rectocel in 98′ after 7 children it was wonderful. last 3 yrs. have been round and round different doctors now that I am 76 to be told it is only dryness. So many cremes to help and I am still in so much discomfort and pain. Cannot find a proper diagnosis.

    Posted on October 22, 2011 at 10:46 pm

  • Paula says:

    I have my surgery Jan. 27, 2010, back in the hospital Jan. 29, 2010 with severe lower back pain, right hip pain, severe abdominal pain. I have been to the hospital three times, x-ray, blood work, sonograms. No doctor could figure out my problem. The doctor that did my surgery told me I had to have back issues before the surgery and sent me to a back doctor who sent me to therapy. No one would believe me when I told them my issues and pain, until I saw the report on the TV July 15, 2011. I knew I was not crazy like the made me think. DO NOT have this surgery. I am still in severe pain all day all the time. I have the same incontinence issue I had before the surgery. Pain during sex, vaginal pain and infections, urinary infections, severe tiredness all the time, pain in my hips and my hips go numb, I can’t sleep I toss and turn all night because of the pain.

    Posted on October 24, 2011 at 1:30 pm

  • Angela says:

    In 2005 I had a total vaginal hysterectomy, anterior and posterior repair with bladder sling for stress urinary incontinence. After the post op catheter was taken out I was unable to urinate and was sent to a urologist. Since that time I have been incontinent having to wear pads
    daily. Last week I was finally able to afford to go to a gynecological
    urologist who felt was he thought was part of the sling in either my
    vagina or urinary tract. I have been scheduled for urodynamics, cystoscope and vaginoscopy. I am so tired of urinating on myself and
    smelling like urine all of the time.

    Posted on October 31, 2011 at 6:43 pm

  • Rachel says:

    I had a total vaginal hysterectomy in October 2008 along with a bladder mesh sling. After the surgery, I felt fine. I did not wet myself anymore, but, now my lower back on my left side is hurting so bad along with my left leg. Cannot open my legs because it hurts, I can actually feel the sling pulling. Therefore cannot enjoy sex anymore. I also have a protruding in my vagina I didn’t have before. I am sick of this pain.

    Posted on November 12, 2011 at 10:32 pm

  • Marilyn says:

    I have had 3 slings put in in less than a year. I have had 3 infections and a severe pain in my left leg and groin area. My doctor has a 5 star rating and is very good. I think it’s the slings. the last one worked but I had even more leaking and wetting my pants up until the last surgery. I am in a class action law suit already.

    Posted on November 16, 2011 at 8:07 pm

  • cindy says:

    I had bladder tack in sept 2011 , since then when i go to bed i have this horrible pain in the lower left pelvic area in the beginning now it is in both sides, it wakes me from sleep and is so painful when I try to move, i asked my doc when i went back from my last checkup, she told me it could be my bowels, i am not sure what to think.

    Posted on December 2, 2011 at 6:00 am

  • kelly says:

    I had my mesh put in in 2005 never had a problem…at all. now I’m getting soreness on my right side where the mess was anchored. idk if this is the mess of just a pulled muscle…does any one have this problem…I am 35

    Posted on December 10, 2011 at 6:44 pm

  • Laura says:

    I had the sling put in in November of 2010 after 3 kids & a partial hysterectomy and have had nothing but problems since. I feel like I cant even work! I cant have a normal BM anymore, Ill go days sometime weeks with out going. I cant urinate properly & I get up all through the night to go. I have lower back pain all the time & I don’t sleep well. It feels like my kidneys are infected when I wake up & it takes half the day before that pain goes away. I cant take pain meds because the bind me up even more & I cant afford to keep going from doc to doc to get this figured out. I feel awful all the time. :0(

    Posted on December 23, 2011 at 11:29 am

  • Debbie says:

    I had a vaginal hysterectomy August 13th 1997. The dr and another doc used a bladder sling, so I would’nt have troubles “down-the-road”. For quite a few years now, I’ve noticed lack of bladder control….you know, Laugh till the tears run down your legs! I’ve asked several primary care doc’s, I’ve had over the years, if my bladder fell off the hammock! They look at me like I am a few bricks shy of a full load! Ggggrrrrr! So frustrating! How wonderful to know I am not the only woman out here, w/problems!

    Posted on January 15, 2012 at 11:13 pm

  • Connie says:

    I had a bladder sling also 03, or 04 I will find out for sure what year. Same problems that these women above have. For a while my bladder just leaked now I pour urine all the time.

    Posted on January 17, 2012 at 10:25 pm

  • June says:

    My sister had the vaginal sling I dont know what year but she has had nothing but problems ever since.She gets urinary tract infections.she doesn’t have a computerbut i Will tell her I put her story on here. Isincerely hope someone can help these women

    Posted on January 18, 2012 at 3:53 pm

  • Jan says:

    My partial hysterectomy along with bladder lift in 2006 has left me feeling exactly like my Dr. said, “you will feel seventeen again when I am finished with you”, I am fifty two now and I feel like 70 instead. I wake up pain in back legs and need to urinate so bad that I run but nothing will release. I walk around the house for a few minutes like ten or fifteen and the spasm will finally allow the flow to clear my bladder. I too could not go back to work I wear the poise now in case I have more urine leak out and I do not notice. So such much for tightening the bladder with the lift which by the way now my bladder falls into my labia and can be seen from behind. I have a new symptom. There is this burning like to the right of my belly button but deep it starts slow and can make me double up and want to hold my breath until it passes. What in the heck sets your insides on fire? It should be my husband, but thank you medical science you took that from me too. I finally get married days before this surgery, just purchased our new home and planned everything down to the lifting so I could recover and return to an active life. Enjoy the great pouch I can not rid myself of even if I did have the energy to work it. When it comes to practicing medicine I stand in line first to help it be placed safely along with FDA but the time has to be watched, trials have concluded without incident and now lets teach the procedure. My surgeon was perfect, the device made many of us look foolish. Best part my sister is three years Cancer free, my aunt also is four years breast Cancer free. Thanks for listening it makes a difference just getting it out. Be good to your self and keep up with the news… !!!!

    Posted on January 21, 2012 at 12:47 am

  • Jan says:

    Something else I forgot is the feeling awful all the time. More alerting is I have blood blisters on the back of my legs, and major bruising around my anus and under the bones that we sit on, what is up with this? Has anyone else had this for another symptom to be concerned with. Just thought I would get it ALL out. Thanks

    Posted on January 21, 2012 at 1:07 am

  • Gina says:

    I had a mesh bladder sling put in along with my uterus removed. I was in and out of the hospital 3 times with high fever. They did a catscan and they found an abcess the size of a peach. I had a tube placed in my abdomen to drain the abcess 3 different times. And in the hospital all three times. Was told they might have niked my bowel. Came home with a pic line to administer antibiotics myself. Long story short, had the surgery 2007 and they wound up taking the sling out and am having bladder problems again. Seeing another urogynocoligyst again. Now I have constant burning and pressure. Just placed me on a antidepressant to help to relax my bladed and have to go back in 2 weeks for them to scope the inside of my bladder. I am seeing a different urogynocoligyst then the one who did the surgery. I haven’t had sex with my husband in 5 years because of this problem and the scar tissue in my vagina from the surgery. It’s getting really old!

    Posted on January 22, 2012 at 1:31 pm

  • Jerri says:

    I got my mesh is Feb -2007 and I have been having pain and uncomfort as well. I do not know what type of mesh I have but it has been getting worse with time. Now I have no insurance so I just live with the pain that I have during sex, just cramping out of now where, feeling the need to urianate and nothing comes out or I can some time not make it to the bathroom I never know and I do feel like I have to go to the bathroom all the time. I have to ignore it because I would be a wasted trip (sometimes) .

    Posted on January 25, 2012 at 6:55 pm

  • Alika says:

    I also have had a bladder sling surgery. May of 2010. Frequency and urgencies seemed to be better at first, but it wasn’t long after it was right back the way it was before the surgery. I love my urologist, she is fabolous! But she wanted to prescribe me pills to help fix up that leak and freqeuncy, I will not take as I already have other health issues and hate med’s. In January of 2011 late one evening i was showering when I felt a pop in my rightside groin area. i couldn’t even stand up straight and had to get out of the shower, yelling for my fiance to help me. We both ‘checked ou’ the area of discomfort and there already in minutes was a hematoma the size of a golf ball and bruising.Pardon me, but it hurt like hell. My fiance had to help me to bed. We ended up at the ER, where I was dosed on pain meds and told I tore muscles in my leg, and that it would be 6 to 8 weeks healing. And that I should remain non-weight bearing on that leg until it healed. Funny thing was, i could walk fine. And when I was a small child tore the muscle in my groin on the opposite side from a gymnastics accident, and knew what it felt like to tear ‘those’ muscles. It was very clear to me, this was not the same. Funny thing about this misfortune, was that I had a scheduled follow up with my urologist for my bladder sling surgery that following Monday…so I roughed it through the wekend until i saw her. She took one look and told me I had a ruptured hernia, and she immeadiately called a surgeon and scheduled me to see them within 20 minutes. Three days later I am on the operating table for an inguinal hernai repair. Upon coming to, after the surgery. The surgeon proceeds to tell me, she has never seen anything like this in all her years. What presented to be a rupture inguinal hernia was infact saponified and necrotic tissue. She told me it was also very deep into my pelvis. She had removed as much as possible and stitched up the hole in you will. No one has yet been able to explain my bizarre surgical happenings. i do know, that in the 8 months between the bladder surgery and this so-called hernia. I have had just as much frequency and urgencies with urinating. Always have to wear something for leaking, which causes burning and itching even worse then before. I have leg and groin pain constantly and lower back pain constantly. I had never had painful intercourse with my partner whom I have been with for 10 years. Now, I can barely stand to have sex because of the pain during. Sometimes i have just ‘roughed’ it through, as to not let him feel he has done something wrong, which leaves me crippled up for hours, sometimes days in pain in my pelvic area…so bad that I can barely stand up right.
    I will go on playing my own doctor on this one, since none of them can explain. I am sure this has everything to do with the sling! They just don’t want to admit it. While their biting their lips saying, “I don’t know.” I’m holding this picture in my mind that I am rotting from the inside out, and they are going on vacation again!

    Posted on January 31, 2012 at 6:56 pm

  • Alika says:

    Something else I had not mentioned, I wondered if anyone else experiences with this problem is after sex; if you have it, with the pain to feel pressure in your bottom. Sometimes I have sat on the toilet for literally hours, leaning forward, feeling like I needed to have a bowel movement. But never do, it is just an incredible amount of pressure…I dunno. Crazy stuff!
    So the cure was much worse then the disease here! Bless you all! I hope we all get relief, or freakin compensation for their mess up’s! We are just their guinea pig’s, I suppose. And we take the doctors advice, right? I have no faith in any of them anymore!

    Posted on January 31, 2012 at 7:07 pm

  • golden says:

    I thought I was the only one having these issues. I suffer in slience so long. Everyday I have terrible pain and sometimes I can’t even get out of bed. I have to roll myself out. I have problems using the bathroom at times. I thought it was back pain but now realize it’s not that. There is a constant heaviness and terrible cramps. I had to have corrected surgery for what felt like a sharp object inside of me but I have even more pain then i did before. It is with me constantly. I wish I never had the surgery which hasn’t worked for me anyway. My hope and prayer is that we all get better and we teach these companies that make these products just for profit that we are human beings. Sometimes I think they forget that and doctors need to beware of what they put in their patients body. Oh how I wish I never got the surgery.

    Posted on February 2, 2012 at 2:15 pm

  • marci says:

    i have either a mesh or the bladder sling with a partial hysterectomy two years and not had to much problems but now i have problems using the bathroom. i also have consiraption that now it really hurts.

    Posted on February 9, 2012 at 10:16 pm

  • donna says:


    Posted on February 10, 2012 at 7:07 pm

  • nanette says:

    Had Mesh put in 6 years ago. Had another surgery imediatly following to repair, said it was too close to vaginal wall. since then everything seemed ok. now have pain in groin . pain in hips. constant back ache. thought it was normal old age. dont have insurance right now. Seems like all the pain is related to the mesh implant. very frustrating.

    Posted on February 21, 2012 at 11:48 am

  • Tina says:

    I had a hysterectomy and bladder sling done in 2002. Although I no longer leak urine or have the frequent bladder infections I did before the surgery, I am constantly bloated, very gassy and have stomach and intestinal issues EVERY day. I also have a very strong urine odor and intercourse is also sometimes painful for me as well. I can also “smell” myself sometimes although my boyfriend says he doesn’t, I am very self-conscious about it. My back and stomach will cramp for what I feel is no apparent reason and I find my self nauseous off and on through the day. Could it be the mesh has eroded in my system and is causing me to just feel “icky” all the time?

    Posted on February 23, 2012 at 1:53 pm

  • Kimberly says:

    I also had a bladder surgery done. In the past 3 years, I have had leaking, and pain. Now, I have no control, and the urge to urinate hits all at once; No warning. Last month my doctor said, “your bladder has dropped again.” Even worst, yesterday they said I must take medicine for at least two months before I can have this surgically corrected. GO FIGURE!

    Posted on February 23, 2012 at 4:18 pm

  • anna says:

    had bladder sling put in 2006 when having the surgery the dr nicked something on the left side and there was alot of bleeding so i had to stay in the hospital an extra 2 days i have had pain on that side ever since but now it has become so sever that it will double me over at times and has anyone had widespread body aches and sever stiffness that i can barely roll over in bed at night and can hardly move without pain .i have been tested for lupus,rhemetoid arthirts,and firbromyalsia but everything was negative but dr. said i had a vitamin d deficiency so the vitamin helped for a while but now am worse then ever i am only 51 and move like a 90 year old

    Posted on February 29, 2012 at 8:16 am

  • Sharon says:

    I had a mesh net put in in Dec 2010. When I came out of surgery I couldn’t even move because during the procedure, my hip was knocked out and I was in tremendous pain because of it. I had to lay flat on my back for 5 days until I could go to a Chiropractor. I was in so much pain with that, that I didn’t fell so much pain with the surgery. I had to go to Therapy for that. I immediately had problems with leakage of the bowels and still do to this day. At times, I have even thought that part of my bowels moved through the vagina, but I’ve never been sure of that. I now am in so much pain right above my pelvic bone and I cannot hardly walk I’m in so much pain. When I try to stand from sitting, I can’t even walk for a few minutes. I am going to my Dr. on Wed. of this week and hope we can work something out because I cannot live like this.

    Posted on April 30, 2012 at 5:40 pm

  • donna says:

    I had a partial hysterectomy and sling done in 2005, pre 2 days ago when holidaying in the usa, i didnt no this existed. I have been suffering lots of pain, infections, wetting myself, smell all of the above, a few months ago after taking pain killers or if i had a drink of alcohol i got really bad pain shooting through my chest and body then urine would burn like boiling water. I thought i was loosing it. Ive been to the doctors and had so many infections, treated with antibiotics up until a couple of weeks ago i had another lot of antibiotics and this lot havent worked and it has been painful taking them. WHATS WITH THAT, does anybody else have that, does this mean my kidneys are getting stuffed. I have been so scared, still am re the pain, but am relieved to read all these and no that im not alone. I had my surgery done in New Zealand and they have a not allowed to sue policy over there. So i dont no if i will get any help. xxxx thanx for sharing your stories.

    Posted on May 24, 2012 at 5:27 pm

  • Rita says:

    I had a total hystorectomy and a bladder sling and rectocile in I think it was 2007 an am now having problems with UTI’s and pain in my back and side. I have pain in my right groin and leg, but i have also had fusions in my lower back from L4 thur S1 and don’t know if the pain is from the mesh sling or my back. I do have bleeding after sex and some pain during, I have never talked to a lawyer because the Dr hasn’t said it is from the sling. I go back to the Dr tomorrow to have another urine culture because he didn’t like the results from my last one. I also have a lot of pressure in my stomach that feels like i have to urinate and when i go sometimes i just dribble. I have days that i go to the bath room about ever hr all day long and then i will have days i can’t hardly go at all. Does anyone have these symptoms?
    . my problems didn’t start until a yr or so ago. at first i loved the sling and i no longer have leakage so i hope the sling isn’t my problem.

    Posted on May 28, 2012 at 12:25 am

  • cathy says:

    help! i am sick of this! i am in constant pain. there must be doctors out there that can take these things out. i want it out of my body. i dont care if i die or not! i am so tired of this pain. help! what to do?

    Posted on May 29, 2012 at 6:24 pm

  • kelly says:

    2004 had a uterine prolapse rectal prolapse,at age of 24 need a full historctomy,again with the sling and mesh. Since then i cant have a least one full week of feeling good.pains in my back,pelic,caused it were i havent worked in 5 yrs,a failed marraige,sex im pretty num now almost no feelings unless im having another kidney infection,last yr ive been averaging every to months from bein in hostipal to just to tiredwnting to give up,i know i got another kidney infection cant get out of bed. That makes four this yr…

    Posted on June 26, 2012 at 9:00 pm

  • Joyce says:

    I had a hysterectomy for uterine prolaps and and I am not sure about the bladder sling, but I did have some bladder leakage post op,and still do occasionaly. What a horrible surgery, they left gauze in me and had to cut me back open to remove it right after they had closed it, plus they hurt me during surgery I had a broken blood vessel in my left eye, a cut on my leg, and a bruise on my abdomen. Post op a pain so bad in my right side that I couldn’t walk, his solution for that was to put a giant needle in it to relieve the pain, whick hurt so bad I cried, and it didn’t help. I asked if I could do heavy lifting post op, the doctor said, he was not going to tell any ladies they won’t be able to lift anything heavy. Now here I am 4 years later, my bladder hurts so bad when I urinate that I cry out with pain, also when I have a bowel movement it hurts my bladder. All I can think of is that when I dragged some heavy tree branches last week it must of done some damage.

    Posted on July 15, 2012 at 8:43 am

  • Karen says:

    I had a total hysterectomy and a bladder sling (just in case, while I was under anyway) even though I had no problems. Now 2 years later, I have constant vaginal discharge, pain in my lower abdomen, pain in my hips and now pain in my buttocks when I sit on the floor or something hard. I was told that if I was going to have problems with the sling, it would have happened in the first 3 months. Well it has been 2 years and I am convinced that all these pain and discharge issues are definitely due to the sling. It is very frustrating going to the doctor about it because they just say “infection” and put me on an antibiotic. I don’t want to go through any more surgeries but I sure hope this doesn’t get worse! I am upset that I really didn’t even need the sling and now I am going to have to live with these symptoms for the rest of my life. I am only 43!

    Posted on July 30, 2012 at 4:02 pm

  • Reta says:

    I too have a leaky bladder and have already had 2 bladder suspensions, these both failed and bladder is leaking again. I have been putting up with this problem for a few years after the second suspension. it seems that thes bladder suspension devices only work for a short period of time. Now the “Poise Pads seems to be the only alternative. Bummer!!!

    Posted on August 1, 2012 at 6:15 pm

  • Rae-Marie says:

    I had a Total Hysterectomy in May 1999.Experienced the leaking when laughing, coughing etc. Went to a Urogynecology and decided to have the TVT ( Tension Vagina Tape Sling in April 2006, it seem to help up until about a year ago. Then I had to start wearing a pad, yeah have a hyster. and then still have to wear a pad. Before the sling I did try collagen injections in my urethrea.But then I started getting alot of UTIs. So my gyno suggested going back to the Urogynecology again. Before I did that I broke down and went on medicine to help with urgency to go. I went on Oxybutynin, which helped and but I dislike taking any medicine. Well now I have been getting intense pressure, like on a roller coaster. One day fine, then hours of intense pressure to go, but don’t have to. The doctor said I have no infection. Am I nuts ? I had this intense pressure and wonder if it could be something else. So I am looking into getting a second opinion since my husband is tired of me not feeling well. I am lucky not to have other issues like alot of you above. I wish you all well and to get better. For myself I want to be told I am not nuts and there is some reason for this intense pressure. I can go a week with nothing, and then one day for hours have the pressure and tired. I really don’t want to go back to wearing pads bummer is right. My doctor tells me I can get a pace maker for my bladder. I do not want anymore foreign materials inside me. Be well and Good luck

    Posted on August 13, 2012 at 8:30 pm

  • Londa says:

    I had my sling put in 3/3/09 three weeks later i had a UTI and they have never stopped since. I went to several doctors and they would say oh it’s just a UTI and you would think if they’re looking at my records and see I’ve had 15 UTI’s within 6 months that would’ve been a red flag for any doctor I seen. 4 years later still have them, I have to take antibiotics everyday for the rest of my life. I thought I was imagining the pain in my legs, I didnt know why I was so tired all the time, I was feeling bad everyday and no one could tell me why. I’m so glad I found this page because I just like many others thought I was just going crazy.

    Posted on October 25, 2012 at 1:08 pm

  • Lorraine says:

    after reading these posts, I have come to speculate that the pains I have been experiencing are also due to the mesh sling I had implanted in October of 2008. I immediately realized that it did not help my urinary incontinence, but it was a few months later when I got married that I realized how terribly painful it was to have sex. It hurts my husband too. Since I am in my mid 50’s I also attributed my back pains and protruding belly to aging, but I never had those problems before. Now my back hurts every day!!! I am stiff and hurt all over every day now. I was NEVER sick or have body aches before the sling was placed.

    Posted on November 13, 2012 at 12:05 am

  • Shain says:

    I had a partial hysterectomy, rectocele and cystocele repair, as well as a bladder sling in January of this year. I have not urinated right since I had the surgery and I now wake up several times a night to go pee. I didn’t have any issues other than some incontinence prior to the surgery and that could be explained by the fact that my enlarged uterus was laying on my bladder. I am tired all of the time. Intercourse has been painful every since I had the surgery and sometimes it feels like I’m being cut. My vjayjay feels like its turned inside out and raw. I look like I’m pregnant, my lower back hurts all of the time and my kidneys hurt for hours after I wake up. I have had various tests and nothing could be found. I recently went back to the doctor for pelvic/abdomenal pain and an ultrasound was done. Question: Has anyone else experienced ovarian cysts or cystic structure at the top of the vagina after a sling was put in?

    Posted on December 26, 2012 at 8:06 pm

  • Lorraine says:

    I had a total hysterectomy and a bladder sling in 2002. Had a lot of probelms at first and spend 6 weeks in hospital and then my GP kept my on antibodtics for 6 months due to constant infections. Haven’t had any problems until the last month where I have had constant infections, shaking, shivering and vomiting. They now have me on a 7 day drug which they had to get approval from Canberra and I finish the course tomorrow so I will see what happens after that.

    Posted on March 10, 2013 at 12:55 am

  • Londa says:

    Shain I had a MRI and they found a cyst by my urethra and had never had one before the surgery. The cyst burst and did go away and intercourse is not as painful but still hurts. It look like we will deal with the pain the rest of our lives. I seen a doctor that sent me to physical therapy, it made the pain worse. Now I have a new doctor saying the same thing and is sending me to therapy again. Every doctor I see say that my pain is not due to the sling, is anyone else getting the same reply from their doctor? They’re making me feel like I’m losing it!! I can not stand over a half hour and cannot walk a long distant anymore. Is there anyone experiencing the same thing?

    Posted on March 25, 2013 at 12:12 am

  • joyce says:

    Had total hysterectomy w sling in 2005. Had pain but chalked it up ti a fibroid tumor in my past. Had an ovary removed to rule out cancer. It was cysts. Three or more on the photo taken by onco gyn. Nearly had last ovary removed for similar reason. Surgery was delayed because of hemmorhoid surgery for you guessed it, constipation. I had gall bladder removed and that delayed again. By that time, a new transvaginal ultrasound showed it was cystic again or still. This surgeon said come back in six mos. After yet another transvaginal ultrasound. So… cysts were never a problem before bladder lift and are now a common and painful issue. When i had ovary removed it was because there was a possibility that i was stage four cancer. Imagine the burden and the worry for a single mom with young kids. The FDA burned us.

    Posted on June 26, 2013 at 6:53 am

  • wendy says:

    Well I guess Im not alone. I had mesh implanted in 2011 and still cant get to the bathroom in time and lately its worse. I also expience pain shooting down my legs, back. pain and constant groin pain. For some reason more so with the groin pain on both side when lying down at night. I feel alot of pelvic pressure all the tims also. I thought these were some symptoms related to peri-menopause but my newest gyno did blood work and said Im not there yet. So I have to have a laproscopy done to find out why Im in pain. There will be down time involved.

    Posted on October 26, 2013 at 7:04 pm

  • Sandy says:

    Had a bladder sling put in July 27 2009 as an out patient. August 3 2009 was in severe pain had to go to the ER discoverd I had a kidney stone that was blocking my right kidney. Emergency surgery was done that day. I was sent home the next morning, after the meds wore off could not urinate. Went back to the Doctor where they put in a cath for 5 days, said they needed to get my bladder working again. I have had several UTI’s since my sling surgery. I have always had a nagging pain but never questioned why, just thought that is the way it should be. I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs every night because it takes the pressure off my right hip. Should I make an appointment with my urologist to have them check me?

    Posted on January 22, 2014 at 8:41 pm

  • Trish says:

    I had my sling put in almost 4 years ago. Sex hurts, still urinate, and have been to the ER, GP, Gyn, and had a colonoscopy, thinking that may be the source of my severe abdominal pain. Here is my question- Does any one experience extreme cramping when you are in a body of water (bath, jacuzzi, river, etc.?) Over the past 4 years, i cannot go into any body of water without feeling like I am 10 cm dialated and on the verge of delivering a child. i experience the cramping for at least 48 hours, swelling, fatigue and soreness and it takes my body a week to recovery. Does anyone have this issue? im at a loss!

    Posted on July 8, 2014 at 3:35 pm

  • Billie says:

    I too, have a problem with the BM. I feel like sometimes I got to go real bad then when I set down on the toilet it’s like a door has slammed shut, and I can’t go. If I take bowel moving meds my dr gave me to mix with water, it will pour out like water when I go. Other then that I am constipated . Can the mesh sling be blocking the colon some how? My women clinic PA says my bladder has dropped again, so need to see the GYN.

    Posted on July 20, 2014 at 7:30 pm

  • Cindy says:

    Does anyone have an allergic reaction like itching to a bladder sling.

    Posted on July 21, 2014 at 7:02 pm

  • Lisa says:

    I am totally frustrated right now. I had a bladder sling in 2001 and a hysterectomy around 2009. I know am having extreme pain and pressure in my pelvic area. Went to primary care Dr. who believes that my bladder has falllen out of the sling. Referred me to OB/GYN and I have an appointment in 10 days. I think I should be seeing a Urologist, but my Dr. says that the OB/GYN will refer me if necessary. In the mean time I have incredible pain. Primary prescribed Lidocaine which works for maybe 5 minutes. Because I already take morphine for a neck problem, I guess that everyone thinks I don’t need more pain meds. Maybe this is true. I don’t know. Now I have not had sex for well over a month and I cannot even wear underwear. So, the pee runs down my leg. How embarrassing is this! Why does it take so long to see the right doctor for this problem? What is wrong with our healthcare system? I need help and I don’t know where to get it. Was my bladder sling done too long ago for legal help?

    Posted on August 5, 2014 at 2:59 pm

  • Erica says:

    i had a bladder sling worse mistake ever. They did a rectecele and cystocele repair and the mesh had eroded in a few months time, they went back in and fixed them. I continued to have problems and so they said from now on I would need to cath myself. After reading all these stories it is a relief to know all these other symptoms I have aren’t strange or abnormal. My urologist said there were no problems since she did the surgery and apparently she is God so that problem was mine. I went to another urologist and they put in an interstim which helps you urinary problems. It helped for a short period of time. I can’t tell when I need to have a bowel movement. I have been married for years and am no longer able to have sex. I can’t wear underwear because if I do it makes it much more painful to urinate. So most of the time I am at home in long pajamas or sundresses so I don’t have to wear underwear. But then what happens when you leak. I also have fecal trapping and when I try to have a bowel movement it feels like vagina is full so I guess it must be pushing up inside again. I saw my records from my original surgeon and it stated that the bladder sling, and the other repairs were already coming undone again but they didn’t bother to tell me. Back to the new urologist. She told me that the interstim which of you don’t know what it is it sends electrity to the nerves. You can look it up on YouTube, was the first course of action, she said after that they should remove the mesh. Now she acts like she never said that. I have the groin pain that I have seen mentioned in several of these stories and my life is far from being my own. I could go on and on but how long can I live like this, with no help in sight? I don’t know……..Billy, I have actually used gloves to feel into my rectum and it seems that I have some fibrous tissue in the way. I am going back to my Dr to tell them that as well. Also to have a BM I have to put my finger into my vagina and push down because it is up to high and not lined up to come out. At other times, the fecal matter gets trapped and it will just fall out. I’m at my wits end for sure. Good luck to all of you!!!

    Posted on November 17, 2014 at 5:20 pm

  • Joyce says:

    I had my uterus taken out and a mesh implant to tack my bladder up in April of 1998. It help for a little while but for years after I put up with incontinence and bladder infection. I wentto my doctor because I had a stitch poking through my vaginal wall. At that point I decided to go back in for a second surgery, I had surgery in Ocober of 2010. Ever since the surgery my stomach bloats and protudes out like I am pregnant. Have to drink alot of water and rub my stomach to keep my bowels moving. I have a hard time pushing it out if I don’t keep my bowels loose. I still have problems with bladder infections. When my husband and I have sex it gets so irritated down there because it is so unstable. I also have lower back pain alot. I walk around like an old lady.

    Posted on December 7, 2014 at 1:53 pm

  • Vivian says:

    I had the mesh implant last year and every since I have a terrible odor…Even just after I take a bath or shower I still have the awful odor….Anyone else having this problem?

    Posted on December 30, 2014 at 2:59 pm

  • shiloh says:

    I’ve had surgery 3 times my first was in 2002 10 years later I had to have my bladder done again and my urethra was also put in a sling then 1 year later I had to have it all done again. Since 2012 I’ve had 8 uti here in the last week I’ve had lower back pain and sometimes it’s like being in labor. Anyone else having back pain?

    Posted on January 19, 2015 at 5:40 pm

  • Kerrie says:

    Has anyone had severe rental/vaginal itching and bleeding after bladder sling was put in?

    Posted on January 21, 2015 at 7:27 am

  • Cynthia says:

    I had a hysterectomy and bladder sling surgery, almost 5 wks post-op and I’m able to empty my bladder and I’m not potting on myself, no trips to the bathroom at night BUT, I do have pain and sometimes severe pain in my right pelvic area, sometimes feels like a knife stabbing me and then I will have stinging in the lower part of my pelvic. I have had this since day 1 of surgery…not sure why! I can’t lean over without hurting. Putting pants (right leg) on is a painful chore. Also I can’t stand up for long period of time
    and I have a hard time getting the right leg up in the bed without hurting. Not sure if it’s inflamed or if it’s a damaged nerve or the sling or my bladder and pain meds DO NOT HELP! I’m so beyond wanting my normal life back! I’m miserable from the pain. I would love to hear if any women have had this problem and what has your Doctor said about this. I’m schedule to see both GYN and Urologist soon.

    Posted on February 13, 2015 at 2:51 am

  • Dina says:

    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2009 which also included a “bladder tuck”, bladder sling surgery.
    For the past 2 yrs I have had problems with urine leaking out and I don’t know it until my panties are wet and urine running down my leg.
    I also have no muscle control over my bladder.
    I have pain in my pelvic are constantly
    My husband and I have been married for over 30 years and previously enjoyed a great sex life; but for the past couple of years it has been stymied by the pain it causes me to have intercourse.
    I don’t know if the bladder sling is not working properly anymore, but after reading the comments, I am pretty sure I have a serious problem and it needs to be fixed.
    Forgot to mention urinary incontinence as well. If I have to urinate for my doctor, I might be able to perform it on demand, or I may not.
    I am scheduling an appointment with my medical doctor to receive a full examination and tests to determine if that is my problem.
    I will post later after all testing is completed.
    Good luck to all you ladies who are suffering much worse maladies than I am. I pray for you and hope you will find some comfort to your pain.

    Posted on February 9, 2016 at 5:31 am

  • Angela says:

    The hospital where my surgery was done has destroyed my records. Is it possible to sue the hospital because I’m not able to file on this bladder mesh without having the records from the hospital

    Posted on December 29, 2016 at 4:31 pm

  • Ivanha says:

    Hello I’m 49 years old, I had a teenage childbirth when i was fifteen after given birth the doctor put a vaginal mesh in me. Every since that i have bad menstrual cramping my legs back hurts so much now. Pain in my stomach my blood pressure goes up. Having sex is painful my period stay on for 12 days. I been to the hospital but they don’t know what to do for me. I had two infections one in my arm spent 7days in the hospital the other infection in one of my fallopian tub had to take medications for seven days . Now I just be in pain and the worst of all i cannot hold my urine sometimes I wear a baby diaper. I don’t go out because I always have to go to the bathroom. I need help finding a doctor who i can go and who will pay.

    Posted on August 8, 2019 at 5:14 pm

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