Serious Injuries from Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice
Plastic surgery, also known as cosmetic surgery, is a complex medical procedure that can carry substantial risk of complications if the surgeon is not properly trained or fails to follow the appropriate standards of medical care. Medical mistakes during plastic surgery can result in disfigurement, permanent physical injury or even death.
Contact Our Lawyers to Review aMEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASE
The plastic surgery malpractice lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. investigate claims for individuals who have suffered a serious and debilitating injury as a result of a preventable medical mistake. Through our network of experienced co-counsel and local law firms, our attorneys review potential cases nationwide.
There are no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained. To review the circumstances surrounding treatment and determine if financial compensation may be available, request a free consultation.
In many cases, plastic surgery is an elective procedure that is not medically necessary. As a result, many plastic surgeons offer their services through advertisements directed to the consumer or at clinics in malls or other high traffic areas.
While most plastic surgeons are qualified doctors, the commercial nature of the practice has led to many physicians performing surgery without the proper training and credentials.
When a doctor fails to exercise the proper standard of medical care, devastating consequences can result. During any surgery, a doctor will encounter situations where quick decisions must be made. Without the proper training and experience, mistakes can occur.
The attorneys at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. have the experience and resources necessary to protect your family and investigate potential lawsuits for plastic surgery malpractice. Request a free legal consultation and claim evaluation, to determine if you, a friend or family member may be eligible for claim.
Plastic surgery malpractice lawsuits are investigated throughout the United States and there are no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained.