Lawyers Reviewing Lawsuits for Mirena IUD Problems
The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential lawsuits for women who have experienced serious and debilitating problems from Mirena birth control.
Side effects of Mirena IUD may cause a dangerous increase in fluid pressure in the skull, or the implanted birth control device could move inside the body. Financial compensation may be available if you or a loved one suffered:
- Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC) or Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH): This condition involves a buildup of fluid on the brain, which may cause damage to the optic nerve, resulting in blindness or visual problems;
- Perforation or Migration of the IUD: Mirena may become embedded within the wall of the uterus or move to other areas of the body, often resulting in the need for surgical removal of the implant
All Mirena lawsuits are being pursued by our lawyers on a contingency fee basis, which means that there are no out-of-pocket costs to pursue a case and we only receive an attorney fee or expenses if a settlement or recovery is obtained for your injury. Request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
Cases for Mirena IUD Problems
The Mirena IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) was introduced by Bayer in 2000, as a long-acting form of birth control that is inserted into the uterus to disrupt the egg and sperm. The device also releases the progestin levonorgestrel, which further acts to prevent pregnancy by keeping the woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs.
Although Mirena has been promoted as a safe and reversible form of birth control, which can prevent pregnancy for up to five years, thousands of women throughout the United States have filed product liability lawsuits alleging that they suffered a severe and debilitating Mirena IUD injury that the manufacturer failed to adequately warn about.
Potential Mirena pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) lawsuits are being pursued for women who have experienced complications as a result of a dangerous buildup of pressure on the brain that may be caused by levonorgestrel contained in the IUD.
Problems with pseudotumor cerebri, which is also referred to as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), may cause women to suffer:
- Migraines or Severe Headaches
- Vision Problems
- Blindness or Blind Spots
- Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
- Papilledema (Optic Disk Swelling)
IIH/PTC is often difficult to diagnose, and is frequently mistaken for a tumor. Although Bayer knew or should have known about the link between Mirena and PTC/IIH, information about the risk was withheld from consumers and the medical community, increasing the severity of problems suffered by women nationwide.
Thousands of Mirena migration injury lawsuits have also been filed by women who experienced painful and debilitating problems when the small, T-shaped device perforated the uterus or migrated out of position, potentially causing injury to internal organs.
Although the Mirena warnings do indicate there is a risk of perforation or migration, the manufacturer misleadingly indicated that the risk was rare and that the injury typically only occurs during insertion. However, many women have reported spontaneous migrations that occur long after the Mirena IUD was implanted and placement was confirmed.
According to allegations raised in Mirena lawsuits being investigated for women throughout the United States, the manufacturer:
- Failed to Adequately Warn Women or the Medical Community About the Risks of Mirena IUD
- Failed to Research the Side Effects of Mirena
- Made False and Misleading Statements to Consumers and Doctors in Advertising Mirena
- Failed to Update Warnings or Issue a Mirena Recall Once Information Was Discovered About Problems Experienced by Women Nationwide
Mirena Class Action Lawyers
The product liability lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential Mirena class action lawsuits and individual injury claims for women who have experienced problems.
Making false and misleading promotional statements, while withholding information about the risk of uterus perforation, migration and other pseudotumor cerebri problems caused women to be unnecessarily exposed to a risk of injury, depriving them of the opportunity to decide whether the benefits of a long-term, reversible birth control justify the danger.
As a result of the manufacturer’s decision to place their desire for increased sales before the safety and health of users, financial compensation may be available.
All cases are being pursued by our Mirena lawyers without the payment of any up-front fees or expenses. We only receive attorney fees or expenses if we are successful obtaining a settlement or recovery in your case.