Will Mirena IUD Birth Control Be Recalled From the Market?
A large number of women throughout the United States have suffered devastating complications from Mirena IUD birth control, where the device perforated the uterus, migrated to other areas of the body, caused infections or resulted in other problems associated with a dangerous buildup of fluid pressure in the brain. However, there is no indication that Bayer Healthcare will remove the birth control product from the market.
A mounting number of product liability lawsuits have been filed by women throughout the United States, some of which allege that a Mirena recall should be issued to remove the IUD from the market or place stronger warnings about the risks that may develop long after the device is inserted. However, it is not likely that the popular form of long-acting birth control will actually be recalled.
Mirena Failure to Warn Lawsuits
According to warnings provided to women and doctors for years, inadequate information was provided about the risks following insertion of the IUD into the uterus. According to allegations raised in product liability lawsuits, if better Mirena warnings were provided, many women could have avoided severe problems.
While providing inaccurate warnings, Bayer has also engaged in misleading advertising campaigns that suggest the Mirena IUD may actually improve a woman’s sex life, enhance personal relationships and make her look and feel better.
In December 2009, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bayer for overstating the efficacy of Mirena, presenting unsubstantiated claims, minimizing the risks associated with Mirena and providing false and misleading information.
While the FDA has not indicated that a Mirena market recall is being considered, many advocates believe that the federal health regulators may require Bayer to update the warning label and provide more accurate and complete information about the risk of:
- Pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) or intracranial hypertension (IH)
- Mirena Perforating the Uterine Wall
- Migration of Mirena IUD Out of the Uterus
- Infections from Mirena
- Risk of Surgical Removal for Mirena IUD if Problems Develop
Mirena IUD Recall Lawyers
Even if Mirena is not recalled from the market, women may still be entitled to financial compensation and settlements for Mirena IUD injuries that may have been avoided if Bayer hadn’t placed their desire for profits before consumer safety.
The Mirena recall lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are reviewing potential lawsuits for women throughout the United States who have experienced complications or problems from the IUD, which resulted in the need to have the device removed.
All claims are reviewed on a contingency fee basis, which means that there are never any out-of-pocket expenses to hire our law firm and there are no Mirena attorney fees unless a recovery is obtained.
To obtain a free and confidential consultation, request a free claim evaluation.
9 Comments • Add Your Comments
Crystal says:
I was never able to have any more children after it had to be removed by my doctor at the office. I experienced 2 miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy.
Posted on August 3, 2014 at 7:59 pm
Allison says:
I have the Mirena. I’ve had it for several years. I’ve had problems since the day i received it. But have no medicaid to have it removed and not sure what to do.
Posted on December 29, 2014 at 12:42 pm
Becky says:
June 2015- 2016… one year of horrible BV infections, wow the smell, the pain, cramping, bleeding for first three months.
Has anyone had such cramping you thought you were giving birth all over again? Was there ALOT of weird discharge with dried blood and other “stuff” that came out shortly after? Someone else commented not to douche.. their right..
I know my period is coming when i can hardly walk from the pain. . NICE ! Can’t wait to call Dr. as soon as they open.
Posted on June 27, 2016 at 3:31 am
Crystal says:
I have had the mirena in seen the 5th of May and I am still a a lot of pain
Posted on August 21, 2016 at 6:48 am
Sharon says:
I was supposed to have a mirena put in, but changed my mind, deciding I couldn’t go through with it. It wasn’t just the horror stories I read about the potential side effects, I didn’t like the idea of having some weird looking thing put inside me, even though one female doctor said: “You can’t even feel it.” And I suppose she’d know, right? Sure. Over a year later, I don’t regret saying no, even though it caused problems between me and my mother (she was all for having the mirena put in). It’s my body and my choice, not hers. I trust doctors who try to force women to have the mirena as much as I do Sofia Vergara trying to get people to use Head And Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo. Fact is, she’s getting paid to do that (just like the company marketing this destructive device) and I have taken that into account (I got told years ago antipsychotics were harmless-wrong!), just as I have my own doubts about mirena. I’m glad Ms. Vergara is getting paid big bucks (not unlike the big-time
operators at Bayer) but I don’t want to use that product either since it can cause skin irritation. So- as I did with the mirena, I took that into account and made up my own mind. Deciding on no mirena insertion was a judgement call. I didn’t want the hassle of having to see the gynecologist every few months , nor experiencing side effects and having to go back to have it removed. Who would be to blame, anyway? I’d probably blame myself, since it’s not as though a gun was put to my head. But I stood my ground and said NO to the mirena.
Posted on December 24, 2017 at 7:04 am
Lateisha says:
I have the marina for five years and then I said either move so I can get pregnant first I had a miscarriage and then I had An ectopic pregnancies. And they had to remove My right tune and I’m 24 year old
Posted on September 30, 2019 at 12:46 am
Julianna says:
Lots of pain and feeling tired all the time. Nausea
Posted on February 20, 2020 at 4:18 pm
Misty says:
I had the Marina in and had it took out and every since my stomach’s been bothering me and I can’t have kids
Posted on February 25, 2020 at 5:15 pm
Crystal says:
I had the IUD in for almost 5 years. Went to have it removed and it was stuck. Found a doctor that tried to get it out and it broke leaving fragmented arm in the uterus. Went in for surgery and it was still stuck due to embedment and location, if any further advances in removing could cause an emergency situation due to the blood vessels. So we left in because the only other option would be a hysterectomy and I wasn’t going to do that. Also a ton of health issues during and after removal like tachycardia before removal, chest pain,brain fog, joint pain, breathing issues. Palpations and digestive issues after the partial removal I am still trying to deal with.
Posted on October 9, 2021 at 3:08 am