What are the Risks of Mirena IUD Uterine Perforation?
Although Bayer Healthcare has suggested that the risk of the Mirena IUD perforating the uterus is mainly an issue during insertion, many women have had these injuries develop long after the implanted birth control was put in place.
As a result of the manufacturer’s failure to adequately warn about the risk of uterine perforation with Mirena IUD, thousands of women have filed lawsuits alleging that they suffered severe injury and complications that may have been avoided with earlier detection.
Lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are no longer accepting new cases for Mirena IUD perforation injuries. This page is maintained for informational purposes only.
Mirena IUD Uterine Perforation Risk
The Mirena Intra-Uterine Device (IUD), which is also commonly referred to as Mirena IUS (Intra-Uterine System), is a T-shaped form of birth control that is implanted into the uterus during a doctor’s office visit to prevent pregnancy.
The polyethylene frame contains a steroid reservoir that releases levonorgestrel as a contraceptive and the IUD is designed to remain in place for up to five years.
During insertion of Mirena IUD, the risk of perforation is largely determined by the skill of the physician, with most estimates suggesting that the IUD perforates the uterus in about 1 out of every 1,000 insertions. However, a number of women have experienced problems where the Mirena IUD perforated the uterus months or even years after it was put in place.
Uterine perforation is probably the most serious complication associated with Mirena IUD, which can result in severe pain, debilitating injury and long-term health problems.
If Mirena IUD perforates the uterus it may move out of place and cause damage to internal organs. In many cases it is necessary for the woman to undergo surgery to remove the IUD.
Perforations may be partial or complete. A partial Mirena IUD perforation occurs when only a portion of the device is stuck in the uterine wall. While this can carry substantial risk of infection and other complications with removal, the most serious injuries occur with complete perforation of the Mirena IUD, where the device completely passes into the peritoneal cavity.
A good portion of IUD uterine perforations affect pelvic and abdominal organs in the surrounding area, with intestinal damage one of the most common injuries. The Mirena IUD may also perforate or obstruct the large and small bowel.
Find Out If Compensation for a Mirena IUD Injury
Prompt diagnosis of Mirena IUD perforation is important to reduce the risk of severe complications and long-term injury that may result. According to allegations raised in many Mirena injury lawsuits filed in courts throughout the country, Bayer Healthcare’s failure to adequately warn about the risk of perforations that may develop months or even years later not only prevented women from making an informed decision about whether to have the IUD implanted but delayed the diagnosis of the Mirena problems.
Early symptoms of Mirena IUD perforation may include:
- Abdominal Pain
- Heavy Bleeding
- Nausea, Vomiting, Fever
- Missing Mirena IUD Strings
If the Mirena IUD has perforated the uterus or migrated out of place, financial compensation was pursued by women nationwide through a product liability lawsuits. However, the Mirena IUD injury lawyers at Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. are no longer accepting new cases. This page is maintained for informational purposes only.
12 Comments • Add Your Comments
Brittney says:
I have gone to my doctors 2 time to have my iud removed and the first time was I was told that my strings are gone and they will have to try a different way by taking meds and them numbing my cervic.I went in yesterday and had that done and they tryed getting it out for over 25 mins the wrost pain in my life to just be told I have to have surgery to have it removed. They state it has not moves but that it might have attached itself to my uterus. I need legal advice….
Posted on October 16, 2013 at 3:48 pm
Amber says:
Hello, I had the Mirena put in 2011. Not even two weeks after I noticed abdominal Pain, Heavy Bleeding, Nausea, Vomiting, & Fever. I was fed up with the device after six months. The doctor asked me to stick it out another few months and the symptoms may get better. I set up another visit because the pain was not tolerable just to find out what was going in to see doctors and the lady’s said they couldn’t find my string. Three appointments later and different doctors digging inside me for a half hour each visit the doctor on McGuire AFB sent me off base to an on doctor due to a Missing Mirena IUD Strings. After the Ob at the next clinic had the midwife dig inside me for a half hour & couldn’t find anything the Ob doctor tried himself then finally got an ultra sound and found it. They had me come in six weeks or so after that appointment for surgery. I have been bleeding with sever cramps ever since. I would not recommend this to anyone. I believe I’ve suffered enough from this device.
Posted on February 9, 2014 at 7:17 am
Tiffany says:
My iud is embedded in my uturus I will have to have it taken out possible from hysterectomy. So, cheers to me medicare does not cover the removal or hysterectomy. I have MS is I get a infection it could cause me to get real sick
Posted on October 26, 2015 at 3:08 pm
Catherine says:
I have had the mirena in since 2013. I am suffering from major depression still and have been resistant to treatment. I am wondering if this is because of the mirena. I have not had it checked. I have been having the same headache for about 5 months now. And have experienced some strange bleeding and severe abdominal pain.
Posted on February 13, 2016 at 11:53 pm
Nic says:
I had a Mirena placed 5 years ago. I have my yearly OB visits and was always told that the strings are visible and device is still in place. I had no pain or bleeding, but when I went into my OB last week to get it removed after 15 minutes and 3 health care providers and an Ultra Sound I was told that the IUD is stuck in my uterus. I now have bleeding, and is now have a schedule surgery to have this device removed. 🙁
Posted on July 20, 2016 at 4:44 pm
Jessica says:
I had Mirena put in this November to help me with horrible menstrual issues and birth control as well. At my 30 day follow up appointment after a month of constant cramps and spotting I asked them to just remove it. When the midwife tried to remove it she couldn’t because the strings had disappeared, ultra sound showed it was implanted in my uterus and i was told it would need to be surgically removed. Had it taken out via D&C under anistesia 2 days before Christmas. I would never suggest anyone do this nor would I have had I known my result would be this.
Posted on December 27, 2016 at 8:53 pm
Brittany says:
I had my iud placed yesterday and had horrible pain today and had ultrasound and X-ray done and it has completely preforated my uterus and is my pelvis and has to be surgically removed tomorrow!
Posted on July 10, 2019 at 8:00 pm
Christina says:
I had the IUD Marina place in after I had my son nine years ago five years after I had my son I went in for some other issues due to a car accident and they notified me my IUD was out of place I thought as fast as they put it in as fast as they could take it out not the case I went in to have me poked improved for at least a good half an hour to tell me that they could not get it out very upset in tears I was informed I had to have surgery to remove this not a happy camper since after having it removed my periods have been having nausea And bad abdominal pain I recommend it before you ever get the IUD do your research because they definitely did not tell me that it was going to be like this if I had of known what I know now I would have never got it hoping that I will still be able to have children after this would like to seek legal advice
Posted on October 4, 2019 at 6:31 am
Katie says:
In January 2004 I had a 3 week premature son who ended up spending 29 days in the NICU. After his birth and all we went through i decided to have a IUD put in so we would wouldnt get pregnant. I had it put in at my 6 week check up. Little did I know that would be the last child I would ever carry a child.. in may of 2005 i had absolutely had it with all the bleeding and cramping. my dr then had to in surgically to remove my idu and the my tubes. Because the iud had in-beded into my uterus. They where able to “cut it out” without effecting my uterus.
Wow where they wrong. By Sept 2005 I was going in for a emergency partial hysterectomy. They where just going to remove my uterus laparoscopically and be done with it. Well once they got in they found that my uterus was completely rock hard and so was one of my ovaries. So they had to cut me from hip to hip to remove my uterus and ovary. At 28 I was thrown into a hormonal rollercoaster. I was a mess. My mood was up and down, hot flashes, I was just miserable..
About 3 years past and I started having alot of abdominal pain and problems urinating. I went through test after test after test to try and figure out why I was in so much pain. They finally decided to go in and look around. My 1 ovary that was left was all scar tissue. And so was a small portion of my bladder and with a dot size section on the outside wall of my vigina. That’s when all the surgeries began. From 2009 – 2017. They have been chasing endometriosis ever since. Until my dr sliced my bowl and vigina..
So in short.. having a iud put in was the worst thing I could have ever done. It has ruined my sex life and has caused me pain from the moment I wake up tell the moment I go to sleep. I am urinating at least every 2 hours and it will just get worse the rest of my life.
Posted on November 5, 2019 at 10:28 pm
Amber says:
Had the IUD start to go though the wall of my uterus had to have it removed after 5 months of having it in now I always have pain in my lower stomach and still no cycles pain during intercourse just sucks especially at 31
Posted on March 10, 2020 at 11:35 am
Esperanza says:
I’ve had two Mirena IUD’s one put in 2018 and one put in last year and it came out this June and I’ve been experiencing about issues and I had one cycle but it was just all clotting. The first Mirena was just missed placed the second one the obgyn
check it out even though it was perforated she thought I should go and have it removed and then she removed it and since then I’ve been having issues. I’m confused about where I go From here. It’s very overwhelming
Posted on July 22, 2020 at 8:26 pm
B says:
They seriously need to reopen this case because my iud was in the wrong place as the doctor put it as she worked feverishly to remove it and I fainted ! I always thought about that like how the hell was it placed wrong but I only made the connection to bullshit as I am dealing with major injury’s all this time later that I know is because of that DAMN MIRINA !
Posted on November 6, 2023 at 1:57 am